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532.0593 Lig : Waves in fluids / James Lighthill     
      Waves in fluids / James Lighthill W'PONDS  Book 1978
532.0593 Per/Now : Nonlinear ocean waves / editor, W. Perrie     
      Nonlinear ocean waves / editor, W. Perrie W'PONDS  Book 1998
532.1 Row : Liquids and liquid mixtures / J. S. Rowlinson     
      Liquids and liquid mixtures / J. S. Rowlinson W'PONDS  Book 1969
532.2 Cat : Floating and sinking / Ed Catherall     
      Floating and sinking / Ed Catherall W'PONDS CRC  Book 1985
532.2 Gib/Mtf : Making things float and sink / by Gary Gibson ; [illustrated by Tony Kenyon]     
      Making things float and sink / by Gary Gibson ; [illustrated by Tony Kenyon] W'PONDS CRC  Book 1995
532.2 Jen/Fas : Floating and sinking / Terry Jennings ; illustrations by David Anstey     
      Floating and sinking / Terry Jennings ; illustrations by David Anstey W'PONDS CRC  Book 1988
532.2 Lar : A treatise on hydrostatics and pneumatics / by Dionysius Lardner     
      A treatise on hydrostatics and pneumatics / by Dionysius Lardner WATERFT ADPML  Book 1831
532.2 Ram/Hat : Hydrostatics : a text-book for the use of first year students at the universities and for the higher divisions in schools / by A.S. Ramsey     
      Hydrostatics : a text-book for the use of first year students at the universities and for the higher divisions in schools / by A.S. Ramsey WATERFT ADPML  Book 1936
532.2 Sen/Hyd : Hydrostatics / by D.K. Sen     
      Hydrostatics / by D.K. Sen WATERFT ADPML  Book 1930
532.20712 Mck/Ham : Hydrostatics and mechanics     
      Hydrostatics and mechanics WATERFT ADPML  Book 1958
532.20712 Nig/Eha : Experimental hydrostatics and mechanics / E. Nightingale     
      Experimental hydrostatics and mechanics / E. Nightingale WATERFT ADPML  Book 1929
532.25 Eng/Saf : Sink and float / written by Deirdre Englehart ; cover design by Matthew Van Zomeren ; inside art by Sherry Neidigh     
      Sink and float / written by Deirdre Englehart ; cover design by Matthew Van Zomeren ; inside art by Sherry Neidigh W'BOOL CRC  Book 2000
532.32 Low/Gow : The geometrical optics workbook / David S. Loshin     
      The geometrical optics workbook / David S. Loshin W'PONDS  Book 1991
532.5 Gan/Gff : A general formula for the uniform flow of water in rivers and other channels / by E. Ganguillet and W.R. Kutter. Translated from the German, with numerous additions, incl. tables, diagrams, and the elements of over 1200 gaugings of rivers, small channels and pipes, in English measure, by Rudolph Hering and John C. Trautwine, Jr     
      A general formula for the uniform flow of water in rivers and other channels / by E. Ganguillet and W.R. Kutter. Translated from the German, with numerous additions, incl. tables, diagrams, and the ele W'PONDS  Book 2012
532.5 Hap : Low Reynolds number hydrodynamics. : With special applications to particulate media. / John Happel and Howard Brenner     
      Low Reynolds number hydrodynamics. : With special applications to particulate media. / John Happel and Howard Brenner W'PONDS  Book 1973
532.5 Hun : Incompressible fluid dynamics / J.N. Hunt     
      Incompressible fluid dynamics / J.N. Hunt W'PONDS  Book 1964
532.5 Lam 1932 : Hydrodynamics / by Sir Horace Lamb     
      Hydrodynamics / by Sir Horace Lamb W'PONDS  Book 1932
532.5 Lem : An Introduction to Hydrodynamics and Water Waves     
      An Introduction to Hydrodynamics and Water Waves W'PONDS  Book 1976
532.5 Liu/Sph : Smoothed particle hydrodynamics : a meshfree particle method / G.R. Liu, M.B. Liu     
      Smoothed particle hydrodynamics : a meshfree particle method / G.R. Liu, M.B. Liu W'PONDS  Book 2003
532.5 Pic : Analysis of surge     
      Analysis of surge W'PONDS  Book 1969
532.50712 Bot/Fdy 1970 : Fluid dynamics / by R. Both, Bro. Chanel and Peter Waite ; Illustrated by Barbara Vale and Paulene Raphael     
      Fluid dynamics / by R. Both, Bro. Chanel and Peter Waite ; Illustrated by Barbara Vale and Paulene Raphael WATERFT ADPML  Book 1970
532.5101 Oni/Umf : User's manual for the instream sediment-contaminant transport model seratra [microform] / Y. Onishi [and others]     
      User's manual for the instream sediment-contaminant transport model seratra [microform] / Y. Onishi [and others] W'PONDS  Microform 1982
532.52 Con : The two-dimensional jet under gravity from an aperture in the lower of two horizontal planes which bound a liquid / by William Edward Conway     
      The two-dimensional jet under gravity from an aperture in the lower of two horizontal planes which bound a liquid / by William Edward Conway W'PONDS  Book 1999
532.52 Fox/Pap 1958 : Principles and practice of flow meter engineering / L. K. Spink     
      Principles and practice of flow meter engineering / L. K. Spink WATERFT ADPML  Book 1958
532.593 Nel : The effect of bed slope on wave characteristics / by R.C. Nelson     
      The effect of bed slope on wave characteristics / by R.C. Nelson W'PONDS  Book 1981
