Architects -- Canada -- Bibliography : Art and architecture in Canada : a bibliography and guide to the literature to 1981 = Art et architecture au Canada : bibliographie et guide de la documentation jusqu'en 1981 / Loren R. Lerner & Mary F. Williamson
Architects -- Charitable contributions -- United States. : The power of pro bono : 40 stories about design for the public good by architects and their clients / edited by John Cary and Public Architecture ; foreword by Majora Carter
Architects Collaborative, Inc. / : The Architects Collaborative : 1945-1965 / edited by W. Gropius ... [and others]
Architects -- Colombia : Construyendo identidades en el lugar = building identities in place / Carlos Iván Rueda Plata, Ph. D
Architects -- Employment -- Australia. : E.A.R.G. study for Board of Architects, N.S.W. : a report of a research project into the employment and attitudes of recent graduates in New South Wales
Architects, English : The architects of London and their buildings from 1066 to the present day / by A. Service with photographs by W.J. Toomey ... [and others]
Architects -- Europe -- History -- 20th century. : Building a new Europe : portraits of modern architects, essays by George Nelson, 1935-36 / George Nelson ; introduction by Kurt W. Forster ; foreword by Robert A.M. Stern