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Title Scope: Famous Scientists
Published Australia : TEN, 2011
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Description 1 online resource (streaming video file) (24 min. 7 sec.) ; 144148862 bytes
Summary Albert Einstein may be the best known name in science but he's not the only famous scientist whose work has shaped life in the 21st century. From radioactive cats, to cranes, to parachutes join Dr Rob as he takes a trip through time and SCOPES out Archimedes, Da Vinci, Tesla and a heap of other Famous Scientists! ARCHIMEDES: HOW CRANES WORKArchimedes was a mathematician, physicist, engineer and astronomer, and is probably most famous for taking a bath! But Archimedes didn't just look at density and buoyancy, he also invented the compound pulley. Chris Drinan, a crane operator for Lend Lease, shows how this seemingly simple invention has some far reaching applications.LAB BREAKDOWN: NEWSTON'S CRADLEIt looks cool, is fun to play with and is named after a famous scientist - but where's the science in a Newton's Cradle? Dr Rob breaks it down.DA VINCI: PARACHUTESHe painted the Mona Lisa, was a sculptor and musician, and is credited with inventing the helicopter, the tank, submarines, and a calculator. But Suzie McEvoy, a professional skydiver, explains why she thinks one of Da Vinci's other inventions is a life saver.PASTEUR: HYGIENEThe milk you drink lasts longer and has much less bacteria due to pasteurisation, a process devised by Louis Pasteur. But, as dentist Dr Christopher Souvlis explains, Pasteur's discovery that most diseases and infections are caused by micro-organisms also changed modern medicine forever!JUNIOR EXPERIMENT: GALILEO'S FALLING OBJECTSGalileo challenged scientific theories about the speed of falling objects that had been in place for hundreds of years. But don't take our word for it - try this experiment and see for yourself!CURIE: RADIOMEDICINEMarie Curie, was a pioneer in the field of radioactivity, won two Nobel prizes and has an element, Curium, named after her. Not only this, but as Geraldine Hunt, Associate Professor at the University Veterinary Centre - Sydney explains, this amazing lady is still making a difference to patients of all sizes!TESLA: WIRELESS TECHNOLOGYTesla is described as the man who invented the 20th Century because so much of his research focused around electricity, magnetism and wireless communications, and most modern technology is built around these principles. Dr Greg Timms, Microwave Physicist with the CSIRO, is researching modern applications of Tesla's theories.So be sure to fight past the paparazzi as Dr Rob tracks down these Famous Scientists, revealing once again that the ordinary becomes extraordinary, under the SCOPE
Event Broadcast 2011-06-23 at 08:00:00
Notes Classification: G
Subject Air resistance.
Cranes, derricks, etc. -- Standards.
Leonardo, da Vinci, 1452-1519.
Form Streaming video
Author Bell, Robert, host