533 Bar/Air : Discovering science / D.H. Barratt, Leeds, E.J. Arnold     
      Discovering science / D.H. Barratt, Leeds, E.J. Arnold WATERFT ADPML  Book 1961-
533.14 Gre : Adsorption, surface area and porosity / S.J. Gregg, K.S.W. Sing     
      Adsorption, surface area and porosity / S.J. Gregg, K.S.W. Sing W'PONDS  Book 1982
533.14 Ros : On physical adsorption     
      On physical adsorption W'PONDS  Book 1964
533.2 Bec : Gas dynamics. / Translated by E. L. Chu     
      Gas dynamics. / Translated by E. L. Chu W'PONDS  Book 1968
533.2 Bru *    
      The kind of motion we call heat : a history of the kinetic theory of gases in the 19th century / Stephen G. Brush W'PONDS  Book 1976
      The kind of motion we call heat : a history of the kinetic theory of gases in the 19th century / Stephen G. Brush W'PONDS  Book 1976
533.2 Cam : Gas dynamics / by Ali Bulent Cambel and Burgess H. Jennings     
      Gas dynamics / by Ali Bulent Cambel and Burgess H. Jennings W'PONDS  Book 1967
533.2 Kuz/Nce : Non-classical equations of mixed type and their applications in gas dynamics / A.G. Kuz'min     
      Non-classical equations of mixed type and their applications in gas dynamics / A.G. Kuz'min W'PONDS  Book 1992
533.21 Int/Sse : Stationary source emissions : measurement of velocity and volume flowrate of gas streams in ducts = Émissions de sources fixes : mesurage de la vitesse et du débit-volume des courants gazeux dans des conduites / International Organization for Standardization     
      Stationary source emissions : measurement of velocity and volume flowrate of gas streams in ducts = Émissions de sources fixes : mesurage de la vitesse et du débit-volume des courants gaz W'PONDS  Book 1994
533.5 Sha : Leviathan and the air-pump : Hobbes, Boyle, and the experimental life : including a translation of Thomas Hobbes, Dialogus physicus de natura aeris by Simon Schaffer / Steven Shapin & Simon Schaffer     
      Leviathan and the air-pump : Hobbes, Boyle, and the experimental life : including a translation of Thomas Hobbes, Dialogus physicus de natura aeris by Simon Schaffer / Steven Shapin & Simon Schaffer W'PONDS  Book 1985
533.6 Ard/Air    
      Air / written by Neil Ardley MELB CRC, W'PONDS CRC   Book 1991
      Air / written by Neil Ardley MELB CRC, W'PONDS CRC   Book 1991
533.6 Suz/Iwc : If we could see the air / written and created by David Suzuki ; art by Eugenie Fernandes     
      If we could see the air / written and created by David Suzuki ; art by Eugenie Fernandes MELB CRC  Book 1994
533.6 Tay/Aaf : Air and flying / Barbara Taylor ; photographs by Peter Millard     
      Air and flying / Barbara Taylor ; photographs by Peter Millard MELB CRC  Book 1991
533.62 All : Aerodynamics : the science of air in motion / John E. Allen     
      Aerodynamics : the science of air in motion / John E. Allen W'PONDS  Book 1982
533.62 Kar : Principles of ideal-fluid aerodynamics / Krishnamurty Karamcheti     
      Principles of ideal-fluid aerodynamics / Krishnamurty Karamcheti W'PONDS  Book 1966
533.7 Jea    
      The dynamical theory of gases W'PONDS  Book 1954
      An introduction to the kinetic theory of gases / Sir James Jeans W'PONDS  Book 1982
533.7 Sal/Wwa 1975 : World water and environment : a physical geography for senior high schools / by Colin J. Sale and Maxine E. Sale     
      World water and environment : a physical geography for senior high schools / by Colin J. Sale and Maxine E. Sale WATERFT ADPML  Book 1975
534 Alb : The world of sound / Vernon M. Albers     
      The world of sound / Vernon M. Albers W'PONDS  Book 1970
534 Ban/Hps : Hearing places : sound, place, time and culture / edited by Ros Bandt, Michelle Duffy and Dolly MacKinnon     
      Hearing places : sound, place, time and culture / edited by Ros Bandt, Michelle Duffy and Dolly MacKinnon MELB  Book 2007
534 Bon/Wos : The world of sound : applied science I     
      The world of sound : applied science I WATERFT ADPML  Book 1970
534 Bra/Wii : Why is it so loud? / Nicolas Brasch     
      Why is it so loud? / Nicolas Brasch W'BOOL CRC  Book 2009
534 But/Saw : Sound and wave motion / by S. T. Butler ; edited by H. Messel     
      Sound and wave motion / by S. T. Butler ; edited by H. Messel MELB  Book 1965
534 Car/Sou : Sound / Chris Carter, Rik Nitert and Ian Ritchie ; illustrated by Anneke Veenstra     
      Sound / Chris Carter, Rik Nitert and Ian Ritchie ; illustrated by Anneke Veenstra MELB CRC  Book 1990
534 Cas/Sou : Sound / Terry Cash ; [Consultant: Barbara Taylor] ; illustrated by Kuo Kang Chen & Peter Bull     
      Sound / Terry Cash ; [Consultant: Barbara Taylor] ; illustrated by Kuo Kang Chen & Peter Bull W'PONDS CRC  Book 1989
534 Che : Sound : its uses and abuses in today's technology     
      Sound : its uses and abuses in today's technology W'PONDS  Book 1970
534 Cle/Mso : Making sounds / by Owen Clemens     
      Making sounds / by Owen Clemens WATERFT ADPML  Book 1968
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