Agricultural pollution -- Environmental aspects -- United States : Nutrient control actions for improving water quality in the Mississippi River basin and northern Gulf of Mexico / Committee on the Mississippi River and the Clean Water Act: Scientific, Modeling, and Technical Aspects of Nutrient Pollutant Load Allocation and Implementation, Water Science and Technology Board, Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council of the National Academies
Agricultural pollution -- European Union countries. : Governance of water-related conflicts in agriculture : new directions in agri-environmental and water policies in the EU / edited by Floor Brouwer, Ingo Heinz and Thomas Zabel
Agricultural pollution -- Mathematical models -- Congresses. : Agricultural nonpoint source pollution : model selection and application : contributions to a workshop held in June 1984 in Venice, Italy / edited by Aldo Giorgini, Franco Zingales ; coedited by Alessandro Marani, Jacques W. Delleur ; sponsored by National Science Foundation, U.S.A., Consiglio Nazionale della Ricerche, Italy
Agricultural pollution -- Measurement : Measuring emission of agricultural greenhouse gases and developing mitigation options using nuclear and related techniques : applications of nuclear techniques for GHGs / Mohammad Zaman, Lee Heng, Christoph Müller, editors
Agricultural pollution -- Minnesota -- Prevention : Troubled waters : a Mississippi River story / a production of the Bell Museum of Natural History, University of Minnesota ; written and directed by Larkin McPhee ; producer, Larkin McPhee
Agricultural pollution -- Mississippi River : Troubled waters : a Mississippi River story / a production of the Bell Museum of Natural History, University of Minnesota ; written and directed by Larkin McPhee ; producer, Larkin McPhee
Agricultural pollution -- Prevention : Troubled waters : a Mississippi River story / a production of the Bell Museum of Natural History, University of Minnesota ; written and directed by Larkin McPhee ; producer, Larkin McPhee
Agricultural pollution -- Research : The scientific basis for estimating air emissions from animal feeding operations : interim report / Ad Hoc Committee on Air Emissions from Animal Feeding Operations, Committee on Animal Nutrition, Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology, Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council