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KC 260 Soh/Cam : Cases and materials on the law of the sea : Louis B. Sohn, John E. Noyes     
      Cases and materials on the law of the sea : Louis B. Sohn, John E. Noyes MELB  Book 2004
KC 260 Sto/Ghs : Governing high-seas fisheries : the interplay of global and regional regimes / edited by Olav Schram Stokke     
      Governing high-seas fisheries : the interplay of global and regional regimes / edited by Olav Schram Stokke MELB  Book 2001
KC 260 Tri/Mla : Maritime liens and the conflict of laws     
      Maritime liens and the conflict of laws W'PONDS  Book 2011
KC 260 Uni/Cme 2001 : Current marine environmental issues and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea / edited by Myron H. Nordquist and John Norton Moore     
      Current marine environmental issues and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea / edited by Myron H. Nordquist and John Norton Moore MELB  Book 2001
KC 260 Uni/Lot : The Law of the sea : official text of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea with annexes and index : final act of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea : introductory material on the convention and the conference     
      The Law of the sea : official text of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea with annexes and index : final act of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea : introductory MELB  Book 1983
KC 260 Val/Mrf : A maritime regime for north-east Asia / Mark J. Valencia     
      A maritime regime for north-east Asia / Mark J. Valencia W'PONDS  Book 1996
KC 260 Vuk/Lot : The law of the sea : selected writings / by Budislav Vukas     
      The law of the sea : selected writings / by Budislav Vukas MELB  Book 2004
KC 260 Wil/Cog 1993 : Carriage of goods by sea / John F. Wilson     
      Carriage of goods by sea / John F. Wilson MELB  Book 1993
KC 260 Wil/Cog 2001 : Carriage of goods by sea / John F. Wilson     
      Carriage of goods by sea / John F. Wilson MELB  Book 2001
KC 260 Wil/Cog 2004 : Carriage of goods by sea / John F. Wilson     
      Carriage of goods by sea / John F. Wilson MELB  Book 2004
KC 260.0023 Wes/Mad : Marine affairs dictionary : terms, concepts, laws, court cases, and international conventions and agreements / Niels West     
      Marine affairs dictionary : terms, concepts, laws, court cases, and international conventions and agreements / Niels West MELB  Book 2004
KC 263 Bro/Lro : The legal regime of hydrospace / by E. D. Brown     
      The legal regime of hydrospace / by E. D. Brown MELB  Book 1971
KC 263 Cha/Imb : International maritime boundaries / edited by Jonathan I. Charney and Lewis M. Alexander     
      International maritime boundaries / edited by Jonathan I. Charney and Lewis M. Alexander MELB  Book c2002
KC 263 Fer/Mci : Maritime cooperation in South Asia / Sithara Fernando     
      Maritime cooperation in South Asia / Sithara Fernando MELB  Book 2013
KC 263 Nla/Trt : National legislation and treaties relating to the territorial sea : the contiguous zone, the Continental Shelf, the high seas, and to fishing and conservation of the living resources of the sea     
      National legislation and treaties relating to the territorial sea : the contiguous zone, the Continental Shelf, the high seas, and to fishing and conservation of the living resources of the sea MELB  Book 1970
KC 263 Oco/Ilo    
      The international law of the sea / by D.P. O'Connell ; edited by I.A. Shearer W'PONDS  Book 1984
      The international law of the sea / by D.P. O'Connell ; edited by I.A. Shearer W'PONDS  Book 1984
KC 263 Sam/Cft : Contest for the South China Sea / Marwyn S. Samuels     
      Contest for the South China Sea / Marwyn S. Samuels WATERFT  Book 1982
KC 265 Lei/Msa    
      Malacca, Singapore, and Indonesia / Michael Leifer MELB, WATERFT   Book 1978
      Malacca, Singapore, and Indonesia / Michael Leifer MELB, WATERFT   Book 1978
KC 265 T86 Del/Gpr : Great power rivalry at the Turkish Straits : the Montreux Conference and Convention of 1936 / Anthony R. DeLuca     
