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Title Adoptive immunotherapy : methods and protocols / edited by Burkhard Ludewig and Matthias W. Hoffmann
Published Totowa, N.J. : Humana Press, ©2005


Description 1 online resource (xvi, 500 pages) : illustrations
Series Methods in molecular medicine ; 109
Methods in molecular medicine ; 109. 1543-1894
Contents Exploiting dendritic cells for active immunotherapy of cancer and chronic infection / David O'Neill and Nina Bhardwaj -- A mathematical approach for optimizing dendritic cell-based immunotherapy / Gennady Bocharov, Neville J. Ford, and Burkhard Ludewig -- Delivery of tumor antigens to dendritic cells using biodegradable microspheres / Ying Waeckerle-Men, Bruno Gander, and Markus Groettrup -- RNA transfection of dendritic cells / Frank Grünebach, Martin R. Müller, and Peter Brossart -- Isolation and generation of clinical-grade dendritic cells using the CliniMACS system / John D.M. Campbell [and others] -- Generation of clinical grade monocyte-derived dendritic cells using the CliniMACS system / Thomas Putz [and others]
Adenoviral transduction of dendritic cells / Rienk Offringa [and others] -- Generation of autologous peptide- and protein-pulsed dendritic cells for patient-specific immunotherapy / David O'Neill and Nina Bhardwaj -- Phenotypical and functional characterization of clinical-grade dendritic cells / I. Jolanda M. de Vries [and others] -- Dendritic cells in clinical trials for multiple myeloma / Volker L. Reichardt and Peter Brossart -- Identification of tumor-associated autoantigens with SEREX / Özlem Türeci [and others] -- Application of proteomics and protein analysis for biomarker and target finding for immunotherapy / Petra Weingarten [and others] -- Isolation and expansion of tumor-reactive cytotoxic T-cell clones for adoptive immunotherapy / Helga Bernhard [and others]
Tracking adoptively transferred antigen-specific T-cells with peptide/MHC multimers / Norbert Meidenbauer and Andreas Mackensen -- Gene transfer of MHC-restricted receptors / Helmut W.H.G. Kessels, Monika C. Wolkers, and Ton N.M. Schumacher -- Immunotherapy with CTL restricted by nonself MHC / Liquan Gao, Anne-Marie Downs, and Hans J. Stauss -- Designing TCR for cancer immunotherapy / Ralf-Holger Voss, Jürgen Kuball, Matthias Theobald -- Isolation and expansion of tumor-specific CD4+ T-cells by means of cytokine secretion / Christian Becker -- Methods for the ex vivo characterization of human CD8+ T subsets based on gene expression and replicative history analysis / Nathalie Rufer, Patrick Reichenbach, and Pedro Romero
Regulatory T cells in antitumor therapy: isolation and functional of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T-cells / Helmut Jonuleit and Edgar Schmitt -- Monoclonal antibody-based strategies in autoimmunity and transplantation / Lucienne Chatenoud -- Producing bispecific and bifunctional antibodies / Dipankar Das and Mavanur R. Suresh -- Antibody/cytokine fusion proteins for the therapy of cancer / Gustavo Helguera and Manuel L. Penichet -- Synthesis and biological evaluation of a paclitaxel immunoconjugate / Ahmad Safavy and Kevin P. Raisch -- Cytotoxic tumor targeting with scFv antibody-modified liposomes / Cornelia Marty and Reto A. Schwendener -- Intravenous immunoglobin treatment for fibrosis, atherosclerosis, and malignant conditions / Ilan Krause and Yehuda Shoenfeld
Study of T cell costimulatory blockade in vivo at a single cell level / Minh Diem Vu and Xian Chang Li -- Stem cell transplantation: graft-mediated anti-leukemia effects / William J. Hogan and Hans Joachim Deeg -- Influence of radiation protocols on graft-vs-host disease incidence after bone-marrow transplantation in experimental models / Sebastian Schwarte and Matthias W. Hoffmann -- Induction of chimerism and tolerance using freshly purified or cultured hematopoietic stem cells in nonmyeloablated mice / Nikos Emmanouilidis and Christian P. Larsen -- Induction of mixed versus full chimerism to potentiate GVL effects after bone marrow transplantation / Markus Y. Mapara and Megan Sykes -- Application of donor lymphocytes expressing a suicide gene for early GVL induction and later control of GVH reactions after bone marrow transplantation / Attilio Bondanza, Fabio Ciceri, and Chiara Bonini
Summary Over the last decade, major advances in our understanding of the immune system and its mechanisms have led to promising new treatment strategies. In Adoptive Immunotherapy: Methods and Protocols, leading experts describe in detail their optimal techniques for producing and characterizing the immunologically active cells and effector molecules now gaining wide use in the clinical treatment of patients. Taking advantage of the latest technologies, the authors present readily reproducible experimental protocols for the study of dendritic cells, T-cells, monoclonal antibodies, and bone marrow transplantation. The emphasis is on preclinicical and clinical applications and on the progress of selected approaches in clinical trials. Additional chapters cover the molecular definition of target antigens, mathematical modeling approaches to immonotherapy, and the utilization of regulatory T-cells. Theoretical overviews and discussion of future directions for the improvement of adoptive immunotherapy complete the volume. The protocols follow the successful Methods in Molecular Medicine series format, each offering step-by-step laboratory instructions, an introduction outlining the principle behind the technique, lists of the necessary equipment and reagents, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Comprehensive and state-of-the-art, Adoptive Immunotherapy: Methods and Protocols offers an authoritative collection of novel techniques to study the adoptive transfer of tailored antigen-specific immune cells and to improve their clinical application
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Notes English
Print version record
In Springer e-books
Subject Cancer -- Immunotherapy.
Cellular therapy.
Immunocompetent cells -- Therapeutic use
Dendritic cells.
Stem cells -- Transplantation.
T cells.
Immunotherapy, Adoptive -- methods
Antibodies -- therapeutic use
Cytotoxicity, Immunologic
Dendritic Cells
Stem Cell Transplantation
Cell- and Tissue-Based Therapy
MEDICAL -- Oncology.
HEALTH & FITNESS -- Diseases -- Cancer.
T cells
Stem cells -- Transplantation
Dendritic cells
Cancer -- Immunotherapy
Cellular therapy
Genre/Form Laboratory manuals.
Manuels de laboratoire.
Form Electronic book
Author Ludewig, Burkhard
Hoffmann, Matthias W
ISBN 1588294064