690.12 Bui/Iwt : Installing wall ties in existing construction / prepared at Building Research Station
Installing wall ties in existing construction / prepared at Building Research Station
690.12 Com/Igm : Intelligente Glasfassaden : Material, Anwendung, Gestaltung = Intelligent glass façades : material, practice, design / Andrea Compagno ; [translation into English, Ingrid Taylor]
Intelligente Glasfassaden : Material, Anwendung, Gestaltung = Intelligent glass façades : material, practice, design / Andrea Compagno ; [translation into English, Ingrid Taylor]
690.12 Coo/Wbt : A wall bracing test and evaluation procedure / R. C. Cooney, M. J. Collins
A wall bracing test and evaluation procedure / R. C. Cooney, M. J. Collins
690.12 Dev/Cow : Corrosion of steel wall ties : history of occurrence, background and treatment / R.C. de Vekey
Corrosion of steel wall ties : history of occurrence, background and treatment / R.C. de Vekey
690.12 Dur/Cmf : "Condeco" mobile form specially designed for profitable operation by unskilled labour / distributors: Durabild Pty. Ltd
"Condeco" mobile form specially designed for profitable operation by unskilled labour / distributors: Durabild Pty. Ltd
690.12 Dur/Sta : Save time and money build your own home 4 times faster for 1/3rd less with "Condeco" mobile-form wall building machine / distributed by Durabild Pty. Ltd
Save time and money build your own home 4 times faster for 1/3rd less with "Condeco" mobile-form wall building machine / distributed by Durabild Pty. Ltd
690.12 Fis : Strength and resistance to corrosion of ties for cavity walls / by Cyrus C. Fishburn
Strength and resistance to corrosion of ties for cavity walls / by Cyrus C. Fishburn
690.12 Gat/Cwc : Curtain wall construction / editor-in-chief Konrad Gatz in collaboration with Hans-Jürgen Meier-Menzel and Fritz Hierl
Curtain wall construction / editor-in-chief Konrad Gatz in collaboration with Hans-Jürgen Meier-Menzel and Fritz Hierl
690.12 Goa : Properties of cavity walls / Daniel S. Goalwin
Properties of cavity walls / Daniel S. Goalwin
690.12 Hig/Con : The construction of new buildings behind historic façades / David Highfield
The construction of new buildings behind historic façades / David Highfield
690.12 Isa/Ffh : Footings for houses, flats, and schools of not more than two storeys : a report to the Standards Association of Australia / by D.V.Isaacs
Footings for houses, flats, and schools of not more than two storeys : a report to the Standards Association of Australia / by D.V.Isaacs
690.12 Joh/Poe : Performance of exterior building walls / Paul G. Johnson, editor
Performance of exterior building walls / Paul G. Johnson, editor
690.12 Lev/Cbe : Construction building envelope and interior finishes databook / Sidney M. Levy
Construction building envelope and interior finishes databook / Sidney M. Levy
690.12 Nat/Mai : Maintaining and restoring masonry walls : current understanding and maintenance methods on brick and stone walls: papers and discussion at a symposium held at the New South Wales Institute of Technology, 2-3 February, 1978 / editor: G.S. Gibbons
Maintaining and restoring masonry walls : current understanding and maintenance methods on brick and stone walls: papers and discussion at a symposium held at the New South Wales Institute of Technolog
690.15 Ame/Doc 1954 : Design of cylindrical concrete shell roofs / prepared by the Committee on Masonry and Reinforced Concrete of the Structural Division through its Subcommittee on Thin Shell Design
Design of cylindrical concrete shell roofs / prepared by the Committee on Masonry and Reinforced Concrete of the Structural Division through its Subcommittee on Thin Shell Design
690.15 Ame/Lsr 1981 : Long span roof structures : proceedings of a symposium held at the 1981 annual convention and exhibit, St. Louis, Mo., October 26-30, 1981 / sponsored by the Committee on Special Structures of the Committee on Metals of the Structural Division, ASCE, in cooperation with Task Group 17 of the Structural Stability Research Council
Long span roof structures : proceedings of a symposium held at the 1981 annual convention and exhibit, St. Louis, Mo., October 26-30, 1981 / sponsored by the Committee on Special Structures of the Comm
690.15 Pri/Src : Selecting roof claddings : a guide to choosing roof materials / [Trevor Pringle]
Selecting roof claddings : a guide to choosing roof materials / [Trevor Pringle]
690.15 Rob/Tot : A treatise on the construction of roofs as regards carpentry and joinery / deduced from the works of Robison, Price, and Tredgold. Illustrated with thirty-four diagrams
A treatise on the construction of roofs as regards carpentry and joinery / deduced from the works of Robison, Price, and Tredgold. Illustrated with thirty-four diagrams