Incorporating sustainable practice in mechanics and structures of materials : proceedings of the 21st Australian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 7-10 Dece
Incorporating sustainable practice in mechanics and structures of materials : proceedings of the 21st Australian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 7-10 Dece
Incorporating sustainable practice in mechanics and structures of materials : proceedings of the 21st Australian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, Melbourne, Australia, 7-10 Dece
624.1 Aus/Lkv : [Lëgkai͡a konstrukt͡sii͡a v arkhitekture i v prirode : opublikovanie k vystavke "Prirodoobraznye konstrukt͡sii" v Muzee arkhitektury imeni A.V. Shusev v Moskve 1983 g.] = Leichtbau in Architektur und Natur : eine Veröffentlichung zur Ausstellung "Natürliche Konstruktionen" im Museum für Architektur A.W. Schussew in Moskau 1983 = Lightweight structures in architecture and nature : a publication for the exhibition "Natural Structures" in the Shussev Museum of Architecture in Moscow 1983 / [Gestaltung und Layout Klaus Tränkle, Berthold Burkhardt ; Fotoarbeiten Ilse Schmall, Georgina Krause-Valdovinos]
[Lëgkai͡a konstrukt͡sii͡a v arkhitekture i v prirode : opublikovanie k vystavke "Prirodoobraznye konstrukt͡sii" v Muzee arkhitektury imeni A.V. Shusev v Moskve 1983 g.] =
624.1 Bea : Long-term holding capacity of statically loaded anchors in cohesive soils / R.M. Beard, Jan. 1979
Long-term holding capacity of statically loaded anchors in cohesive soils / R.M. Beard, Jan. 1979
STESSA 2009 : proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 16-20 August 2009 / editors, Federico M. Mazzolani, J
STESSA 2009 : proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 16-20 August 2009 / editors, Federico M. Mazzolani, J
624.1 Dou/Cma : Construction management / Clarence J. Douglas [and] Elmer L. Munger
Construction management / Clarence J. Douglas [and] Elmer L. Munger
624.1 Int/Aba : Anpassungsfähig Bauen = Adaptable architecture / Leitung Frei Otto, mit Berthold Burkhardt u. Jürgen Hennicke
Anpassungsfähig Bauen = Adaptable architecture / Leitung Frei Otto, mit Berthold Burkhardt u. Jürgen Hennicke
624.1 Int/Mar : Mobile and rapidly assembled structures II : second International Conference on Mobile and Rapidly Assembled Structures, MARAS 96 / editors, F. Escrig, C.A. Brebbia ; organised by Wessex Institute of Technology, Southampton, U.K. and the School of Architecture, University of Seville, Spain
Mobile and rapidly assembled structures II : second International Conference on Mobile and Rapidly Assembled Structures, MARAS 96 / editors, F. Escrig, C.A. Brebbia ; organised by Wessex Institute of T
Innovations in structural engineering and construction : proceedings of the 4th International Structural and Construction Engineering Conference (ISEC-4), Melbourne, Australia, 26-28 September 2007 / e
Innovations in structural engineering and construction : proceedings of the 4th International Structural and Construction Engineering Conference (ISEC-4), Melbourne, Australia, 26-28 September 2007 / e
624.1 Ise/Acc 2015 : Implementing innovative ideas in structural engineering and project management / editors Swapan Saha, Y. X. Zhang, Siamak Yazdani, Amarjit Singh
Implementing innovative ideas in structural engineering and project management / editors Swapan Saha, Y. X. Zhang, Siamak Yazdani, Amarjit Singh
624.1 Kar/Sle : Service life estimation and extension of civil engineering structures / edited by Vistasp M. Karbhari and Luke S. Lee
Service life estimation and extension of civil engineering structures / edited by Vistasp M. Karbhari and Luke S. Lee
624.1 Kit/Ico : Structural stability and design : proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Stability and Design, Sydney, Australia, 30 October - 1 November 1995, to commemorate the sixtieth birthday of Professor N.S. Trahair / edited by S. Kitipornchai, G.J. Hancock & M.A. Bradford
Structural stability and design : proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Stability and Design, Sydney, Australia, 30 October - 1 November 1995, to commemorate the sixtieth birthday o
624.1 Lew/Fem 1998 : The finite element method in the static and dynamic deformation and consolidation of porous media / R.W. Lewis, B.A. Shrefler
The finite element method in the static and dynamic deformation and consolidation of porous media / R.W. Lewis, B.A. Shrefler
Building structures : a conceptual approach / Malcolm Millais
Building structures : a conceptual approach / Malcolm Millais
624.1 Pri : Air structures : a survey commissioned by the Ministry of Public Building and Works / by Cedric Price and Frank Newby, Robert H. Suan
Air structures : a survey commissioned by the Ministry of Public Building and Works / by Cedric Price and Frank Newby, Robert H. Suan
624.1 Sch/Pin : Pneus in Natur und Technik = Pneus in nature and technics / Klaus Bach ... [and others] ; wissenschaftliche Bearbeitung und Gestaltung der Publikation, Eda Schaur ... [and others]
Pneus in Natur und Technik = Pneus in nature and technics / Klaus Bach ... [and others] ; wissenschaftliche Bearbeitung und Gestaltung der Publikation, Eda Schaur ... [and others]
Structural steel design : LRFD approach / J.C. Smith
624.1 Tho/Slc : Sustainable landscape construction : a guide to green building outdoors / J. William Thompson and Kim Sorvig ; drawings by Craig D. Farnsworth
Sustainable landscape construction : a guide to green building outdoors / J. William Thompson and Kim Sorvig ; drawings by Craig D. Farnsworth
624.1 Tho/Slc 2018 : Sustainable landscape construction : a guide to green building outdoors / Kim Sorvig with J. William Thompson ; with drawings by Craig D. Farnsworth
Sustainable landscape construction : a guide to green building outdoors / Kim Sorvig with J. William Thompson ; with drawings by Craig D. Farnsworth
624.1 Wah/Baa : Building anatomy : an illustrated guide to how structures work / Iver Wahl
Building anatomy : an illustrated guide to how structures work / Iver Wahl
624.1 Wph/Tte : Watts pocket handbook 2004 : the essential guide to property and construction, as used by professionals since 1983
Watts pocket handbook 2004 : the essential guide to property and construction, as used by professionals since 1983