      Great power rivalry at the Turkish Straits : the Montreux Conference and Convention of 1936 / Anthony R. DeLuca W'PONDS  Book 1981
KC 266 P4 Ami/Ial : International and legal problems of the Gulf / by S.H. Amin     
      International and legal problems of the Gulf / by S.H. Amin W'PONDS  Book 1981
KC 266.6 N1 Cun/Rpa : Restrictive practices and monopolies in E.E.C. law / James P. Cunningham     
      Restrictive practices and monopolies in E.E.C. law / James P. Cunningham MELB  Book 1973
KC 266.N2 Bur/Ron : Rights of nature : case studies from six continents / Laura Burgers and Jessica den Outer     
      Rights of nature : case studies from six continents / Laura Burgers and Jessica den Outer MELB  Book 2021
KC 267 All/Fro 2005 : Farwell's rules of the nautical road / Craig H. Allen     
      Farwell's rules of the nautical road / Craig H. Allen MELB  Book 2005
KC 267 Kal/Ica : Identity, conflict and cooperation in international river systems / Jack Kalpakian     
      Identity, conflict and cooperation in international river systems / Jack Kalpakian MELB  Book 2004
KC 267 S2 Bow/Snf : Suez 1956 / by Robert R. Bowie     
      Suez 1956 / by Robert R. Bowie MELB  Book 1974
KC 269 Bor/Toc : The tides of change : peace, pollution, and potential of the oceans / Elisabeth Mann Borgese and David Krieger, editors     
      The tides of change : peace, pollution, and potential of the oceans / Elisabeth Mann Borgese and David Krieger, editors MELB  Book 1975
KC 269 Oki/Rco : Regional control of ocean pollution : legal and institutional problems and prospects / C. Odidi Okidi     
      Regional control of ocean pollution : legal and institutional problems and prospects / C. Odidi Okidi MELB  Book 1978
KC 272 Int/Gfp : Guidelines for port state control officers carrying out inspections under the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 / International Labour Organization     
      Guidelines for port state control officers carrying out inspections under the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 / International Labour Organization MELB  Book 2009
KC 272 Jac/Wsl      
      World shipping laws / by David C. Jackson, co-ordinating editor ... [and others] MELB  Book 1979-
KC 272 Joh/Csr : Coastal state regulation of international shipping / by Lindy S. Johnson     
      Coastal state regulation of international shipping / by Lindy S. Johnson MELB  Book 2004
KC 272.2 Int/Gff : Guidelines for flag state inspections under the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 / International Labour Organization     
      Guidelines for flag state inspections under the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 / International Labour Organization MELB  Book 2009
KC 272.3 Mat/Ios : Immunity of State ships as a contribution towards unification of the laws on the subject / by N. Matsunami     
      Immunity of State ships as a contribution towards unification of the laws on the subject / by N. Matsunami W'PONDS  Book 1924
KC 272.8 Apo/Bsa : Accident prevention on board ship at sea and in port / International Labour Office     
      Accident prevention on board ship at sea and in port / International Labour Office W'PONDS  Book 1978
KC 272.8 Int/Imd    
      IMDG code / International Maritime Organization W'PONDS  Book 2004
      IMDG code / International Maritime Organization W'PONDS  Book 2004
      IMDG code / International Maritime Organization W'PONDS  Book 2004
KC 275 Oke/Sha : Shipwrecked heritage : a commentary on the UNESCO Convention on Underwater Cultural Heritage / by Patrick J. O'Keefe     
      Shipwrecked heritage : a commentary on the UNESCO Convention on Underwater Cultural Heritage / by Patrick J. O'Keefe MELB  Book 2002
KC 275 Vin/Isl    
      International salvage law / by Enrico Vincenzini ; translation from the Italian by Margaret Donaldson MELB  Book 1992
      International salvage law / by Enrico Vincenzini ; translation from the Italian by Margaret Donaldson MELB  Book 1992
KC 276 Eck/Eoo : The enclosure of ocean resources : economics and the law of the sea / Ross D. Eckert     
