Arms race -- Prevention : Avoiding a post-INF missile race : brief for "US-Russia Dialogue on Nuclear Issues: Does Arms Control Have a Future?", CNS-CENESS meeting in Moscow, November 7, 2019 / Dr. Nikolai Sokov
Arms race -- Social aspects -- Congresses. : End the arms race : fund human needs : proceedings of the 1986 Vancouver Centennial Peace and Disarmament Symposium / edited by, Thomas L. Perry and James G. Foulks
arms supply. : Defence procurement in the European Union : the current debate / report of an EUISS task force ; Chairman and rapporteur: Burkard Schmitt
Arms transfers -- Africa, North : The changing patterns of arms imports in the Middle East and North Africa / Anthony H. Cordesman
Arms transfers -- Africa, Southern : Small arms management and peacekeeping in southern Africa / contributors, Christopher Smith, Peter Batchelor, Jakkie Potgieter
Arms transfers -- Africa, West -- Congresses : West Africa small arms moratorium : high-level consultations on the modalities for the implementation of PCASED : a report of the experts' meeting and the civil society meeting, 23-24 March 1999, Bamako, Mali / Jacqueline Seck
Arms transfers -- Bulgaria : The Bulgarian defense industry : strategic options for transformation, reorientation & NATO integration / Curtis M. Coward, working group chairman ; Jeffrey P. Bialos, author and rapporteur
Arms transfers -- Case studies : High seas satellite launches : paragon of post-Cold War cooperation or unregulated danger? / Daniel Kempton & Susan Balc
Arms transfers -- Czech Republic : The impact on domestic policy of the EU Code of Conduct on Arms Exports : the Czech Republic, the Netherlands and Spain