Advice columns -- Wisconsin -- Milwaukee : 'Dear Mrs. Griggs' : women readers pour out their hearts from the heartland / Genevieve G. McBride & Stephen R. Byers
Advisory boards -- California : California women get on board! : a report from the California Board and Commission Project / Kate Karpilow, Julia Brootkowski ; prepared for the California State Senate Rules Committee at the request of the Women Legislators Caucus
Advisory boards -- Canada, Northern : Indigenous empowerment through co-management : land claims boards, wildlife management, and environment regulation / Graham White
Committees established by professional societies, health facilities, or other institutions to consider decisions that have bioethical implications. The role of these committees may include consultation, education, mediation, and/or review of policies and practices. Committees that consider the ethical dimensions of patient care are ETHICS COMMITTEES, CLINICAL; committees established to protect the welfare of research subjects are ETHICS COMMITTEES, RESEARCH
Advisory Committees -- organization & administration : Optimizing the process for establishing the dietary guidelines for Americans : selection process / Committee to Review the Process to Update the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, Food and Nutrition Board, Health and Medicine Division, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine