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Book Cover
Author Portwood, Madeleine M.

Title Understanding developmental dyspraxia : a textbook for students and professionals / Madeleine Portwood
Published London : David Fulton, 2000


Location Call no. Vol. Availability
Description 166 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
Contents 1. Defining dyspraxia -- 2. Dyspraxia: the neurological basis -- 3. Developmental differences between the sexes -- 4. Observable characteristics -- 5. Neuropsychological assessment -- 6. Parental observations and clinical assessment -- 7. The role of the Education and Health Authorities in identifying and making provision for children with special educational needs -- 8. Optimising the educational environment -- 9. Intervention in a residential setting: Elemore Hall School -- 10. The future -- App. 1. The Dyspraxia Foundation -- App. 2. Dyspraxia Foundation publications -- App. 3. List of local Dyspraxia Foundation co-ordinators -- App. 4. Useful names and addresses
Summary "This textbook will appeal to professionals in the field and to undergraduate and postgraduate students preparing for careers in teaching, physiotherapy, occupational and speech therapy, psychology, nursing and general practice." "An emphasis is placed on the theoretical aspects of Developmental Dyspraxia, the latest research data and the neurological basis of the condition - yet the focus is to enable professionals to diagnose the disorder and determine the most appropriate and effective methods of intervention."--Book jacket
Analysis Child & developmental psychology
Notes Includes index
Bibliography Bibliography: pages [157]-164
Subject Apraxia -- Diagnosis.
Children with perceptual disabilities.
Movement disorders in children.
Children with disabilities -- Education -- Great Britain.
Apraxia -- Great Britain.
Motor ability in children.
Movement Disorders.
Disabled Children -- education.
Psychomotor Disorders.
United Kingdom.
ISBN 1853465747 paperback
Other Titles Developmental dyspraxia