Antitakeover strategies -- Case studies : Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan : a takeover bid focuses attention on the potash market / Judy Chevalier & Jaan Elias
Antitank missiles. : Precision-guided munitions and the neutron bomb / by Robert C. Aldridge
Endogenous factors and drugs that directly inhibit the action of THROMBIN, usually by blocking its enzymatic activity. They are distinguished from INDIRECT THROMBIN INHIBITORS, such as HEPARIN, which act by enhancing the inhibitory effects of antithrombins
Antitoxins -- United States : Giving full measure to countermeasures : addressing problems in the DoD program to develop medical countermeasures against biological warfare agents / Committee on Accelerating the Research, Development, and Acquisition of Medical Countermeasures against Biological Warfare Agents, Medical Follow-up Agency and Board on Life Sciences ; Lois M. Joellenbeck, Jane S. Durch, and Leslie Z. Benet, editors
Those federal and state laws, and their enforcement, that protect trade and commerce from unlawful restraints and monopolies or unfair business practices
Antitrust investigations -- Latin America : Market entry and competition law in Latin America : the role of economic development in antitrust analysis / Francisco Eduardo Beneke Avila
Antitrust law -- Africa, Sub-Saharan : Making markets work for Africa : markets, development, and competition law in Sub-Saharan Africa / by Eleanor M. Fox and Mor Bakhoum