Arachnida -- Geographical distribution. : A review of the world distribution of oribatid mites (Acari:Cryptostigmata) in relation to continental drift / by Marie Hammer and John A. Wallwork
Arad, Ron, 1958- : 60 minutes. Forgotten hostage / produced by Rome Hartman
Aradale Psychiatric Hospital. / : The investigative task force's findings on the Aradale Psychiatric Hospital and Residential Institution
Aradale Training Centre (Vic.) : Evaluation of the Relocation of the Aradale and Mayday Hills Clients Project / Cliff Picton, Brian Cooper and Lloyd Owen
Arafat, Yasir, 1929-2004 -- Interviews : Face the nation. Sunday, September 7, 1975 / produced by Mary O. Yates ; directed by Robert Vitarelli ; a production of CBS News
Arafura Sea Exploratory fishing : Exploratory trawl surveys by FRV Soela in the Australian Fishing Zone sector of the Timor-Arafura Seas and in the Gulf of Carpentaria, 1980-81 / W. Okera and J.S. Gunn
Arafura Sea Fishery resources : Exploratory trawl surveys by FRV Soela in the Australian Fishing Zone sector of the Timor-Arafura Seas and in the Gulf of Carpentaria, 1980-81 / W. Okera and J.S. Gunn