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893.05 S5565 A6/J3M : Death by choice / Masahiko Shimada ; translated by Meredith McKinney     
      Death by choice / Masahiko Shimada ; translated by Meredith McKinney MELB  Book 2013
893.05 S5566 A23/A3W : Shui min hao mao xian ji / Zhuiming Cheng zhu ; Songgang Daying hui ; Wang Shuhua yi     
      Shui min hao mao xian ji / Zhuiming Cheng zhu ; Songgang Daying hui ; Wang Shuhua yi MELB  Book 2002
893.05 S9445 A6/H : The hundred-yen singer / Naomi Suenaga ; translated by Tom Gill     
      The hundred-yen singer / Naomi Suenaga ; translated by Tom Gill MELB  Book 2006
893.05 T1212 A21/A : Forest of eyes : selected poems of Tada Chimako / translated from the Japanese and with an introduction and notes by Jeffrey Angles     
      Forest of eyes : selected poems of Tada Chimako / translated from the Japanese and with an introduction and notes by Jeffrey Angles MELB  Book 2010
893.05 T1362 A6/C3M : The case of the Sharaku murders / Katsuhiko Takahashi ; translated by Ian MacDonald     
      The case of the Sharaku murders / Katsuhiko Takahashi ; translated by Ian MacDonald MELB  Book 2013
893.05 T1615 A6/C3M : A thousand strands of black hair / by Seiko Tanabe ; translated by Meredith McKinney     
      A thousand strands of black hair / by Seiko Tanabe ; translated by Meredith McKinney W'PONDS  Book 2012
893.05 T1647 A6/A3Q : Quicksand / Junichirō Tanizaki ; translated from the Japanese by Howard Hibbett     
      Quicksand / Junichirō Tanizaki ; translated from the Japanese by Howard Hibbett W'PONDS  Book 1994
893.05 T1647 A6/C3M 1988 : Childhood years : a memoir / Junʼichirō Tanizaki ; translated by Paul McCarthy     
      Childhood years : a memoir / Junʼichirō Tanizaki ; translated by Paul McCarthy MELB  Book 1988
893.05 T1647 A6/I    
      In praise of shadows / Junʼichirō Tanizaki ; foreword by Charles Moore ; afterword by Thomas J. Harper ; translated by Thomas J. Harper and Edward G. Seidensticker W'PONDS, WATERFT   Book 1977
      In praise of shadows / Junʼichirō Tanizaki ; foreword by Charles Moore ; afterword by Thomas J. Harper ; translated by Thomas J. Harper and Edward G. Seidensticker W'PONDS, WATERFT   Book 1977
893.05 T1647 A6/M3S 1966 : The Makioka sisters / Junichirō Tanizaki ; translated from the Japanese by Edward G. Seidensticker     
      The Makioka sisters / Junichirō Tanizaki ; translated from the Japanese by Edward G. Seidensticker MELB  Book 1966
893.05 T1647 A6/T3S    
      Some prefer nettles / Junichiro Tanizaki ; Translated by Edward G. Seidensticker MELB  Book 1960
      Some prefer nettles / Junichiro Tanizaki ; Translated by Edward G. Seidensticker MELB  Book 1960
893.05 T8826 A6/J3C : Jasmine / Noboru Tsujihara ; translated by Juliet W. Carpenter     
      Jasmine / Noboru Tsujihara ; translated by Juliet W. Carpenter MELB  Book 2012
893.05 T8829 A6/H : Hell / Yasutaka Tsutsui ; translated by Evan Emswiler     
      Hell / Yasutaka Tsutsui ; translated by Evan Emswiler W'PONDS  Book 2007
893.05 W3241 A6/B31 : Beyond the blossoming fields / Jun?ichi Watanabe ; translated by Deborah Iwabuchi and Anna Isozaki     
      Beyond the blossoming fields / Jun?ichi Watanabe ; translated by Deborah Iwabuchi and Anna Isozaki MELB  Book 2008
893.05 Y1921 A23/Y3G : Bedtime eyes / Amy Yamada ; translated by Yumi Gunji and Marc Jardine     
      Bedtime eyes / Amy Yamada ; translated by Yumi Gunji and Marc Jardine W'PONDS  Book 2006
893.05 Y294 A23/G : The glass slipper and other stories / Shotaro Yasuoka ; translated from the Japanese by Royall Tyler     
