Aristotle. Physics -- Commentaries : Quaestiones super octo libros physicorum Aristotelis (secundum ultimam lecturam) libri I-II / John Buridan ; edited by Michiel Streijger, Paul J.J.M. Bakker ; introduction by Johannes M.M.H. Thijssen ; a guide to the text by Edith D. Sylla
Aristotle. Physics -- Commentaries -- Early works to 1800 : Quaestiones super octo libros physicorum Aristotelis (secundum ultimam lecturam) libri I-II / John Buridan ; edited by Michiel Streijger, Paul J.J.M. Bakker ; introduction by Johannes M.M.H. Thijssen ; a guide to the text by Edith D. Sylla
Aristotle. Poetics -- Commentaries : Aristotle Poetics : editio maior of the Greek text with historical introductions and philological commentaries / by Leonardo Tarán (Greek and Latin, edition of the Greek text) and Dimitri Gutas (Arabic and Syriac)
Aristotle. Prior analytics -- Commentaries -- Early works to 1800 : David the Invincible, commentary on Aristotle's Prior analytics : critical Old Armenian text / with an English translation, introduction, and notes by Aram Topchyan ; [edited] by Aram Topchyan