Architecture -- Philippines -- Pictorial works. : Filipino style / photographs by Luca Invernizzi Tettoni, Tara Sosrowardoyo ; with additional photography by Emil Davocol ; text by Rene Javellana, Fernando Nakpil Zialcita, Elizabeth V. Reyes
Architecture -- Philosophy -- 16th century : Daniele Barbaro and the University of Padova : architecture, art and science on the occasion of the 450th anniversary of his death / Cosimo Monteleone, Kim Williams, editors
Architecture -- Philosophy -- Bibliography. : Architectural theory and practice from Alberti to Ledoux / edited by Dora Wiebenson ; foreword by Adolf Placzek ; contributions by James S. Ackerman ... [and others]
Architecture photographers -- Biography : Visual acoustics : the modernism of Julius Shulman / a Visual Acoustics, LLC/Shulman Project Partners, L.P./Out of the Box Prod. ; a film by Eric Bricker ; written by Eric Bricker, Phil Ethington ; executive producers, Lisa Hughes, Michelle Oliver ; produced by Babette Zilch ; produced and directed by Eric Bricker
Architecture -- Poland -- 19th century -- Catalogs. : Karl Friedrich Schinkel : das architektonische Werk heute = The architectural work today / herausgegeben von Hillert Ibbeken, Elke Blauert ; mit Beiträgen von Martina Abri ... [and others] ; Photographien, Hillert Ibbeken ; [Übersetzung ins Englische, Michael Robinson]
Architecture -- Poland -- Early works to 1800 : Remarks on architecture : the Vitruvian tradition in enlightenment Poland / Ignacy Potocki ; edited and translated by Carolyn C. Guile
Architecture -- Political aspects -- Benin : The pre-colonial state in West Africa : building power in Dahomey / J. Cameron Monroe, University of California, Santa Cruz