Agile project management -- Auditing : Agile project management, assurance and auditing : a practical guide for auditors, reviewers and project teams / Christopher Wright
Agile project management -- United States : Healthcare digital transformation : how consumerism, technology and pandemic are accelerating the future / Edward W. Marx and Paddy Padmanabhan ; foreword by Toby Cosgrove, MD
Aging Afferent pathways : Changes in sensory motor behavior in aging / edited by Anne-Marie Ferrandez, Normand Teasdale
Aging -- Africa : Aging and health in Africa / Pranitha Maharaj, editor
Aging -- Africa, Sub-Saharan : Aging in Sub-Saharan Africa : Recommendations for furthering research / Panel on Policy Research and Data Needs to Meet the Challenge of Aging in Africa, Committee on Population, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council of the National Academies ; Barney Cohen and Jane Menken, editors
Aging and the Life Course. : The medicalization of marijuana : legitimacy, stigma, and the patient experience / Michelle Newhart, William Dolphin