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Title Ancient impossible. Ultimate weapons / directors, Stuart Clarke, Bo Channon, David Zigerelli, Simon Mansfield ; US producer, Katie Gilbert ; produced by Wild Dream Films for H2 Network
Published New York, NY : A&E Television Networks, 2014


Description 1 online resource (42 minutes)
Series Ancient Impossible
Summary How did the Ancients move impossibly huge objects? Why did the Roman forces at the siege of Masada decide to shift an entire mountain by hand? Episode: Ultimate Weapons: We think of weapons of mass destruction as a modern concept, but the ancients also created fearsome weapons
Performer Narrator, Bill Graves
Notes In English
Title from resource description page (viewed January 11, 2024)
Subject Archimedes
Weapons, Ancient.
Genre/Form Documentary television programs.
Documentaires télévisés.
Form Streaming video
Author Channon, Bo, director
Clarke, Stuart (Television director), director
Zigerelli, David, director
Mansfield, Simon (Television director), director
Gilbert, Katie (Television producer), producer
Wild Dream Films, production company.
Arts and Entertainment Network, publisher.
Other Titles Ultimate weapons