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Mark   Medium Year
686.22544536 Par/Lgi 2006 : Looking good in print / Roger C. Parker     
      Looking good in print / Roger C. Parker MELB  Book 2006
686.22544536 Shu/Dpf 1996 : Desktop publishing by design : everyone's guide to PageMaker 6 / Ronnie Shushan, Don Wright ; with Laura Lewis     
      Desktop publishing by design : everyone's guide to PageMaker 6 / Ronnie Shushan, Don Wright ; with Laura Lewis MELB  Book 1996
686.22544536 War/Qxp : QuarkXPress 6 killer tips : the hottest collection of cool tips and hidden secrets for QuarkXPress / Eda Warren     
      QuarkXPress 6 killer tips : the hottest collection of cool tips and hidden secrets for QuarkXPress / Eda Warren W'BOOL  Book 2004
686.22544536 Woo/Dme : Desktop magic : electronic publishing, document management, and workgroups / John M. Wood     
      Desktop magic : electronic publishing, document management, and workgroups / John M. Wood MELB  Book 1995
686.225445369 Bau/Qsf : QuarkXpress 6 for print and Web design / Michael Baumgardt     
      QuarkXpress 6 for print and Web design / Michael Baumgardt W'BOOL  Book 2004
686.23042 Gro/Poc : The power of color in design for desktop publishing / Vern Groff     
      The power of color in design for desktop publishing / Vern Groff MELB  Book 1990
686.2312 Riv/Rli : Reinventing letterpress : inspirational pieces by contemporary practitioners / Charlotte Rivers ; foreword by Yee-Haw Industries     
      Reinventing letterpress : inspirational pieces by contemporary practitioners / Charlotte Rivers ; foreword by Yee-Haw Industries MELB  Book 2010
686.2315 Cap/Mam : Catalogue and price list of machinery and materials for letterpress and lithographic printers bookbinders and paper rulers     
      Catalogue and price list of machinery and materials for letterpress and lithographic printers bookbinders and paper rulers WATERFT ADPML  Book 18--?
686.2315 Dar/Ead : The establishment and development of engraving and lithography in Melbourne to the time of the gold rush / Thomas A. Darragh     
      The establishment and development of engraving and lithography in Melbourne to the time of the gold rush / Thomas A. Darragh WATERFT ADPML  Book 1990
686.2315 Stenbe Mou/Sbd : Stenberg brothers : constructing a revolution in Soviet design / by Christopher Mount ; with an essay by Peter Kenez     
      Stenberg brothers : constructing a revolution in Soviet design / by Christopher Mount ; with an essay by Peter Kenez W'PONDS  Book 1997
686.232 FOS : Screen printing photographic techniques / by R. O. Fossett     
      Screen printing photographic techniques / by R. O. Fossett MELB  Book 1973
686.232 Window Rim/Wga : Windows graphics and prepress / Steve Rimmer     
      Windows graphics and prepress / Steve Rimmer W'BOOL  Book 1995
686.232068 Ben/Tio : The impact of digital technology on image suppliers in the printing and publishing industry : a study of futures & strategies / Irwin J. Becnel, Kenneth E. Nicholson ; editor, Helen Cripe     
      The impact of digital technology on image suppliers in the printing and publishing industry : a study of futures & strategies / Irwin J. Becnel, Kenneth E. Nicholson ; editor, Helen Cripe W'PONDS  Book 1994
686.2325 SAN-P : Photographing for publication / Norman Sanders     
      Photographing for publication / Norman Sanders MELB  Book 1983
686.2327 Bis/Pmp : Photogravure machine printing : a working manual covering machine-room practices, methods of correction, ink and paper problems and modern photogravure printing machines / by H. Biskeborn     
      Photogravure machine printing : a working manual covering machine-room practices, methods of correction, ink and paper problems and modern photogravure printing machines / by H. Biskeborn WATERFT ADPML  Book 1949
