Sankaracarya, 788-820 : An introduction to Śaṅkara's theory of knowledge / by N.K. Devaraja
Sankaracarya, 788-820. Brahmasutrabhasya : The system of the Vedânta : according to Bâdarâyaṇa's Brahma-sûtras and Çan̄kara's commentary thereon set forth as a compendium of the dogmatics of Brahmanism from the standpoint of Çan̄kara / by Paul Devssen ; authorized translation by Charles Johnston
Śaṅkarācārya. Śārīrakamīmāṃsābhāṣya. : The system of the Vedânta : according to Bâdarâyaṇa's Brahma-sûtras and Çan̄kara's commentary thereon set forth as a compendium of the dogmatics of Brahmanism from the standpoint of Çan̄kara / by Paul Devssen ; authorized translation by Charles Johnston