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KC 403 Uni/Cnc : Confronting new challenges : 1995 report on the work of the organization from the Forty-Ninth to the Fiftieth Session of the General Assembly / Boutros Boutros-Ghali     
      Confronting new challenges : 1995 report on the work of the organization from the Forty-Ninth to the Fiftieth Session of the General Assembly / Boutros Boutros-Ghali W'PONDS  Book 1995
KC 404 Ley/Unt : United Nations textbook : texts of important U.N. documents with annotations, including constitution of International Labour Organization and texts of modern regional pact (e.g. Treaty of the European Coal and Steel Community) / compiled by the "Professor Telders" Study Group for International Law at Leyden University, assisted by F. M. Baron van Asbeck [and] J. H. W. Verzijl, with an introd. by Manley O. Hudson     
      United Nations textbook : texts of important U.N. documents with annotations, including constitution of International Labour Organization and texts of modern regional pact (e.g. Treaty of the European WATERFT  Book 1958
KC 404 Lin/Unw : UNEP's new way forward : environmental law and sustainable development / editor-in-chief, Sun Lin ; editor, Lal Kurukulasuriya     
      UNEP's new way forward : environmental law and sustainable development / editor-in-chief, Sun Lin ; editor, Lal Kurukulasuriya WATERFT  Book 1995
KC 404 S73 Rot/Wco : Report of the World Conference on Sanctions against Racist South Africa, Paris, 16-20 June, 1986     
      Report of the World Conference on Sanctions against Racist South Africa, Paris, 16-20 June, 1986 W'PONDS  Book 1986
KC 404 Tha/Una : The United Nations at fifty : retrospect and prospect : papers from the Thirtieth Foreign Policy School, 1995 / edited by Ramesh Thakur     
      The United Nations at fifty : retrospect and prospect : papers from the Thirtieth Foreign Policy School, 1995 / edited by Ramesh Thakur WATERFT  Book 1996
KC 404 Una/Ttt 2005 : Irrelevant or indispensable? : the United Nations in the twenty-first century / Paul Heinbecker and Patricia Goff, editors     
      Irrelevant or indispensable? : the United Nations in the twenty-first century / Paul Heinbecker and Patricia Goff, editors MELB  Book 2005
KC 405 A82 Aus/Aat    
      Australia and the United Nations / Department of Foreign Affairs WATERFT  Book 1986
      Australia and the United Nations WATERFT  Book 1990
      Australia and the United Nations / [prepared by International Organisations Branch and International Public Affairs Branch, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade] MELB  Book 1994
KC 405 A82 Aus/Ari 2001    
      Australia's role in United Nations reform / Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade MELB, WATERFT   Book 2001
      Australia's role in United Nations reform / Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade MELB, WATERFT   Book 2001
KC 405 A82 Har/Aat    
      Australia and the United Nations / by Norman Harper and David Sisons MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1959
      Australia and the United Nations / by Norman Harper and David Sisons MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1959
KC 405 Aba/Roa : Regional organisations and the development of collective security : beyond chapter VIII of the UN Charter / Ademola Abass     
      Regional organisations and the development of collective security : beyond chapter VIII of the UN Charter / Ademola Abass MELB  Book 2004
KC 405 Ale/Lmf : The law-making functions of the specialised agencies of the United Nations / Charles Henry Alexandrowicz     
      The law-making functions of the specialised agencies of the United Nations / Charles Henry Alexandrowicz MELB  Book 1973
KC 405 Alg/Fot    
      The future of the United Nations system : potential for the twenty-first century / edited by Chadwick F. Alger MELB, WATERFT   Book 1998
      The future of the United Nations system : potential for the twenty-first century / edited by Chadwick F. Alger MELB, WATERFT   Book 1998
KC 405 Ame/Pap : Politics and process in the specialized agencies of the United Nations / Houshang Ameri     
      Politics and process in the specialized agencies of the United Nations / Houshang Ameri W'PONDS  Book 1982
KC 405 Ann/Fth : Facing the humanitarian challenge : towards a culture of prevention / Kofi Annan     
      Facing the humanitarian challenge : towards a culture of prevention / Kofi Annan MELB  Book 1999