686.28 Arn : Modern newspaper design / by Edmund C. Arnold     
      Modern newspaper design / by Edmund C. Arnold W'PONDS  Book 1969
686.28 BEA-P2 : Papers for printing : how to choose the right paper at the right price for all your design and printing needs / Mark Beach & Kathleen Ryan     
      Papers for printing : how to choose the right paper at the right price for all your design and printing needs / Mark Beach & Kathleen Ryan MELB  Book 1991
686.28 Hut : Newspaper design / Allen Hutt     
      Newspaper design / Allen Hutt W'PONDS  Book 1967
686.28 Hut 1989 : Newspaper design today : a manual for professionals / Allen Hutt and Bob James     
      Newspaper design today : a manual for professionals / Allen Hutt and Bob James W'PONDS  Book 1989
686.282 BUR-B : The Burns braille transcription dictionary / Mary F. Burns ; introduction by Toni Heinze     
      The Burns braille transcription dictionary / Mary F. Burns ; introduction by Toni Heinze MELB  Book 1991
686.284 Hol/Cbo : The collector's book of sheet music covers / by Robyn Holmes and Ruth Lee Martin     
      The collector's book of sheet music covers / by Robyn Holmes and Ruth Lee Martin MELB  Book 2001
686.3 Bri/Reb : Royal English bookbindings in the British Museum     
      Royal English bookbindings in the British Museum MELB  Book 1957
686.3 Coc/Bat 1901 : Bookbinding and the care of books / by Douglas Cockerell     
      Bookbinding and the care of books / by Douglas Cockerell WATERFT ADPML  Book 1901
686.3 Cor : Bookbinding for beginners / John Corderoy ; with line illustrations by Eric Sweet     
      Bookbinding for beginners / John Corderoy ; with line illustrations by Eric Sweet W'PONDS  Book 1967
686.3 Dog/Bhs : The bookbinding handbook : simple techniques and step-by-step projects / Sue Doggett     
      The bookbinding handbook : simple techniques and step-by-step projects / Sue Doggett MELB  Book 2008
686.3 Gol/Chb : Creating handmade books / Alisa Golden     
      Creating handmade books / Alisa Golden MELB  Book 1998
686.3 Lap/Ctc : Cover to cover : creative techniques for making beautiful books, journals & albums / Shereen LaPlantz     
      Cover to cover : creative techniques for making beautiful books, journals & albums / Shereen LaPlantz W'BOOL  Book 1998
686.3 Mor/Bcg    
      Bookbinding : the complete guide to folding, sewing & binding / Franziska Morlok, Miriam Waszelewski ; translated by Caroline Waight MELB, W'PONDS   Book 2018
      Bookbinding : the complete guide to folding, sewing & binding / Franziska Morlok, Miriam Waszelewski ; translated by Caroline Waight MELB, W'PONDS   Book 2018
686.3 Mui : Binding and repairing books by hand / David Muir ; with drawings by Richard Bawden     
      Binding and repairing books by hand / David Muir ; with drawings by Richard Bawden W'PONDS  Book 1978
686.3 Smi/Htm : How to make books / Esther K. Smith ; illustrations, Lindsay Stadig ; photographs by David Michael Zimmerman     
      How to make books / Esther K. Smith ; illustrations, Lindsay Stadig ; photographs by David Michael Zimmerman MELB  Book 2007
686.3 Smi/Sap    
      Sewn and pasted cloth or leather bookbinding for book artists requiring no special tools or equipment / Keith A. Smith and Fred A. Jordan MELB, WATERFT   Book 1998
      Sewn and pasted cloth or leather bookbinding for book artists requiring no special tools or equipment / Keith A. Smith and Fred A. Jordan MELB, WATERFT   Book 1998
686.3 Ste/Rbc : Re-bound : creating handmade books from recycled and repurposed materials / Jeannine Stein     
      Re-bound : creating handmade books from recycled and repurposed materials / Jeannine Stein MELB  Book 2009
