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KA 49 F4 Bus/Ilm : International law : modern feminist approaches / edited by Doris Buss and Ambreena Manji     
      International law : modern feminist approaches / edited by Doris Buss and Ambreena Manji MELB  Book 2005
KA 49 F4 Cha/Boi    
      The boundaries of international law : a feminist analysis / Hilary Charlesworth and Christine Chinkin MELB, W'PONDS   Book 2000
      The boundaries of international law : a feminist analysis / Hilary Charlesworth and Christine Chinkin MELB, W'PONDS   Book 2000
      The boundaries of international law : a feminist analysis / Hilary Charlesworth and Christine Chinkin MELB, W'PONDS   Book 2000
KA 49 F4 Cha/Itf 2003 : Introduction to feminist legal theory / Martha Chamallas     
      Introduction to feminist legal theory / Martha Chamallas MELB  Book 2003
KA 49 F4 Col/Rmp : Pregnant men : practice, theory, and the law / Ruth Colker     
      Pregnant men : practice, theory, and the law / Ruth Colker MELB  Book 1994
KA 49 F4 Did/Fpo : Feminist perspectives on family law / edited by Alison Diduck and Katherine O'Donovan     
      Feminist perspectives on family law / edited by Alison Diduck and Katherine O'Donovan MELB  Book 2006
KA 49 F4 Fru/Plf    
      Postmodern legal feminism / Mary Joe Frug MELB, WATERFT   Book 1992
      Postmodern legal feminism / Mary Joe Frug MELB, WATERFT   Book 1992
KA 49 F4 Gol/Fjt : Feminist jurisprudence : the difference debate / edited, with an introduction by Leslie Friedman Goldstein     
      Feminist jurisprudence : the difference debate / edited, with an introduction by Leslie Friedman Goldstein MELB  Book 1992
KA 49 F4 Hun/Cac : Choice and consent : feminist engagements with law and subjectivity / edited by Rosemary Hunter and Sharon Cowan     
      Choice and consent : feminist engagements with law and subjectivity / edited by Rosemary Hunter and Sharon Cowan MELB  Book 2007
KA 49 F4 Hun/Rep : Rethinking equality projects in law : feminist challenges / edited by Rosemary Hunter     
      Rethinking equality projects in law : feminist challenges / edited by Rosemary Hunter MELB  Book 2008
KA 49 F4 Lac/Usf : Unspeakable subjects : feminist essays in legal and social theory / Nicola Lacey     
      Unspeakable subjects : feminist essays in legal and social theory / Nicola Lacey MELB  Book 1998
KA 49 F4 Mcg/Lft : Legal feminisms : theory and practice / edited by Clare McGlynn     
      Legal feminisms : theory and practice / edited by Clare McGlynn W'PONDS  Book 1998
KA 49 F4 Naf/Gaj : Gender and justice / edited by Ngaire Naffine     
      Gender and justice / edited by Ngaire Naffine MELB  Book 2002
KA 49 F4 Naf/Sts : Sexing the subject of law / edited by Ngaire Naffine, Rosemary Owens ; with a foreword by Marcia Neave     
      Sexing the subject of law / edited by Ngaire Naffine, Rosemary Owens ; with a foreword by Marcia Neave MELB, WATERFT   Book 1997
KA 49 F4 Ols/Flt : Feminist legal theory : foundations / edited by D. Kelly Weisberg     
      Feminist legal theory : foundations / edited by D. Kelly Weisberg WATERFT  Book 1993
KA 49 F4 Ols/Por : Paradoxes of responsibility : feminist theory and unladylike practices / Frances Olsen     
      Paradoxes of responsibility : feminist theory and unladylike practices / Frances Olsen W'PONDS  Book 1991
KA 49 F4 Ric/Spi : Selves, persons, individuals : philosophical perspectives on women and legal obligations / Janice Richardson     
      Selves, persons, individuals : philosophical perspectives on women and legal obligations / Janice Richardson MELB  Book 2004
KA 49 F4 Smi/Fju : Feminist jurisprudence / edited by Patricia Smith     
      Feminist jurisprudence / edited by Patricia Smith MELB, WATERFT   Book 1993
KA 49 P6 Sta/Pal : Postmodernism and law : jurisprudence in a fragmenting world / Helen M. Stacy     