KC 405 Ann/Gvt : Global values : the United Nations and the rule of law in the 21st century / Kofi A. Annan     
      Global values : the United Nations and the rule of law in the 21st century / Kofi A. Annan MELB  Book 2000
KC 405 Ann/Pfg : Partnerships for global community : annual report on the work of the organization 1998 / Kofi A. Annan     
      Partnerships for global community : annual report on the work of the organization 1998 / Kofi A. Annan MELB  Book 1998
KC 405 Ash/Una : The United Nations and economic and social co-operation / by Robert E. Asher ... [and others]     
      The United Nations and economic and social co-operation / by Robert E. Asher ... [and others] W'PONDS  Book 1957
KC 405 Bae/Uni : The United Nations in the 1990s / Peter R. Baehr and Leon Gordenker     
      The United Nations in the 1990s / Peter R. Baehr and Leon Gordenker W'PONDS  Book 1992
KC 405 Bae/Uni 1994    
      The United Nations in the 1990s / Peter R. Baehr and Leon Gordenker MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1994
      The United Nations in the 1990s / Peter R. Baehr and Leon Gordenker MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1994
KC 405 Bae/Uni 1999 : The United Nations at the end of the 1990s / Peter R. Baehr and Leon Gordenker     
      The United Nations at the end of the 1990s / Peter R. Baehr and Leon Gordenker MELB  Book 1999
KC 405 Bae/Unr : The United Nations : reality and ideal / Peter R. Baehr and Leon Gordenker     
      The United Nations : reality and ideal / Peter R. Baehr and Leon Gordenker WATERFT  Book 1984
KC 405 Bai/Una : The United Nations : a short political guide / Sydney D. Bailey     
      The United Nations : a short political guide / Sydney D. Bailey MELB  Book 1963
KC 405 Bau/Mtu : Make the UN effective, for peace     
      Make the UN effective, for peace WATERFT  Book 1952
KC 405 Bei/Mpi : Management problems in United Nations organizations : reform or decline? / Yves Beigbeder     
      Management problems in United Nations organizations : reform or decline? / Yves Beigbeder WATERFT  Book 1987
KC 405 Ben/Cot : A commentary on the charter of the United Nations / by Norman Bentwich and Andrew Martin     
      A commentary on the charter of the United Nations / by Norman Bentwich and Andrew Martin W'PONDS  Book 1950
KC 405 Ben/Cts : Calling the shots : how Washington dominates today's UN / by Phyllis Bennis ; foreword by Erskine Childers ; updated and with a new introduction by Denis Halliday     
      Calling the shots : how Washington dominates today's UN / by Phyllis Bennis ; foreword by Erskine Childers ; updated and with a new introduction by Denis Halliday W'PONDS  Book 2000
KC 405 Ber/Uad : Unity and diversity in development ideas : perspectives from the UN regional commissions / edited by Yves Berthelot     
      Unity and diversity in development ideas : perspectives from the UN regional commissions / edited by Yves Berthelot MELB  Book 2004
KC 405 Bfa/Tun : Basic facts about the United Nations / Department of Public Information     
      Basic facts about the United Nations / Department of Public Information W'PONDS  Book 1989
KC 405 Bfa/Tun 1992 : Basic facts about the United Nations / Dept. of Public Information     
      Basic facts about the United Nations / Dept. of Public Information W'PONDS  Book 1992
KC 405 Bfa/Tun 1998 : Basic facts about the United Nations, 1998 / Department of Public Information, United Nations     
      Basic facts about the United Nations, 1998 / Department of Public Information, United Nations MELB  Book 1998
KC 405 Bfa/Tun 2004 : Basic facts about the United Nations / Department of Public Information     
      Basic facts about the United Nations / Department of Public Information MELB  Book 2004
KC 405 Bok/Una : The United Nations and how it works / David C. Coyle     
      The United Nations and how it works / David C. Coyle MELB  Book 1955
KC 405 Bou/Hap : The history and politics of UN Security Council reform / Dimitris Bourantonis     
      The history and politics of UN Security Council reform / Dimitris Bourantonis MELB  Book 2005
KC 405 Boy/Unh : United Nations Organisation handbook     
      United Nations Organisation handbook MELB  Book 1946
KC 405 Boy/Unp 1962 : United Nations : piety, myth and truth / Andrew Boyd     
      United Nations : piety, myth and truth / Andrew Boyd MELB  Book 1962
