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704.9482 Bel/Lap : Likeness and presence : a history of the image before the era of art / Hans Belting ; translated by Edmund Jephcott     
      Likeness and presence : a history of the image before the era of art / Hans Belting ; translated by Edmund Jephcott MELB  Book 1994
704.9482 BUE : The faces of Jesus / text, Frederick Buechner ; photography, Lee Boltin ; design, Ray Ripper     
      The faces of Jesus / text, Frederick Buechner ; photography, Lee Boltin ; design, Ray Ripper MELB  Book 1974
704.9482 Did/Aar 1844    
      Annales archéologiques WATERFT ADPML  Book 1881
      Annales archéologiques WATERFT ADPML  Book 1881
      Annales archéologiques WATERFT ADPML  Book 1881
      Annales archéologiques WATERFT ADPML  Book 1881
21 additional entries    
704.9482 Fer : Signs and symbols in Christian art : With illus. from paintings of the Renaissance     
      Signs and symbols in Christian art : With illus. from paintings of the Renaissance W'PONDS  Book 1961
704.9482 Gen/Woc : The words of creation : Genesis 1-11 / translation from the Hebrew by Gianfranco Ravasi ; iconographic project by Maria Grazia Ciardi Duprè Dal Poggetto and Massimo Bernabò ; [translation from Italian into English by David Henderson and Stephen Jackson]     
      The words of creation : Genesis 1-11 / translation from the Hebrew by Gianfranco Ravasi ; iconographic project by Maria Grazia Ciardi Duprè Dal Poggetto and Massimo Bernabò ; [translation f W'PONDS  Book 1998
704.9482 Giu/Spv 1962 : Saint Peter's, Vatican City : artistic, religious guide / L. Giunta     
      Saint Peter's, Vatican City : artistic, religious guide / L. Giunta W'PONDS  Book 1962
704.9482 Hod/Iic : Introducing icons / Paul and Christine Hodgkinson     
      Introducing icons / Paul and Christine Hodgkinson W'PONDS  Book 1991
704.9482 Jon/Frt : From Rome to eternity : Catholicism and the arts in Italy, ca. 1550-1650 / edited by Pamela M. Jones and Thomas Worcester     
      From Rome to eternity : Catholicism and the arts in Italy, ca. 1550-1650 / edited by Pamela M. Jones and Thomas Worcester MELB  Book 2002
704.9482 Mar : Art and the religious experience: the "language" of the sacred / F. David Martin     
      Art and the religious experience: the "language" of the sacred / F. David Martin W'PONDS  Book 1972
704.9482 Mar/Toc : The testimony of the catacombs and of other monuments of Christian art : from the second to the eighteenth century, concerning questions of doctrine now disupted in the Church / by Wharton B. Marriott, B.D. F.S.A     
      The testimony of the catacombs and of other monuments of Christian art : from the second to the eighteenth century, concerning questions of doctrine now disupted in the Church / by Wharton B. Marriott, WATERFT ADPML  Book 1870
704.9482 Ous/Moi : The meaning of icons / by Leonid Ouspensky and Vladimir Lossky ; translated by G.E.H. Palmer and E. Kadloubovsky ; foreword by Titus Burkhardt     
      The meaning of icons / by Leonid Ouspensky and Vladimir Lossky ; translated by G.E.H. Palmer and E. Kadloubovsky ; foreword by Titus Burkhardt WATERFT  Book 1982
704.9482 Ros/Rso : Roma sotterranea ; or, Some account of the Roman catacombs, especially of the cemetery of San Callisto. / Compiled from the works of commendatore de Rossi, with the consent of the author. By Rev. J. Spencer Northcote and Rev. W. R. Brownlow     
      Roma sotterranea ; or, Some account of the Roman catacombs, especially of the cemetery of San Callisto. / Compiled from the works of commendatore de Rossi, with the consent of the author. By Rev. J. Sp WATERFT ADPML  Book 1869
704.9482 S584H : A handbook of symbols in Christian art     
      A handbook of symbols in Christian art MELB  Book 1976
704.9482 Tem/Idb : Icons : divine beauty / Richard Temple     
      Icons : divine beauty / Richard Temple MELB  Book 2004
704.9482 Wil/Hii : Holy icons in the religious art of the eastern church / Doris Wild     
      Holy icons in the religious art of the eastern church / Doris Wild W'PONDS  Book 1961
