Arbitration and award -- Arab countries -- Congresses. : Euro-Arab arbitration III = Arbitrage Euro-Arabe III : proceedings of the Third Euro-Arab Arbitration Congress, Amman : under the high patronage of His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince Hassan IBn Talal, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Arbitration and award -- Australia -- History. : The new province for law and order : 100 years of Australian industrial conciliation and arbitration / edited by Stuart Macintyre and Joseph Isaac
Arbitration and award -- Austria -- Cases. : Entscheidungen der Schiedsinstanz für Naturalrestitution. Band 5 / Allgemeiner Entschädigungsfonds für Opfer des Nationalsozialismus ; Josef Aicher, Erich Kussbach, August Reinisch (Hrsg.) = Decisions of the Arbitration Panel for 'in rem' restitution / General Settlement Fund for Victims of National Socialism ; Josef Aicher, Erich Kussbach, August Reinisch (eds.)
Arbitration and award -- Case studies : Confidentiality in international commercial arbitration : a comparative analysis of the position under English, US, German and French law / by Kyriaki Noussia
Arbitration and award Conflict of laws Europe : L'arbitre et le juge étatique : Études de droit comparé à la mémoire de Giuseppe Tarzia / Achille Saletti, Jacques van Compernolle, and Jean-François van Drooghenbroeck
Arbitration and award Conflict of laws European Union countries : EU law and international investment arbitration : the compatibility of ISDS in bilateral investment treaties (BITs) and the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) with the autonomy of EU law / by Michael De Boeck
Arbitration and award Conflict of laws India Congresses : International arbitration and national courts : the never ending story / general editor, Albert Jan van den Berg ; with the assistance of the International Bureau of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, the Hague
Arbitration and award -- Data processing. : Online dispute resolution for business : B2B, e-commerce, consumer, employment, insurance, and other commercial conflicts / Colin Rule
Arbitration and award -- Early works to 1800 : A short treatise on the law relative to arbitration : containing adjudged cases on that useful subject to the present time : digested and arranged under familiar heads, with an appendix of useful precedents / by John Wilson, member of the Yorkshire Law Society