      Postmodernism and law : jurisprudence in a fragmenting world / Helen M. Stacy WATERFT  Book 2001
KA 49 R4 G1 Fis/Alr : American legal realism / edited by William W. Fisher III, Morton J. Horwitz, Thomas Reed     
      American legal realism / edited by William W. Fisher III, Morton J. Horwitz, Thomas Reed MELB  Book 1993
KA 49 Smi/Fju : Feminist jurisprudence / edited by Patricia Smith     
      Feminist jurisprudence / edited by Patricia Smith MELB, WATERFT   Book 1993
KA 55 A1 Hol/Lir 2022    
      Learning legal rules : a students' guide to legal method and reasoning / James Holland, LLB, PhD, Barrister (Middle Temple), Emeritus Professor of Employment Law, University of the West of England, Bri MELB, W'PONDS   Book 2022
      Learning legal rules : a students' guide to legal method and reasoning / James Holland, LLB, PhD, Barrister (Middle Temple), Emeritus Professor of Employment Law, University of the West of England, Bri MELB, W'PONDS   Book 2022
KA 55 A1 Hol/Llr 1993 : Learning legal rules : a student's guide to legal method and reasoning / James A. Holland, Julian S. Webb     
      Learning legal rules : a student's guide to legal method and reasoning / James A. Holland, Julian S. Webb MELB  Book 1993
KA 55 A1 Hol/Llr 2003 : Learning legal rules : a student's guide to legal method and reasoning / James A. Holland, Julian S. Webb     
      Learning legal rules : a student's guide to legal method and reasoning / James A. Holland, Julian S. Webb WATERFT  Book 2003
KA 55 A1 Hol/Llr 2006    
      Learning legal rules : a students' guide to legal method and reasoning / James A. Holland, Julian S. Webb ; foreword by Lord Templeman MELB, W'PONDS   Book 2006
      Learning legal rules : a students' guide to legal method and reasoning / James A. Holland, Julian S. Webb ; foreword by Lord Templeman MELB, W'PONDS   Book 2006
KA 55 A1 Sty/Lma 2010 : Legal methods and systems : text and materials / Carl F. Stychin, Linda Mulcahy     
      Legal methods and systems : text and materials / Carl F. Stychin, Linda Mulcahy WATERFT  Book 2010
KA 55 Ale/Lra : Legal rules and legal reasoning / Larry Alexander     
      Legal rules and legal reasoning / Larry Alexander MELB  Book 2000
KA 55 Ama/Tor : The tapestry of reason : an inquiry into the nature of coherence and its role in legal argument / Amalia Amaya     
      The tapestry of reason : an inquiry into the nature of coherence and its role in legal argument / Amalia Amaya MELB  Book 2015
KA 55 Ati/Fas : Form and substance in Anglo-American law : a comparative study of legal reasoning, legal theory, and legal institutions / P.S. Atiyah, Robert S. Summers     
      Form and substance in Anglo-American law : a comparative study of legal reasoning, legal theory, and legal institutions / P.S. Atiyah, Robert S. Summers MELB  Book 1991
KA 55 Atr/Lal : Law and legal interpretation / edited by Fernando Atria and D. Neil MacCormick     
      Law and legal interpretation / edited by Fernando Atria and D. Neil MacCormick MELB  Book 2003
KA 55 Atr/Ola : On law and legal reasoning / Fernando Atria     
      On law and legal reasoning / Fernando Atria MELB  Book 2002
KA 55 Ban/Iat : Informatics and the foundations of legal reasoning / edited by Zenon Bankowski, Ian White, and Ulrike Hahn     
      Informatics and the foundations of legal reasoning / edited by Zenon Bankowski, Ian White, and Ulrike Hahn W'PONDS  Book 1995
KA 55 Bis/Lla : Law, language, and ethics : an introduction to law and legal method / William R. Bishin [and] Christopher D. Stone     
      Law, language, and ethics : an introduction to law and legal method / William R. Bishin [and] Christopher D. Stone MELB  Book 1972
KA 55 Bre/Ear : Evolution and revolution in theories of legal reasoning : nineteenth century through the present / edited with an introduction by Scott Brewer     
