Aristotle. De spiritu. : Aristotle, On the life-bearing spirit (De spiritu) : a discussion with Plato and his predecessors on pneuma as the instrumental body of the soul / introduction, translation, and commentary by Abraham P. Bos and Rein Ferwerda
Aristotle. Eudemian ethics -- Congresses : The eudemian ethics on the voluntary, friendship, and luck : the Sixth S.V. Keeling Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy / edited by Fiona Leigh
Aristotle. Generation and corruption : Al-Hasan ibn Musa al-Nawbahti : commentary on Aristotle De generatione et corruptione / edition, translation and commentary by Marwan Rashed
Aristotle -- Indexes : A vocabulary of the ancient commentators on Aristotle : combining the Greek-English indexes from the eponymous series spanning works from the 2nd century CE to late antiquity / Richard D. McKirahan
Aristotle. Metaphysics. Book 1 -- Congresses : Aristotle's Metaphysics Alpha : Symposium Aristotelicum / edited by Carlos Steel ; [with a new critical edition of the Greek text] by Oliver Primavesi
Aristotle. Metaphysics. Book 4. 5. : Epistemology after Protagoras : responses to relativism in Plato, Aristotle, and Democritus / Mi-Kyoung Lee
Aristotle. Metaphysics. Book 4-6 : Metaphysics. Books [gamma], [delta], and [epsilon] / Aristotle ; translated with notes by Christopher Kirwan