704.948207494 Cru/Bbm : Beyond belief : modern art and the religious imagination / by Rosemary Crumlin ; catalogue research and collaboration by Margaret Woodward     
      Beyond belief : modern art and the religious imagination / by Rosemary Crumlin ; catalogue research and collaboration by Margaret Woodward W'BOOL  Book 1998
704.948207494 Ras/Cca : Crisis, catharsis and contemplation : a landmark exhibition of contemporary art installed in the cathedrals of Melbourne and Sydney / David Rastas, Rosemary Crumlin, Mark Coleridge ; editor: Brendan Rodway ; photographer: Miriam McWilliam     
      Crisis, catharsis and contemplation : a landmark exhibition of contemporary art installed in the cathedrals of Melbourne and Sydney / David Rastas, Rosemary Crumlin, Mark Coleridge ; editor: Brendan Ro W'PONDS  Book 2006
704.9482082 Ham/Naa : Nuns as artists : the visual culture of a medieval convent / Jeffrey F. Hamburger     
      Nuns as artists : the visual culture of a medieval convent / Jeffrey F. Hamburger W'BOOL  Book 1997
704.94820902 Kas/Ioc : Images of cult and devotion : function and reception of Christian images of medieval and post-medieval Europe / Editor, Soeren Kaspersen ; Illustration Editor, Ulla Haastrup     
      Images of cult and devotion : function and reception of Christian images of medieval and post-medieval Europe / Editor, Soeren Kaspersen ; Illustration Editor, Ulla Haastrup MELB  Book 2004
704.948209034 Bus/Rai : Religious art in the nineteenth century in Europe and America / Thomas Buser. Bk. 2     
      Religious art in the nineteenth century in Europe and America / Thomas Buser. Bk. 2 MELB  Book 2002
704.94820945 Bur/Air : The altarpiece in Renaissance Italy / Jacob Burckhardt ; edited and translated by Peter Humfrey     
      The altarpiece in Renaissance Italy / Jacob Burckhardt ; edited and translated by Peter Humfrey WATERFT  Book 1988
704.94820945 Cra/Sot    
      Sketches of the history of Christian art / by Lord Lindsay WATERFT ADPML  Book 1847
      Sketches of the history of Christian art / by Lord Lindsay WATERFT ADPML  Book 1847
      Sketches of the history of Christian art / by Lord Lindsay WATERFT ADPML  Book 1847
704.94820994 Cru/Bba : The Blake book : art, religion and spirituality in Australia : celebrating 60 years of the Blake Prize / Rosemary Crumlin ; editor, Margaret Woodward     
      The Blake book : art, religion and spirituality in Australia : celebrating 60 years of the Blake Prize / Rosemary Crumlin ; editor, Margaret Woodward MELB  Book 2011
704.9484 Bul/Gbp : Great Bible pictures     
      Great Bible pictures W'PONDS  Book 1957
704.9484 Car/Aat : The Apocalypse : and the shape of things to come / edited by Frances Carey     
      The Apocalypse : and the shape of things to come / edited by Frances Carey MELB  Book 1999
704.94843074 Pro/Pab : Pilgrimage and Buddhist art / edited by Adriana Proser     
      Pilgrimage and Buddhist art / edited by Adriana Proser MELB  Book 2010
704.94855 Mary Mar/Ann 2000 : Annunciation / [designed by Julia Hasting]     
      Annunciation / [designed by Julia Hasting] MELB  Book 2000
704.94855 Nor/Sat : Siena and the Virgin : art and politics in a late medieval city state / Diana Norman     
      Siena and the Virgin : art and politics in a late medieval city state / Diana Norman WATERFT  Book 1999
704.94855 Ver/Miw : Mary in Western art / Timothy Verdon ; captions by Filippo Rossi     
      Mary in Western art / Timothy Verdon ; captions by Filippo Rossi MELB  Book 2005
704.9486 Apo/Iso : In search of Mary Magdalene : images and traditions / Diane Apostolos-Cappadona     
      In search of Mary Magdalene : images and traditions / Diane Apostolos-Cappadona MELB  Book 2002
704.94863 Pon/Aba : Arthur Boyd & Saint Francis of Assisi : pastels, lithographs & tapestries, 1964-1974 / Margaret Pont     
      Arthur Boyd & Saint Francis of Assisi : pastels, lithographs & tapestries, 1964-1974 / Margaret Pont WATERFT  Book 2004
704.94864 Wil/Ang : Angels / Peter Lamborn Wilson     
      Angels / Peter Lamborn Wilson MELB  Book 1980
704.9487 Ner/Dev : Devils / Gilles Néret     
      Devils / Gilles Néret W'BOOL  Book 2003