686.3 Tay/Ebi : Eco books : inventive projects from the recycling bin / Terry Taylor     
      Eco books : inventive projects from the recycling bin / Terry Taylor MELB  Book 2009
686.3 Tho/Mmb    
      More making books by hand : exploring miniature books, alternative structures, and found objects / written and illustrated by Peter and Donna Thomas MELB, W'BOOL, W'PONDS   Book 2004
      More making books by hand : exploring miniature books, alternative structures, and found objects / written and illustrated by Peter and Donna Thomas MELB, W'BOOL, W'PONDS   Book 2004
      More making books by hand : exploring miniature books, alternative structures, and found objects / written and illustrated by Peter and Donna Thomas MELB, W'BOOL, W'PONDS   Book 2004
686.3 Wes/Btf : Bookcraft : techniques for binding, folding, and decorating to create books and more / Heather Weston     
      Bookcraft : techniques for binding, folding, and decorating to create books and more / Heather Weston MELB  Book 2008
686.302 Cam/Hbt : Handmade bookbinding techniques / Josep Cambras     
      Handmade bookbinding techniques / Josep Cambras MELB  Book 2007
686.302 Gol/Ehb : Expressive handmade books / Alisa Golden     
      Expressive handmade books / Alisa Golden MELB  Book 2005
686.302 Luc/Sfa : 75 artist books : the Kaldewey Press, New York : a catalogue raisonnĂ© / by Clemens von Lucius     
      75 artist books : the Kaldewey Press, New York : a catalogue raisonnĂ© / by Clemens von Lucius WATERFT  Book 2011
686.302 She/Hmb : Hand-made books : an introduction to bookbinding / Rob Shepherd     
      Hand-made books : an introduction to bookbinding / Rob Shepherd MELB  Book 1994
686.302 Wat : Hand bookbinding : a manual of instruction / by Aldren A. Watson, with illustrations by the author     
      Hand bookbinding : a manual of instruction / by Aldren A. Watson, with illustrations by the author W'PONDS  Book 1963
686.302 Woo/Byo    
      Binding your own books / by John Woodcock MELB, WATERFT ADPML   Book 195-?
      Binding your own books / by John Woodcock MELB, WATERFT ADPML   Book 195-?
686.36 Nev : Traditional marbling / by Iris Nevins     
      Traditional marbling / by Iris Nevins WATERFT ADPML  Book 1985
686.4 Bat/Ocr : The office copying revolution : history, identification and preservation / Ian Batterham     
      The office copying revolution : history, identification and preservation / Ian Batterham MELB  Book 2008
687 But/Del      
      Delineator WATERFT ADPML  Journal  
687 Fou : Clothing; comfort and function / Lyman Fourt and Norman R. S. Hollies     
      Clothing; comfort and function / Lyman Fourt and Norman R. S. Hollies W'PONDS  Book 1970
687 Hil/Dsa : Dress selection and design / Marion S. Hillhouse     
      Dress selection and design / Marion S. Hillhouse MELB  Book 1963
687 Tam/Wea : Tailor and men's wear Australia     
      Tailor and men's wear Australia WATERFT ADPML  Book  
687 Zil/Rea : Real estate accounts : comprising accounts of estate agents and land & building companies and syndicates / by John L. Zillman     
      Real estate accounts : comprising accounts of estate agents and land & building companies and syndicates / by John L. Zillman WATERFT ADPML  Book 1924
687.068 Cra/Sfs : Cram101 textbook outlines to accompany Silent selling: best practices and effective strategies in visual marketing     
      Cram101 textbook outlines to accompany Silent selling: best practices and effective strategies in visual marketing MELB  Book 2012
687.0688 Mue/Mtf 1995 : Marketing today's fashion / Carol Stewart Mueller, Eleanor Lewit Smiley     
      Marketing today's fashion / Carol Stewart Mueller, Eleanor Lewit Smiley MELB  Book 1995
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