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KB 66 Kedrin Kra/Icj : I chose justice / by Victor Kravchenko     
      I chose justice / by Victor Kravchenko W'PONDS  Book 1951
KB 66 Marsde Gar/Jmw : John Marsden's will : the Hornby Castle dispute, 1780-1840 / Emmeline Garnett     
      John Marsden's will : the Hornby Castle dispute, 1780-1840 / Emmeline Garnett MELB  Book 1998
KB 66 Mclibe Arn/Mlt    
      McLibel : two people who wouldn't say sorry MELB, WATERFT   DVD video 2007
      McLibel : two people who wouldn't say sorry MELB, WATERFT   DVD video 2007
KB 66 Mclibe Vid/Mcl    
      McLibel / John Vidal MELB, WATERFT   Book 1997
      McLibel / John Vidal MELB, WATERFT   Book 1997
KB 66 Moran Wal/Mvm : Moran v Moran / by Murray Waldren     
      Moran v Moran / by Murray Waldren W'PONDS  Book 2001
KB 66 Salem Boy/Swp    
      The Salem witchcraft papers : verbatim transcripts of the legal documents of the Salem witchcraft outbreak of 1692 / compiled and transcribed in 1938 by the Works Progress Administration, under the sup MELB  Book 1977
      The Salem witchcraft papers : verbatim transcripts of the legal documents of the Salem witchcraft outbreak of 1692 / compiled and transcribed in 1938 by the Works Progress Administration, under the sup MELB  Book 1977
KC 10 C6 Mil/Cit : Current international treaties / edited by T.B. Millar with Robin Ward     
      Current international treaties / edited by T.B. Millar with Robin Ward W'PONDS  Book 1984
KC 10 E4 Eur/Tet : Treaties establishing the European Communities : treaties amending these treaties : documents concerning the accession     
      Treaties establishing the European Communities : treaties amending these treaties : documents concerning the accession MELB  Book 1978
KC 10 E4 Fos/Bec 1994 : Blackstone's EC legislation / edited by Nigel G. Foster     
      Blackstone's EC legislation / edited by Nigel G. Foster MELB  Book 1994
KC 10 G4 Gen/Ari : Arrangement Regarding International Trade in Textiles (1973)     
      Arrangement Regarding International Trade in Textiles MELB  Book 1974
KC 10 G4 Gen/Arj : Protocol maintaining in force the Arrangement Regarding International Trade in Textiles : = Protocole portant maintien en vigueur de l'Arrangement concernant le commerce international des textiles = Protocolo por el que se mantiene en vigor el Acuerdo relativo al comercio internacional de los textiles     
      Protocol maintaining in force the Arrangement Regarding International Trade in Textiles : = Protocole portant maintien en vigueur de l'Arrangement concernant le commerce international des textiles = Pr MELB  Book 1993
KC 10 G4 Gen/Bia      
      Basic instruments and selected documents / General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade MELB  Journal 1969
KC 10 G4 Gen/Bib    
      Basic instruments and selected documents. Supplement / General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade MELB  Journal 1953-
      Second certification of changes to schedules to the General agreement on tariffs and trade = Deuxième certification de changements apportés aux listes annexées a l'accord gén MELB  Book 1974
      Fifth certification of changes to schedules to the General agreement on tariffs and trade = cinquième certification de changements apportés aux listes annexées à l'accord g MELB  Book 1981
      Fourth certification of changes to schedules to the General agreement on tariffs and trade = Quatrième certification de changements apportés aux listes annexées a l'accord gén MELB  Book 1979
KC 10 G4 Gen/Bib 1955 : General agreement on tariffs and trade : final act adopted at the ninth session of the Contracting Parties ... = Accord général sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce : acte final adopté à la neuvième session des Parties contractantes ... .     
      General agreement on tariffs and trade : final act adopted at the ninth session of the Contracting Parties ... = Accord général sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce : acte final adopt MELB  Book 1955
KC 10 G4 Gen/Bib 1965 : General agreement on tariffs and trade : final act adopted at the second special session of the contracting parties, and Protocol amending the general agreement on tariffs and trade to introduce a part IV on trade and development = Accord general sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce : acte final adopté a la deuxième session spéciale des parties contractantes ... = Acuerdo general sobre aranceles aduaneros y comercio ... .     
