Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Preface -- Contents -- 1 Apraxia before Liepmann: Mind-palsy, asymbolia, and apraxia -- 2 Hugo Karl Liepmann -- 3 The decline of diagrams -- 4 Return of the ostracized -- 5 High and low levels of action control -- 6 Imitation: A direct route from vision to action? -- 7 Body part specificity -- 8 Use of single tools -- 9 Naturalistic action -- 10 Communicative gestures: Pantomime of tool use -- 11 Communicating with gestures -- 12 Apraxia in left-handers -- 13 Approaching apraxia from the motor side -- 14 Callosal apraxia and intermanual conflict -- 15 The cognitive side of motor control -- 16 Levels of therapy -- References -- Subject Index -- Author Index -- Footnotes
Apraxia is a symptom of cerebral lesions that has puzzled clinicians and researchers for some 100 years. It has engendered many fascinating descriptions and a wide diversity of conflicting theoretical accounts. This book is the first one that gives a comprehensive account of clinical and experimental findings on all manifestations of apraxia as well as of the history and the philosophical underpinning of theories on apraxia. The review of contemporary evidence is illustrated with vivid descriptions of clinical examples. The historical part reveals early precursors of the concept of apraxia in