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Book Cover
Author Pade, Marianne

Title Renaissance Readings of the Corpus Aristotelicum : Papers from the Conference held in Copenhagen 23-25 April 1998, Volume 9
Published Copenhagen : Museum Tusculanum Press, 2000


Description 1 online resource (200 pages)
Series Renæssancestudier
Renæssance studier.
Contents Cover; Title page ; Colophone ; Contents ; Preface; The Reception of the Political Aristotle in the Late Middle Ages by Gert Sørensen; Ethics as Philology: A Developing Approach to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics in Florentine Humanism by David A. Lines; Aristotle and perspective in the Early Italian Renaissance by Marianne Marcussen; Greek and Latin Learning in Theodore Gaza's Antirrheticon by John Monfasani; Metaphysics or Empirical Science? The two Faces of Aristotelian Natural Philosophy in the Sixteenth Century by Eckhard Keßler
The Aristotelian Classification of Knowledge in the Early Sixteenth Century by Heikki MikkeliGiovan Francesco Pico e i presupposti della sua critica ad Aristotele di Cesare Vasoli; The Transformations of Alexander of Aphrodisias' Interpretation of Aristotle's Theory of the Soul by Olaf Pluta; Renaissance Readings of the Corpus Aristotelicum -- not Among the Herbalists by Peter Wagner; Description, Division, Definition -Cæsalpinus and the study of plants as an independent discipline by Kristian Jensen; Caspar Bartholin by Sten Ebbesen
Joannes Cottunios di Verria e il neoaristotelismo padovano di Antonis FyrigosPolitical Aristotelianism in the Seventeenth Century by Bo Lindberg; Index; Back cover
Notes Print version record
Subject Aristotle -- Influence -- Congresses
Philosophy, Renaissance -- Congresses
Influence (Literary, artistic, etc.)
Philosophy, Renaissance
Genre/Form Conference papers and proceedings
Form Electronic book
ISBN 9788763508421