      Evolution and revolution in theories of legal reasoning : nineteenth century through the present / edited with an introduction by Scott Brewer MELB, W'BOOL   Book 1998
KA 55 Bre/Lpa : Logic, probability, and presumptions in legal reasoning / edited with an introduction by Scott Brewer     
      Logic, probability, and presumptions in legal reasoning / edited with an introduction by Scott Brewer MELB  Book 1998
KA 55 Bre/Mta : Moral theory and legal reasoning / edited with an introduction by Scott Brewer     
      Moral theory and legal reasoning / edited with an introduction by Scott Brewer MELB  Book 1998
KA 55 Bre/Psa    
      Precedents, statutes, and analysis of legal concepts / edited with and introduction by Scott Brewer MELB, W'BOOL, W'PONDS   Book 1998
      Precedents, statutes, and analysis of legal concepts / edited with and introduction by Scott Brewer MELB, W'BOOL, W'PONDS   Book 1998
KA 55 Buc/Rml : Reading modern law : critical methodologies and sovereign formations / edited by Ruth Buchanan, Stewart Motha and Sundhya Pahuja     
      Reading modern law : critical methodologies and sovereign formations / edited by Ruth Buchanan, Stewart Motha and Sundhya Pahuja MELB  Book 2012
KA 55 Cla/Pot : Primer on the analysis and presentation of legal argument / Bradley G. Clary     
      Primer on the analysis and presentation of legal argument / Bradley G. Clary MELB  Book 1992
KA 55 Eng/Aod : Analysis of dis/agreement : with particular reference to law and legal theory / by Svein Eng     
      Analysis of dis/agreement : with particular reference to law and legal theory / by Svein Eng MELB  Book 2003
KA 55 Far/Lat : The legal analyst : a toolkit for thinking about the law / Ward Farnsworth     
      The legal analyst : a toolkit for thinking about the law / Ward Farnsworth MELB  Book 2007
KA 55 Far/Lre : Legal reasoning / John H. Farrar     
      Legal reasoning / John H. Farrar WATERFT  Book 2010
KA 55 Fet/Fol : Fundamentals of legal argumentation : a survey of theories on the justification of judicial decisions / by Eveline T. Feteris     
      Fundamentals of legal argumentation : a survey of theories on the justification of judicial decisions / by Eveline T. Feteris MELB  Book 1999
KA 55 G1 Bur/Itl    
      An introduction to law and legal reasoning / Steven J. Burton MELB, WATERFT   Book 1985
      An introduction to law and legal reasoning / Steven J. Burton MELB, WATERFT   Book 1985
KA 55 G1 Car/Ril : Reason in law / Lief H. Carter, Thomas F. Burke     
      Reason in law / Lief H. Carter, Thomas F. Burke MELB  Book 2002
KA 55 G1 Car/Ril 2005 : Reason in law / Lief H. Carter, Thomas F. Burke     
      Reason in law / Lief H. Carter, Thomas F. Burke MELB  Book 2005
KA 55 G1 Cov/Cam : Cases and materials for a course on legal methods / by Robert N. Covington [and others]     
      Cases and materials for a course on legal methods / by Robert N. Covington [and others] MELB  Book 1969
KA 55 G1 Jon/Lmc 1980 : Legal method : cases and text materials / by Harry W. Jones, John M. Kernochan, Arthur W. Murphy     
      Legal method : cases and text materials / by Harry W. Jones, John M. Kernochan, Arthur W. Murphy MELB  Book 1980
KA 55 G1 Ver/Lat : Law and the limits of reason / Adrian Vermeule     
      Law and the limits of reason / Adrian Vermeule MELB  Book 2009
KA 55 Gin/Itl 2004    
      Introduction to law and legal reasoning / by Jane C. Ginsburg ; illustrations by Adine Kernberg Varah MELB, W'BOOL, WATERFT   Book 2004
      Introduction to law and legal reasoning / by Jane C. Ginsburg ; illustrations by Adine Kernberg Varah MELB, W'BOOL, WATERFT   Book 2004
KA 55 Hal/Rwl : Reasoning with law / Andrew Halpin     
      Reasoning with law / Andrew Halpin MELB  Book 2001
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