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Author Cameron, J. Stewart (John Stewart)

Title A History of the treatment of renal failure by dialysis / J. Stewart Cameron
Published Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, ©2002


Description 1 online resource (xiv, 353 pages) : illustrations
Contents Why a history of dialysis -- Replacement of body function by mechanical means -- Science of dialysis: 'uraemic toxins' -- Science of dialysis: osmosis, diffusion and semipermeable membranes -- Anticoagulants and extracorporeal circuits: the first haemodialysis -- Search for new dialysis membranes: the peritoneum and the beginnings of peritoneal dialysis -- First haemodialyses in humans: the introduction of heparin and cellophane -- First practical dialysis machines: Kolff, Murray and Alwall -- Peritoneal and intestinal dialysis after the second world war -- Rise of the concept of acute renal failure; the flame photometer, urologists and nephrologists -- Spread of dialysis treatment for acute renal failure -- New designs of artificial kidney -- Role of dialysis technology in the founding of nephrology -- New materials and new methods of access I: long-term haemodialysis becomes possible -- New materials and methods II: long-term peritoneal dialysis becomes possible -- Dialysis patients in the 1960s and 1970s: old and new complications -- 1970s and 1980s: new technical advances and some new problems -- Detective story: the rise and fall of aluminium poisoning-and a penalty of halfway technology: the rise and rise of dialysis amyloidosis -- Peritoneal dialysis transformed: CAPD -- Good news and bad news: treatment of renal anaemia, the rising tide of diabetics with end-stage renal failure and withdrawal from dialysis -- Growth of long-term dialysis for long-term renal failure in its fiscal and sociopolitical context -- Conclusions: dialysis today-and tomorrow
Summary This book tells the extraordinary story of how the function of the first - and so far almost the only - human organ was replaced by a machine, and the "artificial kidney" entered medical and public folk-lore. A practical artificial kidney, or dialyser, came about by advances in science followed by the acquisition of new synthetic materials which made the application of these ideas possible. However it was the dedication and persistence of a number of talented pioneers who pressed ahead against professional opposition to achieve success, first in the treatment of temporary, recoverable kidney failure, and then permanent renal shut-down which made it a success. The apparent high cost and limited availability of this form of treatment immediately raised ethical questions which had never been questioned before, centering around equity of access to treatment, when and if treatment could be denied, and - worst of all - the agonising decision of when, once established, it should be stopped.; Spiralling costs as the true number of people with kidney failure became evident raised major political and financial questions, which were addressed in different countries in different ways which reflected - but also helped change - patterns of how medical care is provided. In developed countries, the problem could be solved by allocating a disproportionate amount of money to the treatment of relatively few kidney patients, but in the developing world the cost of treatment still limits its availability, as it does all forms of modern health care. Nevertheless, today almost one million people world-wide are maintained alive following terminal kidney failure, two thirds of them by various forms of dialysis and the remainder bearing kidney transplants, almost always placed after a period on dialysis. The story is also the sum of the often heroic lives of these hundreds of thousands of patients, a few of whom have today been maintained alive and active for more than 35 years, and many of whom suffered known, but also unexpected complications as a result of their treatment
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Notes English
Subject Hemodialysis -- History
Artificial kidney -- History
Renal Dialysis -- history
Acute Kidney Injury -- therapy
Kidney Failure, Chronic -- therapy
MEDICAL -- Surgery -- General.
Artificial kidney
Dialyse rénale -- histoire.
Défaillance rénale aigüe -- thérapie -- histoire.
Défaillance rénale chronique -- thérapie -- histoire.
Chronische Niereninsuffizienz
Health & Biological Sciences.
Urology & Nephrology.
Geschichte 1950-2002.
Genre/Form History
Form Electronic book
LC no. 2002025268
ISBN 1417599855