Description |
1 online resource (261 pages) |
Series |
Islamic History and Civilization Ser |
Islamic History and Civilization Ser
Contents |
Intro; Contents; Acknowledgments; Chapter 1. Introduction; 1. Literature Survey; 1.1. Works of Jīlānī; 2. Primary Source Material; 2.1. Biographical Works; 2.2. Hagiographical Works; 2.3. Modern Works; 3. Scope and Aims; 4. Sufism and Sufis; Part 1. Time, Place and Person; Chapter 2. Setting the Scene: Baghdad Around The Time of Jīlānī; 1. The City of Baghdad; 1.1. The Urban Topography; 2. The Political Situation; 2.1. The Buwayhid Period (334-446/945-1055); 2.2. The Seljuk Period (446-596/1055-1200); 3. Groups and Sects in Baghdad; 3.1. The Zaydīs; 3.2. The Ismāʿīlīs |
3.3. The Imāmiyya3.4. The Muʿtazilīs; 3.5. The Ashʿarīs; 3.6. The Ḥanafīs; 3.7. The Shāfiʿīs; 3.8. The Ḥanbalīs; 3.9. The ʿAyyārūn; 4. The System of Education; 4.1. The Jāmiʿ; 4.2. The Masjid; 4.3. The Madrasa; Chapter 3. The Life of Shaykh ʿAbd al-Qādir al-Jīlānī; 1. The First Phase; 2. The Second Phase; 3. Miracles; Part 2. Thought, Practice and Experience; Chapter 4. Theology I: The Ḥanbalī Foundation; 1. Jīlānī's Theology; 2. God's Attributes; 2.1. Comparison; 2.2. Summary; 3. Ṣūra of Ādam; 3.1. Comparison; 3.2. Summary; 4. The Status of the Qurʼān |
4.1. Comparison4.2. Summary; 5. Faith; 5.1. Comparison; 5.2. Summary; 6. Afʿāl al-ʿIbād; 6.1. Comparison; 6.2. Summary; 7. Early Muslim History (the Caliphate); 7.1. Comparison; 7.2. Summary; 8. Conclusion; Chapter 5. Theology II: Names and Nomenclature; 1. Names; 2. The Topics; 3. The Sects; Chapter 6. Sufism I: Reading the Ghunya; 1. The Structure as Guide; 2. The Position of Aḥmad Ibn Ḥanbal; 3. An Ocean of Knowledge; 3.1. Tafsīr; 3.2. Arabic Language; 3.3. Fiqh; 4. The Use of Ḥadīths; 5. Names; Chapter 7. Sufism II: the Path to the Truth; 1. What is Sufism? |
2. Prerequisites of the Path2.1. The Importance of a Shaykh; 2.3. Which Shaykh?; 2.4. The Role of the Shaykh; 2.5. How to Behave with the Shaykh; 3. Foundations of the Path; 3.1. Mujāhada; 3.2. Tawakkul; 3.3. Ḥusn al-Khulq; 3.4. Shukr; 3.5. Ṣabr; 3.6. Riḍā; 3.7. Ṣidq; 4. Travelling the Path; 4.1. The Four States; 4.2. Breaking the Nafs; 4.3. Experiencing Tribulation; 4.4. Aḥwāl and Maqāmāt; 4.5. Dealing with Destiny; 4.6. Understanding Fanāʼ; 4.7. The Role of the Prophet; 4.8. The Samāʿ; 5. Conclusion; Chapter 8. The Figure of Shaykh ʿAbd al-Qādir al-Jīlānī |
1. His Life2. His Interactions; 3. His Insight and Acumen; 4. His Mannerisms; 5. His Death; 6. Conclusion; Concluding Remarks; Select Bibliography; Index |
Notes |
Print version record |
Subject |
ʻAbd al-Qādir al-Jīlānī,--1166
Qādirīyah members.
Qādirīyah members
Form |
Electronic book
9789004383692 |
9004383697 |