704.9489213 Car/Aam : Art and myth in ancient Greece : a handbook / Thomas H. Carpenter     
      Art and myth in ancient Greece : a handbook / Thomas H. Carpenter WATERFT  Book 1991
704.94894 Wer/Sia : Symbols in art and religion : the Indian and the comparative perspectives / edited by Karel Werner     
      Symbols in art and religion : the Indian and the comparative perspectives / edited by Karel Werner W'PONDS  Book 1990
704.948943 Bao/Baa : Buddhist art and architecture of China / Yuheng Bao, Qing Tian, Letitia Lane     
      Buddhist art and architecture of China / Yuheng Bao, Qing Tian, Letitia Lane WATERFT  Book 2004
704.948943 Cam/Bil : The Buddha in life and art / Nigel Cameron     
      The Buddha in life and art / Nigel Cameron MELB  Book 2004
704.948943 Cun/Btf : Buddhist treasures from Nara / Michael R. Cunningham ; with essays by John M. Rosenfield and Mimi Hall Yiengpruksawan     
      Buddhist treasures from Nara / Michael R. Cunningham ; with essays by John M. Rosenfield and Mimi Hall Yiengpruksawan WATERFT  Book 1998
704.948943 Gre/Bis : Buddha in suburbia, Greater Western Sydney : a project by Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre / [exhibition curator, Karen Greenhalgh ; writers, Karen Greenhalgh ... and five others]     
      Buddha in suburbia, Greater Western Sydney : a project by Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre / [exhibition curator, Karen Greenhalgh ; writers, Karen Greenhalgh ... and five others] MELB  Book 2005
704.948943 Ima : The Image of the Buddha / general editor, David L. Snellgrove     
      The Image of the Buddha / general editor, David L. Snellgrove W'PONDS  Book 1978
704.948943 Lei/Mta : Mandala : the architecture of enlightenment / Denise Patry Leidy and Robert A.F. Thurman     
      Mandala : the architecture of enlightenment / Denise Patry Leidy and Robert A.F. Thurman WATERFT  Book 1997
704.948943 Lou/Bud : Buddhism / Louis Frédéric ; designed by Jean-Claude Auger ; English translation by Nissim Marshall     
      Buddhism / Louis Frédéric ; designed by Jean-Claude Auger ; English translation by Nissim Marshall WATERFT  Book 1995
704.948943 Mca/Rba : Reading Buddhist art : an illustrated guide to Buddhist signs and symbols / Meher McArthur     
      Reading Buddhist art : an illustrated guide to Buddhist signs and symbols / Meher McArthur WATERFT  Book 2002
704.948943 Men/Bra : Buddha : radiant awakening / editor, Jackie Menzies     
      Buddha : radiant awakening / editor, Jackie Menzies W'PONDS  Book 2001
704.948943 Mor/Oai : Object as insight : Japanese Buddhist art & ritual / guest curators, Anne Nishimura Morse and Samuel Crowell Morse     
      Object as insight : Japanese Buddhist art & ritual / guest curators, Anne Nishimura Morse and Samuel Crowell Morse WATERFT  Book 1995
704.948943 Sno/Sot    
      The symbolism of the stupa / Adrian Snodgrass MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1988
      The symbolism of the stupa / Adrian Snodgrass MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1988
      The symbolism of the stupa / Adrian Snodgrass MELB, W'PONDS   Book 1988
704.948943 Unc/Cpf : Ceylon : paintings from temple, shrine and rock / Pref. [by] W. G. Archer ; introd. [by] S. Paranavitana     
      Ceylon : paintings from temple, shrine and rock / Pref. [by] W. G. Archer ; introd. [by] S. Paranavitana MELB  Book 1958
704.948943 Wes/Zit : Zen in the fifties : interaction in art between east and west / Helen Westgeest     
      Zen in the fifties : interaction in art between east and west / Helen Westgeest W'BOOL  Book 1997
704.94894303 Lok/Dob    
      Dictionary of Buddhist iconography / Lokesh Chandra MELB  Book 2005
      Dictionary of Buddhist iconography / Lokesh Chandra MELB  Book 2005
704.948943095 Ber/Abb : Ageless Borobudur : Buddhist mystery in stone, decay and restoration, Mendut and Pawon, folklife in ancient Java / A. J. Bernet Kempers     
      Ageless Borobudur : Buddhist mystery in stone, decay and restoration, Mendut and Pawon, folklife in ancient Java / A. J. Bernet Kempers MELB  Book 1976
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