Arma nuclear. : Coming to terms with security : a lexicon for arms control, disarmament and confidence-building / Steve Tulliu and Thomas Schmalberger = En buenos términos con la seguridad : diccionario sobre control de armamentos, desarme y fomento de la confianza / Steve Tulliu y Thomas Schmalberger
Arma química. : Coming to terms with security : a lexicon for arms control, disarmament and confidence-building / Steve Tulliu and Thomas Schmalberger = En buenos términos con la seguridad : diccionario sobre control de armamentos, desarme y fomento de la confianza / Steve Tulliu y Thomas Schmalberger
Arma (registro) : Developing a mechanism to prevent illicit brokering in small arms and light weapons : scope and implications
Armada. : The return of the armadas : the last years of the Elizabethan war against Spain, 1595-1603 / R.B. Wernham
Armada, 1588 -- Congresses. : England and the Spanish Armada : papers arising from the 1988 conference, University College, University of New South Wales, Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra, Australia / edited by Jeff Doyle and Bruce Moore
Armada, 1588, in literature -- Congresses. : England and the Spanish Armada : papers arising from the 1988 conference, University College, University of New South Wales, Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra, Australia / edited by Jeff Doyle and Bruce Moore
Armada, 1588 -- Sources. : The Great enterprise : the history of the Spanish Armada, as revealed in contemporary documents / selected and edited by Stephen Usherwood