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728.6 Hat/Dfm    
      Design for modern living : a practical guide to home furnishing and interior design / Gerd Hatje, Peter Kaspar ; [translated from the German] WATERFT  Book 1975
      Design for modern living : a practical guide to home furnishing and interior design / Gerd Hatje, Peter Kaspar ; [translated from the German] WATERFT  Book 1975
728.6 Hat/Dfm 1962 : Design for modern living / by Gerd and Ursula Hatje     
      Design for modern living / by Gerd and Ursula Hatje WATERFT  Book 1962
728.6 Jam/Meh : Modern English houses and interiors / edited by C.H.James and F.R.Yerbury     
      Modern English houses and interiors / edited by C.H.James and F.R.Yerbury WATERFT  Book 1925
728.6 Lug/Cga : The country gentleman's architect : containing a variety of designs for farm houses and farm yards of different magnitudes ... / by R. Lugar     
      The country gentleman's architect : containing a variety of designs for farm houses and farm yards of different magnitudes ... / by R. Lugar WATERFT ADPML  Book 1807
728.6 Mac/Mch : The modern courtyard house : a history     
      The modern courtyard house : a history WATERFT  Book 1973
728.6 New/Toh : Types of houses erected by the Commissioner for settlers on the irrigation areas / Water Conservation and Irrigation Commission, New South Wales, Australia     
      Types of houses erected by the Commissioner for settlers on the irrigation areas / Water Conservation and Irrigation Commission, New South Wales, Australia WATERFT ADPML  Book 1922
728.6 Nus/Dot : The Dome of the Rock / photography Saïd Nuseibeh ; Oleg Grabar     
      The Dome of the Rock / photography Saïd Nuseibeh ; Oleg Grabar WATERFT  Book 1996
728.6 Pap/Rrc : Rural residences, consisting of a series of designs for cottages decorated cottages, small villas, and other ornamental buildings ... / by John B. Papworth     
      Rural residences, consisting of a series of designs for cottages decorated cottages, small villas, and other ornamental buildings ... / by John B. Papworth WATERFT ADPML  Book 1818
728.6 Par : Villa rustica : selected from buildings and scenes in the vicinity of Rome and Florence, and arranged for rural and domestic dwellings / by charles Parker     
      Villa rustica : selected from buildings and scenes in the vicinity of Rome and Florence, and arranged for rural and domestic dwellings / by charles Parker WATERFT ADPML  Book 1848
728.6 Pot/Bfs : Buildings for small holdings : materials, costs and methods of construction / by Thomas Potter     
      Buildings for small holdings : materials, costs and methods of construction / by Thomas Potter WATERFT  Book 1909
728.6 Rob/Yeh : Your engineered house     
      Your engineered house WATERFT  Book 1964
728.6 Sco/Htb : How to build or buy a country cottage and fit it up / by Home Counties ; with a large number of photographs, plans, and estimates of cottages and bungalows, from £130 to £1300 ; and introduction by Henry Norman     
      How to build or buy a country cottage and fit it up / by Home Counties ; with a large number of photographs, plans, and estimates of cottages and bungalows, from £130 to £1300 ; and introdu WATERFT ADPML  Book 1905
728.6 Sta/Hdf : Home designs for farming communities / State Housing Commission of Western Australia     
      Home designs for farming communities / State Housing Commission of Western Australia WATERFT  Book 1977
728.6 Sun/Ifp [1967] : Ideas for planning your new home / by the editors of Sunset magazine and Sunset books     
      Ideas for planning your new home / by the editors of Sunset magazine and Sunset books WATERFT ADPML  Book 1967
728.6 Sun/Par [1967] : Planning & remodeling your kitchen / by the editors of Sunset books and Sunset magazine     
      Planning & remodeling your kitchen / by the editors of Sunset books and Sunset magazine WATERFT ADPML  Book 1967
728.6 Wal/Cag    
      Cottage and garden in Australia / by Edna Walling WATERFT, WATERFT ADPML   Book 1947
      Cottage and garden in Australia / by Edna Walling WATERFT, WATERFT ADPML   Book 1947
