The study of NUTRITION PROCESSES as well as the components of food, their actions, interaction, and balance in relation to health and disease of children, infants or adolescents
The study of NUTRITION PROCESSES as well as the components of food, their actions, interaction, and balance in relation to health and disease of children, infants or adolescents
The study of NUTRITION PROCESSES as well as the components of food, their actions, interaction, and balance in relation to health and disease of children, infants or adolescents
The study of NUTRITION PROCESSES as well as the components of food, their actions, interaction, and balance in relation to health and disease of children, infants or adolescents
BODY MASS INDEX in children (ages 2-12) and in adolescents (ages 13-18) that is grossly above the recommended cut-off for a specific age and sex. For infants less than 2 years of age, obesity is determined based on standard weight-for-length percentile measures
Adolescent psychiatry -- Australia. : Breaking out : challenges in adolescent mental health in Australia / edited by Robert Kosky, Hadi Salimi Eshkevari, Garry Kneebone
Adolescent psychiatry -- New Mexico : Troubled in the land of enchantment adolescent experience of psychiatric treatment Janis H. Jenkins and Thomas J. Csordas
Adolescent psychiatry -- Social aspects : Mental health services for minority ethnic children and adolescents / edited by Mhemooda Malek and Carol Joughin ; foreword by Kedar Nath Dwivedi
Adolescent psychiatry -- Standards -- United States. : Standards of child and adolescent psychiatric and mental health nursing practice / [developed by the Task Force on Standards of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Practice under the direction of the Executive Committee of the Council on Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing ; produced under the auspices of the Cabinet on Nursing Practice, American Nurses' Association]