      The glass slipper and other stories / Shotaro Yasuoka ; translated from the Japanese by Royall Tyler MELB  Book 2008
893.05 Y5487 A6/Y3G : Tokyo tango / Rika Yokomori     
      Tokyo tango / Rika Yokomori W'PONDS  Book 2006
893.05 Y6562 A6/K3B : Kitchen / Banana Yoshimoto ; translated from the Japanese by Megan Backus     
      Kitchen / Banana Yoshimoto ; translated from the Japanese by Megan Backus MELB  Book 1993
893.05 Y6562 A6/N35 : N.P. / a novel by Banana Yoshimoto ; translated from the Japanese by Ann Sherif     
      N.P. / a novel by Banana Yoshimoto ; translated from the Japanese by Ann Sherif W'PONDS  Book 1995
893.06 I7967 A6/K3K : Kutze, stepp'n on wheat / Shinji Ishii ; translated by David Karashima     
      Kutze, stepp'n on wheat / Shinji Ishii ; translated by David Karashima MELB  Book 2014
893.06 I8955 A6/T3D : In pursuit of lavender / Akiko Itoyama ; translated by Charles De Wolf     
      In pursuit of lavender / Akiko Itoyama ; translated by Charles De Wolf MELB  Book 2013
893.06 K1395 A6/W : Woman on the other shore / Mitsuyo Kakuta ; translated by Wayne P. Lammers     
      Woman on the other shore / Mitsuyo Kakuta ; translated by Wayne P. Lammers MELB  Book 2007
893.06 K2219 A6/A3B : All the Lovers in the Night / Mieko Kawakami ; translated from the Japanese by Sam Bett and David Boyd     
      All the Lovers in the Night / Mieko Kawakami ; translated from the Japanese by Sam Bett and David Boyd MELB  Book 2022
893.06 M2185 A6/A3S : Asura Girl / Otaro Maijyo ; translated by Stephen Snyder     
      Asura Girl / Otaro Maijyo ; translated by Stephen Snyder W'PONDS  Book 2014
893.06 S5585 A6/S : School of freedom / Shishi Bunroku ; translated and with an afterword by Lynne E. Riggs     
      School of freedom / Shishi Bunroku ; translated and with an afterword by Lynne E. Riggs W'PONDS  Book 2006
893.1 H4966/I    
      An introduction to Haiku : an anthology of poems and poets from Basho to Shiki MELB  Book 1958
      An introduction to Haiku : an anthology of poems and poets from Basho to Shiki MELB  Book 1958
893.1 S2535/O : One hundred frogs : from renga to haiku to English / by Hiroaki Sato     
      One hundred frogs : from renga to haiku to English / by Hiroaki Sato MELB  Book 1983
893.2 I267 A21/A : Ikkyū and the Crazy Cloud anthology : a Zen poet of medieval Japan / Sonja Arntzen     
      Ikkyū and the Crazy Cloud anthology : a Zen poet of medieval Japan / Sonja Arntzen MELB  Book 2022
893.2 L5336/K : Kabuki encyclopedia : an English-language adaptation of Kabuki jiten / Samuel L. Leiter     
      Kabuki encyclopedia : an English-language adaptation of Kabuki jiten / Samuel L. Leiter W'PONDS  Book 1979
893.3 M6859/A : Accomplices of silence : the modern Japanese novel / Masao Miyoshi     
      Accomplices of silence : the modern Japanese novel / Masao Miyoshi MELB  Book 1974
893.30876 M4377/J : Japanese science fiction : a view of a changing society / Robert Matthew     
      Japanese science fiction : a view of a changing society / Robert Matthew MELB  Book 1989
893.34 K2634/M : Modern Japanese novels and the West     
      Modern Japanese novels and the West MELB  Book 1961
893.3876 B6943/R : Robot ghosts and wired dreams : Japanese science fiction from origins to anime / Christopher Bolton, Istvan Csicsery-Rony Jr., and Takayuki Tatsumi, editors     
      Robot ghosts and wired dreams : Japanese science fiction from origins to anime / Christopher Bolton, Istvan Csicsery-Rony Jr., and Takayuki Tatsumi, editors MELB  Book 2007