      The enclosure of ocean resources : economics and the law of the sea / Ross D. Eckert W'PONDS  Book 1979
KC 276 Kir/Ime : International marine environmental law : institutions, implementation, and innovations / edited by Andree Kirchner     
      International marine environmental law : institutions, implementation, and innovations / edited by Andree Kirchner MELB  Book 2003
KC 276 Pap/Otm 1998 : Preservation and protection of the marine environment / edited by Charles M. Hawksley and Christopher Baldwin     
      Preservation and protection of the marine environment / edited by Charles M. Hawksley and Christopher Baldwin MELB  Book 2000
KC 276 Rao/Poo : The public order of ocean resources : a critique of the contemporary law of the sea / P. Sreenivasa Rao     
      The public order of ocean resources : a critique of the contemporary law of the sea / P. Sreenivasa Rao MELB  Book 1975
KC 276 Sut/Mae : Marine & estuarine reserves in Australia : towards a national policy / K.D. Suter     
      Marine & estuarine reserves in Australia : towards a national policy / K.D. Suter MELB  Book 1983
KC 276 Tec/Meg : Marine environmental governance : from international law to local practice / Erika J. Techera     
      Marine environmental governance : from international law to local practice / Erika J. Techera MELB  Book 2011
KC 276.1 Bur/Nil : The new international law of fisheries : UNCLOS 1982 and beyond / William T. Burke     
      The new international law of fisheries : UNCLOS 1982 and beyond / William T. Burke MELB  Book 1994
KC 276.1 Chr/Cio : The common wealth in ocean fisheries : some problems of growth and economic allocation / Francis T. Christy and Anthony Scott     
      The common wealth in ocean fisheries : some problems of growth and economic allocation / Francis T. Christy and Anthony Scott MELB  Book 1972
KC 276.1 Ebb/Sct : A sea change : the exclusive economic zone and governance institutions for living marine resources / edited by Syma A. Ebbin, Alf Håkon Hoel and Are K. Sydnes     
      A sea change : the exclusive economic zone and governance institutions for living marine resources / edited by Syma A. Ebbin, Alf Håkon Hoel and Are K. Sydnes MELB, W'BOOL   Book 2005
KC 276.1 Gia/Cno : The changing nature of high seas fishing : how flags of convenience provide cover for illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing / Matthew Gianni and Walt Simpson     
      The changing nature of high seas fishing : how flags of convenience provide cover for illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing / Matthew Gianni and Walt Simpson MELB  Book 2005
KC 276.1 Han/Fic : Friends in conflict : the Anglo-Icelandic Cod Wars and the Law of the Sea / Hannes Jónsson     
      Friends in conflict : the Anglo-Icelandic Cod Wars and the Law of the Sea / Hannes Jónsson MELB  Book 1982
KC 276.1 Int/Pmo : Pleadings, minutes of public sittings, and documents : southern bluefin tuna cases (New Zealand v. Japan; Australia v. Japan) provisional measures = Mémoires, procès-verbaux des audiences publiques et documents : affaires du thon a nageoire bleue (Nouvelle-Zelands c. Japan; Australia c. Japan) measures conservatoires / International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea = Tribunal international du droit de la mer     
      Pleadings, minutes of public sittings, and documents : southern bluefin tuna cases (New Zealand v. Japan; Australia v. Japan) provisional measures = Mémoires, procès-verbaux des audiences p MELB  Book 2005
KC 276.1 Ray/Nfs : Non-flag state enforcement in high seas fisheries / Rosemary Gail Rayfuse     
      Non-flag state enforcement in high seas fisheries / Rosemary Gail Rayfuse MELB  Book 2004
KC 276.1 Sab/Tgo : Subsidiary agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Republic of Korea : concerning squid jigging by fishing vessels of the Republic of Korea / Department of Primary Industry     
      Subsidiary agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Republic of Korea : concerning squid jigging by fishing vessels of the Republic of Korea / Department of Primary Indus W'PONDS  Book 1985
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