      General agreement on tariffs and trade : final act adopted at the second special session of the contracting parties, and Protocol amending the general agreement on tariffs and trade to introduce a part MELB  Book 1965
KC 10 G4 Gen/Gao : General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (1947 October 30)     
      Text of the General Agreement / General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade MELB  Book 1986
KC 10 G4 Gen/Tot : The Texts of the Tokyo Round agreements / General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade     
      The Texts of the Tokyo Round agreements / General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade MELB  Book 1986
KC 10 H4 Her/Cco    
      Hertslet's commercial treaties : a collection of treaties and conventions, between Great Britain and foreign powers MELB  Journal 1925
      A Complete collection of the treaties and conventions, and reciprocal regulations, at present subsisting between Great Britain & foreign powers MELB  Journal 1907
KC 10 I2 Rus/Ipo      
      International protection of the environment : treaties and related documents. Second series : continuation of Volumes I- (1754-1981) / compiled and edited by Bernd Rüster, Bruno Simma ; assisted MELB  Book 1994
KC 10 I3 Int/Ipa      
      Investment promotion and protection treaties / compiled by International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes MELB  Book 1983-
KC 10 N2 App/Nna : Navigating NAFTA : a concise user's guide to the North American Free Trade Agreement / Barry Appleton     
      Navigating NAFTA : a concise user's guide to the North American Free Trade Agreement / Barry Appleton MELB  Book 1994
KC 10 N2 Can/Naf    
      North American Free Trade Agreement between the government of the United States of America, the government of Canada, and the government of the United Mexican States MELB  Book 1993-
      North American Free Trade Agreement between the government of the United States of America, the government of Canada, and the government of the United Mexican States MELB  Book 1993-
      North American Free Trade Agreement between the government of the United States of America, the government of Canada, and the government of the United Mexican States MELB  Book 1993-
      NAFTA text : final version, including supplemental agreements MELB  Book 1994
2 additional entries    
KC 10 N2 Fat/Naf : The North American Free Trade Agreement / edited by K Fatemi and D. Salvatore     
      The North American Free Trade Agreement / edited by K Fatemi and D. Salvatore MELB  Book 1994
KC 10 N2 Joh/Naf : The North American Free Trade Agreement : a comprehensive guide / the law firm of Goodman & Goodman (internationally Goodman Phillips & Vineberg) ; Jon R. Johnson     
      The North American Free Trade Agreement : a comprehensive guide / the law firm of Goodman & Goodman (internationally Goodman Phillips & Vineberg) ; Jon R. Johnson MELB  Book 1994
KC 10 U5 Uni/Hra    
      Human rights : a compilation of international instruments MELB  Book 1978-
      Human rights : a compilation of international instruments MELB  Book 1978-
KC 10 W1 Roh/Wti    
      World treaty index / Peter H. Rohn W'PONDS  Book c1984
      World treaty index / Peter H. Rohn W'PONDS  Book c1984
      World treaty index / Peter H. Rohn W'PONDS  Book c1984
      World treaty index / Peter H. Rohn W'PONDS  Book c1984
      World treaty index / Peter H. Rohn W'PONDS  Book c1984
KC 100 Ant/Ilc    
      International law : cases and materials / Donald K. Anton, Penelope Mathew, Wayne Morgan MELB, WATERFT   Book 2005
      International law : cases and materials / Donald K. Anton, Penelope Mathew, Wayne Morgan MELB, WATERFT   Book 2005
      International law : cases and materials / Donald K. Anton, Penelope Mathew, Wayne Morgan MELB, WATERFT   Book 2005
KC 100 Asp/Fat : Formalism and the sources of international law : a theory of the ascertainment of legal rules / Jean d'Aspremont     
      Formalism and the sources of international law : a theory of the ascertainment of legal rules / Jean d'Aspremont MELB  Book 2011
KC 100 Aus/Hoi    
      Handbook of international law / Anthony Aust MELB, WATERFT   Book 2005
      Handbook of international law / Anthony Aust MELB, WATERFT   Book 2005
KC 100 Bed/Ilf : International law frameworks / by David J. Bederman     
      International law frameworks / by David J. Bederman MELB  Book 2001
KC 100 Ber/Goi : The globalization of international law / edited by Paul Schiff Berman     
      The globalization of international law / edited by Paul Schiff Berman MELB  Book 2005
KC 100 Bla/Fot    
      The future of the international legal order / edited by Cyril E. Black and Richard A. Falk WATERFT  Book 1971-
      The future of the international legal order / edited by Cyril E. Black and Richard A. Falk WATERFT  Book 1971-
