Aguateca Site (Guatemala) : Life and politics at the Royal Court of Aguateca : artifacts, analytical data, and synthesis / edited by Takeshi Inomata and Daniela Triadan
Agudat Israel. / : The politics of Torah : the Jewish political tradition and the founding of Agudat Israel / Alan L. Mittleman
Aguéli, Ivan, 1869-1917 -- Religion : Anarchist, artist, sufi : the politics, painting, and esotericism of Ivan Aguéli / edited by Mark Sedgwick
Agüero, José Carlos. : The surrendered : reflections by a son of Shining path / José Carlos Agüero ; translated by Michael J. Lazzara and Charles F. Walker ; edited by Michael J. Lazzara and Charles F. Walker
Aguesseau, H. Fr. d' (Henri François), 1668-1751. : Memoir of the life of Henry-Francis d'Aguesseau, Chancellor of France : and of his ordonnances for consolidating and amending certain portions of the French law ; and An historical and literary account of the Roman and canon law / by Charles Butler, Esq., barrister at law
Aguia (Ship) : Further selections from the tragic history of the sea, 1559-1565 : narratives of the shipwrecks of the Portuguese East Indiamen Aguia and Garca (1559) Sao Paulo (1561) and the misadventures of the Brazil-ship Santo Antonio (1565) / translated and edited from the original Portuguese by C.R. Boxer
Aguiar, Afonso, 1948-2018 : Rhythm, Ancestrality and Spirit in Maracatu de Nação and Candomblé : Repercussions
Aguilar, Sujeylin -- Biography : Karla's arrival / an El Rayo Films production, in co-production with Cobra Films, Daggewood Films, ITVS International ; produced by Koen Suidgeest, Emily Lobsenz ; written and directed by Koen Suidgeest
Aguilera, Christina, 1980- : Contemporary musicians. Volume 61 : profiles of the people in music / Tracie Moy, project editor
Aguilera Egea, Francisco, 1857-1931. : Duelo de sables : el general Aguilera, de ministro a conspirador contra Primo de Rivera, 1917-1931 / Francisco Alía Miranda