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Access this resource: Oxford Scholarship Online Individual Owned e-books
Description Full text books covering the following subject areas: Biology, Business and management, History, Literature and Psychology.
Subject area Multi-disciplinary
Database Help Oxford Academic: Using the Content
Other name Oxford University Press Individually Owned e-books
  Oxford UPSO
  Oxford Academic Scholarship Online Individual Owned
  OUP owned e-books


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Click for full text Access catalogue record Dates for online coverage
Accountability in Global Governance : Pluralist Accountability in Global Governance / Gisela Hirschmann
Oxford University Press owned e-books The accountability of armed groups under human rights law / Katharine Fortin
Oxford University Press owned e-books Achilles in love intertextual studies / Marco Fantuzzi
Oxford University Press owned e-books Advances in corporate governance : comparative perspectives / edited by Helmut K. Anheier, Theodor Baums
Oxford University Press owned e-books After 1851 : the material and visual cultures of the Crystal Palace at Sydenham / edited by Kate Nichols, Sarah Victoria Turner
Oxford University Press owned e-books Aiming for global accounting standards : the International Accounting Standards Board, 2001-2011 / Kees Camfferman and Stephen A. Zeff
Oxford University Press owned e-books Alive still : Nell Blaine, American painter / Cathy Curtis
Oxford University Press owned e-books Antarctic lakes / by Johanna Laybourn-Parry, Jemma L. Wadham
Oxford University Press owned e-books Approaching the Roman Revolution : Papers on Republican History
Oxford University Press owned e-books Art and belief / edited by Ema Sullivan-Bissett, Helen Bradley, and Paul Noordhof
Oxford University Press owned e-books The ascent of affect : genealogy and critique / Ruth Leys
Oxford University Press owned e-books Asian data privacy laws : trade and human rights perspectives / Graham Greenleaf
Oxford University Press owned e-books Background practices : essays on the understanding of being / Hubert L. Dreyfus ; edited by Mark A. Wrathall
Oxford University Press owned e-books Ballet class : an American history / Melissa R. Klapper
Oxford University Press owned e-books Bangladeshi migrants in India : foreigners, refugees, or infiltrators? / Rizwana Shamshad
Oxford University Press owned e-books Between truth and power : the legal constructions of informational capitalism / Julie E. Cohen
Oxford University Press owned e-books Beyond loss : dementia, identity, personhood / edited by Lars C. Hydén, Hilde Lindemann, and Jens Brockmeier
Oxford University Press owned e-books Beyond redemption : race, violence, and the American South after the Civil War / Carole Emberton
Oxford University Press owned e-books The Biology of Lakes and Ponds
Oxford University Press owned e-books The biopolitics of Stalinism : ideology and life in Soviet socialism / Sergei Prozorov