KC 405 Bro/Ttc : The third try : can the UN work? / Alison Broinowski & Jim Wilkinson     
      The third try : can the UN work? / Alison Broinowski & Jim Wilkinson MELB  Book 2005
KC 405 Bun/Eot : The evolution of the United Nations : report of a seminar of the International Student Movement for the United Nations / edited by G. R. Bunting and M. J. Lee ; With an introduction by U Thant     
      The evolution of the United Nations : report of a seminar of the International Student Movement for the United Nations / edited by G. R. Bunting and M. J. Lee ; With an introduction by U Thant W'PONDS  Book 1964
KC 405 Che/Lap    
      Law and practice of the United Nations : documents and commentary / Simon Chesterman, Thomas M. Franck, David M. Malone MELB, WATERFT   Book 2008
      Law and practice of the United Nations : documents and commentary / Simon Chesterman, Thomas M. Franck, David M. Malone MELB, WATERFT   Book 2008
KC 405 Chi/Ctt : Challenges to the United Nations : building a safer world / edited by Erskine Childers     
      Challenges to the United Nations : building a safer world / edited by Erskine Childers WATERFT  Book 1994
KC 405 Chi/Ngo : Non-governmental organizations at the United Nations : identity, role, and function / Chiang Pei-heng     
      Non-governmental organizations at the United Nations : identity, role, and function / Chiang Pei-heng WATERFT  Book 1981
KC 405 Cla/Wpt 1966 : World peace through world law : two alternative plans / by Grenville Clark and Louis B. Sohn     
      World peace through world law : two alternative plans / by Grenville Clark and Louis B. Sohn W'PONDS  Book 1966
KC 405 Con/Nun : The law and practice of the United Nations / by Benedetto Conforti     
      The law and practice of the United Nations / by Benedetto Conforti MELB  Book 2005
KC 405 Cor/Ppo    
      Public papers of the Secretaries-General of the United Nations. v.3, Dag Hammarskjold, 1956-1957 / Selected and edited with commentary by Andrew W. Cordier and Wilder Foote W'PONDS, WATERFT   Book 1973
      Public papers of the Secretaries-General of the United Nations. v.3, Dag Hammarskjold, 1956-1957 / Selected and edited with commentary by Andrew W. Cordier and Wilder Foote W'PONDS, WATERFT   Book 1973
      Public papers of the Secretaries-General of the United Nations. v.3, Dag Hammarskjold, 1956-1957 / Selected and edited with commentary by Andrew W. Cordier and Wilder Foote W'PONDS, WATERFT   Book 1973
      Public papers of the Secretaries-General of the United Nations. v.3, Dag Hammarskjold, 1956-1957 / Selected and edited with commentary by Andrew W. Cordier and Wilder Foote W'PONDS, WATERFT   Book 1973
5 additional entries    
KC 405 Cos/Nia : The new international actors : the United Nations and the European Economic Community / edited by Carol Ann Cosgrove and Kenneth J. Twitchett     
      The new international actors : the United Nations and the European Economic Community / edited by Carol Ann Cosgrove and Kenneth J. Twitchett MELB  Book 1970
KC 405 Cot/Cot : A commentary on the charter of the United Nations, signed at San Francisco on the 26th June, 1945     
      A commentary on the charter of the United Nations, signed at San Francisco on the 26th June, 1945 WATERFT  Book 1945
KC 405 Dol/Una : The United Nations : a handbook on the new world organization / Louis Dolivet     
      The United Nations : a handbook on the new world organization / Louis Dolivet WATERFT  Book 1946
KC 405 Elm/Uns    
      The United Nations system : an analysis / Mahdi Elmandjra W'PONDS  Book 1973
      The United Nations / Hubert Vere Evatt WATERFT  Book 1948
KC 405 Eun/Ach 1968    
      Everyman's United Nations : a complete handbook of the activities and evolution of the United Nations during its first twenty years, 1945-1965 MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1968
      Everyman's United Nations : a complete handbook of the activities and evolution of the United Nations during its first twenty years, 1945-1965 MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1968
KC 405 Fas/Igt    
      An insider's guide to the UN / Linda Fasulo MELB, WATERFT   Book 2004
      An insider's guide to the UN / Linda Fasulo MELB, WATERFT   Book 2004
KC 405 Feh/Tko : This kind of peace / T.R. Fehrenbach     
      This kind of peace / T.R. Fehrenbach MELB  Book 1967
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