Archbold, N. W. (Neil Wilfred) : Contribution to science and natural history : a memorial publication in honour of Professor Neil W. Archbold : proceedings of the Neil W. Archbold Memorial Symposium, The Royal Society of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia 24 November 2006 / edited by D.R. Shi, D.A. McCann, J.A. Talent, R.R. Pierson, E.A. Weldon
Arche de Noé dans l'art. : The Art of medieval technology : images of Noah the shipbuilder / Richard W. Unger
Arche de Noé -- Moyen âge. : The Art of medieval technology : images of Noah the shipbuilder / Richard W. Unger
Arche de Zoé (Organization) -- Drama : The white knights = les chevaliers blancs / un film de Joachim Lafosse; produced by Belgium's Versus Production and Les Films du Worso in France, with co-production support from France 3 Cinéma, RTBF, Belgacom and Prime Time
One of the three domains of life (the others being BACTERIA and Eukarya), formerly called Archaebacteria under the taxon Bacteria, but now considered separate and distinct. They are characterized by: (1) the presence of characteristic tRNAs and ribosomal RNAs; (2) the absence of peptidoglycan cell walls; (3) the presence of ether-linked lipids built from branched-chain subunits; and (4) their occurrence in unusual habitats. While archaea resemble bacteria in morphology and genomic organization, they resemble eukarya in their method of genomic replication. The domain contains at least four kingdoms: CRENARCHAEOTA; EURYARCHAEOTA; NANOARCHAEOTA; and KORARCHAEOTA
The developmental stage that follows BLASTULA or BLASTOCYST. It is characterized by the morphogenetic cell movements including invagination, ingression, and involution. Gastrulation begins with the formation of the PRIMITIVE STREAK, and ends with the formation of three GERM LAYERS, the body plan of the mature organism
The developmental stage that follows BLASTULA or BLASTOCYST. It is characterized by the morphogenetic cell movements including invagination, ingression, and involution. Gastrulation begins with the formation of the PRIMITIVE STREAK, and ends with the formation of three GERM LAYERS, the body plan of the mature organism
Archeoastronomie. : Exploring ancient skies : an encyclopedic survey of archaeoastronomy / David H. Kelley, Eugene F. Milone ; foreword by Anthony F. Aveni
Archéologie -- Chine. : The Cambridge history of ancient China : from the origins of civilization to 221 B.C. / edited by Michael Loewe and Edward L. Shaughnessy
Archéologie Frontières : Places in between : the archaeology of social, cultural and geographical borders and borderlands / edited by David Mullin
Archeologie funeraire. : Death rituals, social order, and the archaeology of immortality in the ancient world : death shall have no dominion / edited by Colin Renfrew, Michael J. Boyd, Iain Morley
Archéologie Grèce Congrès : Time, tradition, and society in Greek archaeology : bridging the 'great divide' / edited by Nigel Spencer