      The future of the international legal order / edited by Cyril E. Black and Richard A. Falk WATERFT  Book 1971-
      The future of the international legal order / edited by Cyril E. Black and Richard A. Falk WATERFT  Book 1971-
KC 100 Bla/Pil : Public international law : an Australian perspective / edited by Sam Blay, Ryszard Piotrowicz, and B. Martin Tsamenyi     
      Public international law : an Australian perspective / edited by Sam Blay, Ryszard Piotrowicz, and B. Martin Tsamenyi MELB  Book 1997
KC 100 Bla/Pil 2005    
      Public international law : an Australian perspective / edited by Sam Blay, Ryszard Piotrowicz, and Martin Tsamenyi MELB, W'BOOL, WATERFT   Book 2005
      Public international law : an Australian perspective / edited by Sam Blay, Ryszard Piotrowicz, and Martin Tsamenyi MELB, W'BOOL, WATERFT   Book 2005
      Public international law : an Australian perspective / edited by Sam Blay, Ryszard Piotrowicz, and Martin Tsamenyi MELB, W'BOOL, WATERFT   Book 2005
      Public international law : an Australian perspective / edited by Sam Blay, Ryszard Piotrowicz, and Martin Tsamenyi MELB, W'BOOL, WATERFT   Book 2005
KC 100 Bri/Lon 1949 : The law of nations : an introduction to the international law of peace / by J.L. Brierly     
      The law of nations : an introduction to the international law of peace / by J.L. Brierly WATERFT  Book 1949
KC 100 Bro/Pop 1973 : Principles of public international law / by Ian Brownlie     
      Principles of public international law / by Ian Brownlie MELB  Book 1973
KC 100 Bro/Pop 1990 : Principles of public international law / by Ian Brownlie     
      Principles of public international law / by Ian Brownlie MELB  Book 1990
KC 100 Bro/Pop 1998 : Principles of public international law / by Ian Brownlie     
      Principles of public international law / by Ian Brownlie WATERFT  Book 1998
KC 100 Bro/Pop 2003 : Principles of public international law / Ian Brownlie     
      Principles of public international law / Ian Brownlie MELB  Book 2003
KC 100 Bro/Pop 2008    
      Principles of public international law / by Ian Brownlie MELB  Book 2008
      Principles of public international law / by Ian Brownlie MELB  Book 2008
KC 100 Bro/Pop 2012    
      Brownlie's principles of public international law / by James Crawford MELB, WATERFT   Book 2012
      Brownlie's principles of public international law / by James Crawford MELB, WATERFT   Book 2012
KC 100 Bue/Pil 1990 : Public international law in a nutshell / by Thomas Buergenthal, Harold G. Maier     
      Public international law in a nutshell / by Thomas Buergenthal, Harold G. Maier MELB  Book 1990
KC 100 Bue/Pil 2002 : Public international law in a nutshell / by Thomas Buergenthal, Sean D. Murphy     
      Public international law in a nutshell / by Thomas Buergenthal, Sean D. Murphy MELB  Book 2002
KC 100 Bue/Pil 2013 : Public international law in a nutshell / by Thomas Buergenthal, Judge (ret.) International Court of Justice, Lobingier Professor of Comparative, Law and Jurisprudence, George Washinton University; Sean D. Murphy, Patricia Roberts Harris Research, Professor of Law, George Washington University, Member, United Nations International Law Commission     
      Public international law in a nutshell / by Thomas Buergenthal, Judge (ret.) International Court of Justice, Lobingier Professor of Comparative, Law and Jurisprudence, George Washinton University; Sean MELB  Book 2013
KC 100 Cap/Hda    
      Human dignity and the foundations of international law / Patrick Capps MELB, WATERFT   Book 2009
      Human dignity and the foundations of international law / Patrick Capps MELB, WATERFT   Book 2009
      Human dignity and the foundations of international law / Patrick Capps MELB, WATERFT   Book 2009
      Human dignity and the foundations of international law / Patrick Capps MELB, WATERFT   Book 2009
KC 100 Cha/Fsi    
      The fluid state : international law and national legal systems / editors, Hilary Charlesworth ... [and others] MELB, WATERFT   Book 2005
      The fluid state : international law and national legal systems / editors, Hilary Charlesworth ... [and others] MELB, WATERFT   Book 2005
KC 100 Cla/Ila    
      International law / Ben Clarke MELB, WATERFT   Book 2003
      International law / Ben Clarke MELB, WATERFT   Book 2003
KC 100 Cla/Ila 2009    
      International law / Ben Clarke, Jackson Maogoto MELB, WATERFT   Book 2009
      International law / Ben Clarke, Jackson Maogoto MELB, WATERFT   Book 2009
      International law / Ben Clarke, Jackson Maogoto MELB, WATERFT   Book 2009
      International law / Ben Clarke, Jackson Maogoto MELB, WATERFT   Book 2009
KC 100 Cor/Sbo : Social basis of a law of nations / P.E. Corbett     
      Social basis of a law of nations / P.E. Corbett W'PONDS  Book 1955
KC 100 Cor/Soi : The study of international law     
      The study of international law MELB  Book 1955
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