Anthropology -- Poetry : A collection of creative anthropologies : drowning in blue light and other stories / Eva van Roekel, Fiona Murphy, editors
Anthropology -- Poland -- History. : Malinowski between two worlds : the Polish roots of an anthropological tradition / edited by Roy Ellen ... [and others]
Here are entered works on political anthropology as a branch of learning. This heading may be divided geographically for works on this branch of learning in a specific place. Works on the political life of particular ethnic groups are entered under the name of the group subdivided by Politics and government. Works on the anthropological aspects of political science are entered under Political science--Anthropological aspects --subdivision Politics and government under names of countries, cities, etc. and under ethnic groups
Anthropology, Prehistoric -- Congresses. : Humanity from African naissance to coming millennia : colloquia in human biology and palaeoanthropology / editors: Phillip V. Tobias ... [and others] ; assisted by Kevin L. Kuykendall and Himla Soodyall
Anthropology, Prehistoric -- Encyclopedias : The Cambridge world prehistory / edited by Colin Renfrew, the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Paul G. Bahn, Independent scholar
Anthropology, Prehistoric -- Japan. : Architectural anthropology : semantic and symbolic architecture, an architectural-ethnological survey into hundred villages of central Japan / Nold Egenter
Anthropology RELIGION Christianity Theology : Theology and evolutionary anthropology : dialogues in wisdom, humility, and grace / edited by Celia Deane-Drummond and Agustín Fuentes
Anthropology -- Research -- America : Border crossings : transnational Americanist anthropology / edited and with an introduction by Kathleen S. Fine-Dare and Steven L. Rubenstein