Apalachee Indians -- History -- Sources : Here they once stood : the tragic end of the Apalachee missions / Mark F. Boyd, Hale G. Smith, and John W. Griffin ; series editor's foreword by Jerald T. Milanich
Aparato circulatorio -- Fisiología : Mathematical modeling and validation in physiology : applications to the cardiovascular and respiratory systems / Jerry J. Batzel, Mostafa Bachar, Franz Kappel, editors
Aparell digestiu -- Malalties. : Textbook of clinical gastroenterology and hepatology / editors, C.J. Hawkey [and others]
Aparell genital. : Disorders-differences of sex development : an integrated approach to management / John M. Hutson, Sonia R. Grover, Michele A. O'Connell, Aurore Bouty, Chloe A. Hanna, editors
Aparell genitourinari. : Urologic oncology : multidisciplinary care for patients / Kelly L. Stratton, Alicia K. Morgans, editors
Aparell lacrimal. : Anatomy of the eyelid, orbit, and lacrimal system : a dissection manual / Edward H. Bedrossian, Jr, Richard R. Schmidt, Robert C. Della Rocca, Bradley N. Lemke, editors
Aparells d'ortodòncia. : Controversies in clear aligner therapy : contemporary perspectives, limitations, and solutions / Anderson T. Huang, Darren Huang
Aparells i instruments Electrònica : Metodología básica de instrumentación industrial y electrónica / Alfredo José Constaín, Efraín Bernal Alzate
Aparells i instruments Oftalmologia : Optical devices in ophthalmology and optometry : technology, design principles and clinical applications / by Michael Kaschke, Karl-Heinz Donnerhacke, Michael Stefan Rill
Aparells i instruments Optometria : Optical devices in ophthalmology and optometry : technology, design principles and clinical applications / by Michael Kaschke, Karl-Heinz Donnerhacke, Michael Stefan Rill
Aparells i instruments quirúrgics. : 101 of surgical instruments : naming, recognizing, handling and presenting / Margret Liehn, Hannelore Schlautmann