Électricité -- Distribution -- Fiabilité. : Reliability assessment of electric power systems using Monte Carlo methods / Roy Billinton, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, Wenyuan Li, BC Hydro, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
electricité -- États-Unis. : From Edison to Enron : the business of power and what it means for the future of electricity / Richard Munson
Electricite, services publics -- Etats-Unis. : Reinventing electric utilities : competition, citizen action, and clean power / Ed Smeloff and Peter Asmus ; foreword by Amory Lovins
--subdivision Electric equipment under types of industries and individual land vehicles and types of land vehicles, e.g. Construction industry--Electric equipment; Automobiles--Electric equipment
Electricity -- chemistry : Fuel cell chemistry and operation / [edited by] Andrew M. Herring, Thomas A. Zawodzinski, Jr., Steven J. Hamrock ; sponsored by the ACS Division of Fuel Chemistry
Electricity Corporation of New Zealand. / http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/no95002294 : The Power to manage : restructuring the New Zealand Electricity Department as a State-Owned Enterprise : the Electricorp experience / Barry Spicer ... [and others]
Electricity -- Cost effectiveness -- US : Cost efficiency and environmental policy in US electricity generation : the case of the tradable SO2 allowance scheme / Lindsay Tuthill
Electricity -- Early works to 1800. : AEpinus's Essay on the theory of electricity and magnetism / introductory monograph and notes by R. W. Home ; translated by P. J. Connor
Electricity -- Environmental aspects -- US : Cost efficiency and environmental policy in US electricity generation : the case of the tradable SO2 allowance scheme / Lindsay Tuthill