Architecture -- Zimbabwe : Representation and materialization of architecture and space in Zimbabwe : between national icons and dispositifs / Langtone Maunganidze
Architectus. / : Architectus : between order and opportunity / [edited by] Haig Beck and Jackie Cooper
Architectus: Bowes Clifford Thomson -- See Architectus
Architectuur. : Living architecture, living cities : soul-nourishing sustainability / Christopher Day ; with Julie Gwilliam
Architectuurmodellen -- Conservation and restoration -- Spain -- Barcelona. : Das Modell : Antoni Gaudis Hängemodell und seine Rekonstruktion : neue Erkenntnisse zum Entwurf für die Kirche der Colonia Güell / Jos Tomlow ; mit einem Vorwort von Rainer Graefe und Frei Otto, und einem Beitrag von Harald Szeemann = The model : Antoni Gaudi's hanging model and its reconstruction : new light on the design of the Church of Colonia Güell / Jos Tomlow ; with a preface by Rainer Graefe and Frei Otto, and a contribution by Harald Szeemann
Architectuurmodellen -- Technique. : Architectural models : construction techniques / Wolfgang Knoll and Martin Hechinger ; with 208 photographs by Hans-Joachim Heyer ; translated from the German by R.M.E. Diamant
Architektur -- Ästhetik -- Aufsatzsammlung. : The architect, the cook, and good taste / [concept and copy editing], Petra Hagen Hodgson, Rolf Toyka ; [translation, Michael Robinson and others] ; on behalf of the Academy of the Hesse Chamber of Architects and Town Planners