Aristotle -- Critisism and interpretation : Nicomachean ethics / Aristotle ; translation (with historical introduction) by Christopher Rowe ; philosophical introduction and commentary by Sarah Broadie
Aristotle. De anima -- Congresses : Ancient perspectives on Aristotle's De anima / edited by Gerd Van Riel and Pierre Destrée ; with the assistance of Cyril K. Crawford and Leen Van Campe
Aristotle. De incessu animalium. : Aristotle on how animals move : the De incessu animalium : text, translation, and interpretative essays / edited by Andrea Falcon and Stasinos Stavrianeas ; Greek text prepared by Pantelis Golitsis
Aristotle. De intellectu. : Philosophiehistorie als Rezeptionsgeschichte : die Reaktion auf Aristoteles' De Anima-Noetik : der frühe Hellenismus / Andreas Kamp
Aristotle. De motu animalium -- Criticism, Textual : Aristotle, De motu animalium : a new critical edition of the Greek text / by Oliver Primavesi ; with an English translation by Benjamin Morison ; and an introduction by Christof Rapp and Oliver Primavesi
Aristotle. De mundo. : Cosmic order and divine power : Pseudo-Aristotle, On the cosmos / introduction, text, translation and interpretative essays by Johan C. Thom [and 7 others] ; edited by Johan C. Thom