728.6 Wei/Pha : Private houses : an international survey / Werner Weidert ; translated from the German by E. Rockwell     
      Private houses : an international survey / Werner Weidert ; translated from the German by E. Rockwell WATERFT  Book 1967
728.6 Whi/Sht : The small house : today and tomorrow / by Arnold Whittick, in collaboration with Johannes Schreiner     
      The small house : today and tomorrow / by Arnold Whittick, in collaboration with Johannes Schreiner WATERFT  Book 1957
728.6022242 Rob/Rao 1838 : Rural architecture : or a series of designs for ornamental cottages / by P.F. Robinson     
      Rural architecture : or a series of designs for ornamental cottages / by P.F. Robinson WATERFT ADPML  Book 1838
728.6084 Can/Shd [1957] : Small house designs / prepared by Canadian architects     
      Small house designs / prepared by Canadian architects WATERFT ADPML  Book 1957
728.609411 Fen/Rao : The rural architecture of Scotland / Alexander Fenton, Bruce Walker     
      The rural architecture of Scotland / Alexander Fenton, Bruce Walker WATERFT  Book 1981
728.60942 Mer/Evh : English vernacular houses : a study of traditional farmhouses and cottages / Eric Mercer     
      English vernacular houses : a study of traditional farmhouses and cottages / Eric Mercer WATERFT  Book 1975
728.60942 War/Eca : English cottages and farm-houses / C. Henry Warren     
      English cottages and farm-houses / C. Henry Warren WATERFT  Book 1948
728.60942 Yor/Mhi : The modern house in England / by F. R. S. Yorke ... ... .     
      The modern house in England / by F. R. S. Yorke ... ... . WATERFT  Book 1937
728.60942 Yor/Mhi 1944 : The modern house in England     
      The modern house in England WATERFT  Book 1944
728.60946 Mac/Cil    
      Contradictions in living environment : an analysis of 22 Spanish houses WATERFT  Book 1971
      Contradictions in living environment : an analysis of 22 Spanish houses WATERFT  Book 1971
728.609914 Har/Cfd : The Cebuan Filipino dwelling in Caticugan : its construction and cultural aspects     
      The Cebuan Filipino dwelling in Caticugan : its construction and cultural aspects WATERFT  Book 1958
728.60994 Jen/Wha    
      The wise house : adapting your home to the Australian climate / Tom Jenkins [and] John James ; illustrations by Lindsay Carter WATERFT  Book 1978
      The wise house : adapting your home to the Australian climate / Tom Jenkins [and] John James ; illustrations by Lindsay Carter WATERFT  Book 1978
      The wise house : adapting your home to the Australian climate / Tom Jenkins [and] John James ; illustrations by Lindsay Carter WATERFT  Book 1978
728.609945 All/Bca : "The Briars" : conservation analysis report, August 1984 / prepared for the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) [by] Allom, Lovell, Sanderson     
      "The Briars" : conservation analysis report, August 1984 / prepared for the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) [by] Allom, Lovell, Sanderson WATERFT  Book 1984
728.6099457 Wil/Ico : An illustrated catalogue of European settlement in Western Victoria     
      An illustrated catalogue of European settlement in Western Victoria ONLINE  Book  
728.64 Mid/Paa : Picturesque and architectural views for cottages, farm houses and country villas / engraved and designed by Charles Middleton. London, printed for E. Jeffrey, 1793     
      Picturesque and architectural views for cottages, farm houses and country villas / engraved and designed by Charles Middleton. London, printed for E. Jeffrey, 1793 WATERFT  Book 1972
728.64 Mor/Jha    
      Japanese homes and their surroundings / by Edward S. Morse ; with illustrations by the author and with an introduction to the new edition by Terence Barrow WATERFT  Book 1972
      Japanese homes and their surroundings / by Edward S. Morse ; with illustrations by the author and with an introduction to the new edition by Terence Barrow WATERFT  Book 1972
728.64 Woo/Sop : A series of plans for cottages or habitations of the labourer : either in husbandry or the mechanic arts, adapted as well to towns as to the country ... ... / by the late J. Wood     