893.4 A3157 A23/R : Rashōmon and other stories / by Ryunosuke Akutagawa     
      Rashōmon and other stories / by Ryunosuke Akutagawa W'PONDS  Book 1964
893.4 H4135 A6/F3D : Floating clouds / Hayashi Fumiko ; translated by Lane Dunlop     
      Floating clouds / Hayashi Fumiko ; translated by Lane Dunlop W'PONDS  Book 2006
893.4 S5555 A6/M : A dark night's passing / Naoya Shiga ; translated by Edwin McClellan     
      A dark night's passing / Naoya Shiga ; translated by Edwin McClellan W'PONDS  Book 1976
893.5 S6995 A6/N3P : No reason for murder / Ayako Sono ; translated by Edward Putzar     
      No reason for murder / Ayako Sono ; translated by Edward Putzar W'BOOL  Book 2003
893.6 K2634/J : Japanese literature : an introduction for Western readers     
      Japanese literature : an introduction for Western readers MELB  Book 1955
893.6 K2634/S : Some Japanese portraits / Donald Keene ; ill. by Motoichi Izawa     
      Some Japanese portraits / Donald Keene ; ill. by Motoichi Izawa MELB  Book 1978
893.6 S5563 A6/T : The Tokyo zodiac murders / Soji Shimada ; translated by Ross and Shika MacKenzie     
      The Tokyo zodiac murders / Soji Shimada ; translated by Ross and Shika MacKenzie W'BOOL  Book 2004
893.6 T1935 A6/S : Strangers / Taichi Yamada ; translated by Wayne P. Lammers     
      Strangers / Taichi Yamada ; translated by Wayne P. Lammers W'BOOL  Book 2003
893.6 T8829/I : An inquiry into the Japanese mind as mirrored in literature : the flowering period of common people literature / by Sōkichi Tsuda ; translated by Fukumatsu Matsuda ; compiled by Japanese National Commission for Unesco     
      An inquiry into the Japanese mind as mirrored in literature : the flowering period of common people literature / by Sōkichi Tsuda ; translated by Fukumatsu Matsuda ; compiled by Japanese National MELB  Book 1988
893.60359 V3153/W : Warriors of Japan as portrayed in the war tales / Paul Varley     
      Warriors of Japan as portrayed in the war tales / Paul Varley MELB  Book 1994
893.61 I2644/0 : On the Japanese classics : conversations and appreciations / by Daisaku Ikeda in association with Makoto Nemoto ; translated by Burton Watson     
      On the Japanese classics : conversations and appreciations / by Daisaku Ikeda in association with Makoto Nemoto ; translated by Burton Watson MELB  Book 1979
893.63 K2634/P : The pleasures of Japanese literature / Donald Keene     
      The pleasures of Japanese literature / Donald Keene MELB  Book 1988
893.63 K2634/W : World within walls : Japanese literature of the pre-modern era, 1600-1867 / Donald Keene     
      World within walls : Japanese literature of the pre-modern era, 1600-1867 / Donald Keene MELB  Book 1978
893.64 U2235/M : Modern Japanese writers and the nature of literature / Makoto Ueda     
      Modern Japanese writers and the nature of literature / Makoto Ueda MELB  Book 1976
893.650359 T7842/J : Writing ground zero : Japanese literature and the atomic bomb / John Whittier Treat     
      Writing ground zero : Japanese literature and the atomic bomb / John Whittier Treat W'PONDS  Book 1995
893.7 P2367 A24/M : Mother's song : an essay collection / by Park Young-ja ; [translated by John Cha]     
      Mother's song : an essay collection / by Park Young-ja ; [translated by John Cha] MELB  Book 2007
893.70081 C55952/L : Love in mid-winter night : Korean sijo poetry / translated with an introduction by Chung Chong-wha     
      Love in mid-winter night : Korean sijo poetry / translated with an introduction by Chung Chong-wha MELB  Book 1985
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