Agriculture -- Research -- Guatemala. : Guatemala : development of the Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology (ICTA) and its impact on agricultural research and farm productivity / by J.K. McDermott, David Bathrick
Agriculture -- Research -- Latin America : Technical change and social conflict in agriculture : Latin American perspectives / edited by Martín Piñeiro and Eduardo Trigo
Agriculture -- Research -- Law and legislation. : The commons, plant breeding and agricultural research : challenges for food security and agrobiodiversity / edited by Fabien Girard and Christine Frison
Agriculture -- Research -- Lithuania -- Periodicals : Žemdirbystė : biomedicinos mokslų srities agronomijos krypties : mokslo darbai / Lietuvos Žemdirbystės institutas [ir] Lietuvos Žemes ūkio universitetas = Agriculture : research works of biomedical sciences, agronomy / Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture [and] Lithuanian University of Agriculture = Zemledelie : nauchnye trudy / Litovskiĭ institut zemledelii͡a︡ [i] Litovskiĭ selʹskokhozi͡a︡ĭstvennyĭ universitet
Agriculture -- Research -- United States -- Evaluation : Agriculture, forestry, and fishing research at NIOSH : reviews of research programs of the National Institute for Occupational Safety ahd [sic] Health / Committee to Review the NIOSH Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing Research Program, Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources, National Research Council and Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
Agriculture -- Research -- Vietnam, Northern. : Opening up knowledge production through participatory research? : agricultural research for Vietnam's northern uplands / Jakob Rupert Friederichsen
Agriculture -- Risk assessment : Agriculture value chain -- challenges and trends in academia and industry : RUC-APS / Jorge E. Hernández, Janusz Kacprzyk, editors
Agriculture -- Risk management -- Australia. : Risk management and farming families : perceptions & practices : a report for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation / by Matthew McCarthy & Don Thomson