Aragon Archives Spain History : Escritura, poder y archivo : la organización documental de la Diputación del Reino de Aragón (siglos XV-XVIII) / Diego Navarro Bonilla
Aragon Documentation Spain History : Escritura, poder y archivo : la organización documental de la Diputación del Reino de Aragón (siglos XV-XVIII) / Diego Navarro Bonilla
Aragon Jewish women Spain To 1500 : Vivencias, emociones y perfiles femeninos : judeoconversas e Inquisición en Aragón en el siglo XV / Miguel Ángel Motis Dolader
Aragon Law Spain History : If not, not : the oath of the Aragonese and the legendary laws of Sobrarbe / Ralph E. Giesey
Aragon Legal polycentricity Spain History To 1500 : The Islamic and crown law within the Aragonese legal space in the fourteenth century : juridical lacunas and social dialogue / Irina Shilova-Varyash ; with a foreword by Rustam Shukurov
Aragon Medical care Spain History : Medicine before the plague : practitioners and their patients in the crown of Aragon, 1285-1345 / Michael R. McVaugh
Aragon Medicine, Medieval Spain : Medicine before the plague : practitioners and their patients in the crown of Aragon, 1285-1345 / Michael R. McVaugh
Aragon Moriscos Spain History 16th century : Like wheat to the miller : community, convivencia, and the construction of Morisco identity in sixteenth-century Aragon / by Mary Halavais
Aragon Mudéjares Spain History : The mercenary Mediterranean : sovereignty, religion, and violence in the medieval crown of Aragon / Hussein Fancy
Aragon Muslims Legal status, laws, etc Spain History To 1500 : The Islamic and crown law within the Aragonese legal space in the fourteenth century : juridical lacunas and social dialogue / Irina Shilova-Varyash ; with a foreword by Rustam Shukurov
Aragon Nonprofit organizations Spain : Mimbres de un país : sociedad civil y sector no lucrativo en Aragón / Grupo de Estudios Sociales y Económicos del Sector No Lucrativo (GESES), Ana Bellostas Pérez-Grueso [and others]
Aragon Oaths Spain History : If not, not : the oath of the Aragonese and the legendary laws of Sobrarbe / Ralph E. Giesey