      A series of plans for cottages or habitations of the labourer : either in husbandry or the mechanic arts, adapted as well to towns as to the country ... ... / by the late J. Wood WATERFT  Book 1972
728.640994 Aus/Hdf : Housing design for the aged and disabled / Department of Housing and Construction     
      Housing design for the aged and disabled / Department of Housing and Construction WATERFT  Book 1980
728.67 Pap/Rrc : Rural residences: consisting of a series of designs for cottages, decorated cottages, small villas and other ornamental buildings : accompanied by hints on situation, construction, arrangement and decoration in the theory & practice of rural architecture interspersed with some observations on landscape gardening / by John B. Papworth     
      Rural residences: consisting of a series of designs for cottages, decorated cottages, small villas and other ornamental buildings : accompanied by hints on situation, construction, arrangement and deco WATERFT  Book 1971
728.670288 San/Coe : The conservation of Elizabeth Farm : Elizabeth Farm     
      The conservation of Elizabeth Farm : Elizabeth Farm WATERFT  Book 1984
728.670941 Bar/Efa : The English farmhouse and cottage / by M.W. Barley     
      The English farmhouse and cottage / by M.W. Barley WATERFT  Book 1961
728.670941 Bro/Ecc : The English country cottage / by R. J. Brown     
      The English country cottage / by R. J. Brown WATERFT  Book 1979
728.670941 Bro/Efa : English farmhouses / by R.J. Brown     
      English farmhouses / by R.J. Brown WATERFT  Book 1982
728.6709441 Mei/Vao : The vernacular architecture of Brittany : an essay in historical geography / Gwyn I. Meirion-Jones     
      The vernacular architecture of Brittany : an essay in historical geography / Gwyn I. Meirion-Jones WATERFT  Book 1982
728.670952 Kaw/Mth : Minka : traditional houses of rural Japan / Chuji Kawashima ; translated by Lynne E. Riggs     
      Minka : traditional houses of rural Japan / Chuji Kawashima ; translated by Lynne E. Riggs WATERFT  Book 1986
728.670994 His/Cho : Historic country homes     
      Historic country homes WATERFT ADPML  Book 1984
728.670994 Mcc/Pta : Planning the Australian homestead / Kenneth McConnel ; with notes on garden design by Rex Hazlewood     
      Planning the Australian homestead / Kenneth McConnel ; with notes on garden design by Rex Hazlewood WATERFT  Book 1947
728.6709942 Pea/Hot : Homesteads of the Stony Desert / Howard Pearce     
      Homesteads of the Stony Desert / Howard Pearce WATERFT  Book 1978
728.67099433 Bre/Lot : Land of the Leslies : buildings of early settlers on the Darling Downs / sketches by Mark Brelsford ; text by Meg Cook     
      Land of the Leslies : buildings of early settlers on the Darling Downs / sketches by Mark Brelsford ; text by Meg Cook WATERFT  Book 1978
728.6709944 Rox/Cfb    
      Colonial farm buildings of New South Wales / Rachel Roxburgh ; [photography by] Douglass Baglin WATERFT  Book 1978
      Colonial farm buildings of New South Wales / Rachel Roxburgh ; [photography by] Douglass Baglin WATERFT  Book 1978
728.67099441 Kin/Esb : Early slab buildings of the Sydney region / Daphne Kingston     
      Early slab buildings of the Sydney region / Daphne Kingston WATERFT  Book 1985
728.67099448 Fre/Har : The homestead : a Riverina anthology / Peter Freeman     
      The homestead : a Riverina anthology / Peter Freeman WATERFT  Book 1982
728.69 Aus/Eea : Energy efficient Australian housing / Department of Transport and Construction     
      Energy efficient Australian housing / Department of Transport and Construction WATERFT  Book 1983
728.69 Bai : Village Homes' solar house designs : a collection of 43 energy-conscious house designs / by David Bainbridge, Judy Corbett, John Hofacre ; with photos. by Carl Doney and Chad Ankele ; illustration assistance by Tonya Olsen, and layout assistance by Carol Stickles     
      Village Homes' solar house designs : a collection of 43 energy-conscious house designs / by David Bainbridge, Judy Corbett, John Hofacre ; with photos. by Carl Doney and Chad Ankele ; illustration assi W'PONDS, WATERFT   Book 1979
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