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358.4 Goo/Ata    
      Airpower : theory and practice / edited by John Gooch W'PONDS  Book 1995
      Airpower : theory and practice / edited by John Gooch W'PONDS  Book 1995
358.4 Gri/Bap : Britain's air policy, present and future / by Jonathan Griffin     
      Britain's air policy, present and future / by Jonathan Griffin W'PONDS  Book 1935
358.4 Jan/Jwa    
      Jane's world air forces / edited by Lindsay Peacock, Alexander von Rosenbach W'PONDS  Book 2011
      IHS Jane's world air forces / edited by Lindsay Peacock, Alexander von Rosenbach W'PONDS  Book 2012-
      IHS Jane's world air forces / edited by Lindsay Peacock, Alexander von Rosenbach W'PONDS  Book 2012-
      IHS Jane's world air forces / edited by Lindsay Peacock, Alexander von Rosenbach W'PONDS  Book 2012-
      IHS Jane's world air forces / edited by Lindsay Peacock, Alexander von Rosenbach W'PONDS  Book 2012-
358.4 Kai/Feo : Future employment of small air forces / Sanu Kainikara     
      Future employment of small air forces / Sanu Kainikara W'PONDS  Book 2005
358.4 Law/Mad : The mint : a day book of the R.A.F. Depot between August and December 1922 / T.E. Lawrence, with later notes by 352087 A/c Ross     
      The mint : a day book of the R.A.F. Depot between August and December 1922 / T.E. Lawrence, with later notes by 352087 A/c Ross WATERFT ADPML  Book 1955
358.4 Lil/Soi : Sources of influence on capital expenditure decisions : a contextual study of accounting performance measurement / Anne Lillis     
      Sources of influence on capital expenditure decisions : a contextual study of accounting performance measurement / Anne Lillis WATERFT ADPML  Book 1991
358.4 Mcc/Ico : A last call of empire : Australian aircrew, Britain and the Empire Air Training Scheme / John McCarthy     
      A last call of empire : Australian aircrew, Britain and the Empire Air Training Scheme / John McCarthy W'PONDS  Book 1988
358.4 Ste/Tbr : A threat-based reassessment of western air power / Alan Stephens     
      A threat-based reassessment of western air power / Alan Stephens W'PONDS  Book 2005
358.4 Wil/Apf : Air power for peace / by Eugene E. Wilson     
      Air power for peace / by Eugene E. Wilson W'PONDS  Book 1945
358.400321 Tay/Eot : Encyclopedia of the world's air forces / Michael J.H. Taylor     
      Encyclopedia of the world's air forces / Michael J.H. Taylor W'PONDS  Book 1988
358.4009 Hig/Apa 1988 : Air power : a concise history / Robin Higham     
      Air power : a concise history / Robin Higham W'PONDS  Book 1988
358.4009 Mil : Air power and warfare : the proceedings of the 8th Military History Symposium, United States Air Force Academy, 18-20 October 1978 / edited by Alfred F. Hurley and Robert C. Ehrhart     
      Air power and warfare : the proceedings of the 8th Military History Symposium, United States Air Force Academy, 18-20 October 1978 / edited by Alfred F. Hurley and Robert C. Ehrhart W'PONDS  Book 1979
358.4009041 Tal/Aad : AĆ«roplanes and dirigibles of war / by Frederick A. Talbot     
      AĆ«roplanes and dirigibles of war / by Frederick A. Talbot WATERFT ADPML  Book 1915
358.400924 Tre.b : Trenchard     
      Trenchard W'PONDS  Book 1962
358.40094 Raa/Yoa : 100 years of aviation : the Australian military experience : the proceedings of the 2003 RAAF History Conference held in Canberra 4-5 August 2003 / edited by Keith Brent     
      100 years of aviation : the Australian military experience : the proceedings of the 2003 RAAF History Conference held in Canberra 4-5 August 2003 / edited by Keith Brent W'PONDS  Book 2003
358.400941 Art/Tsb : There shall be wings : the RAF: 1919 to the present / Max Arthur     
      There shall be wings : the RAF: 1919 to the present / Max Arthur W'PONDS  Book 1993
358.400941 Ham/Aot : ABC of the RAF : handbook for all branches of the Air Force / edited by Sir John Hammerton ; with a preface by Sir Charles Portal     
      ABC of the RAF : handbook for all branches of the Air Force / edited by Sir John Hammerton ; with a preface by Sir Charles Portal W'PONDS  Book
358.400941 Omi/Apa : Air power and colonial control : the Royal Air Force, 1919-1939 / David E. Omissi     
      Air power and colonial control : the Royal Air Force, 1919-1939 / David E. Omissi W'PONDS  Book 1990
358.400941 Par/Dor : A dictionary of R.A. F. Slang : with an introductory essay     
      A dictionary of R.A. F. Slang : with an introductory essay WATERFT ADPML  Book 1945
358.400941 Smi : British air strategy between the wars / Malcolm Smith     
      British air strategy between the wars / Malcolm Smith W'PONDS  Book 1984
358.400941 Tay/Raf : The Royal Air Force / John W.R. Taylor ; illustrated by Victor G. Ambrus     
      The Royal Air Force / John W.R. Taylor ; illustrated by Victor G. Ambrus MELB  Book 1965
358.400941 Tem/Eot : Empire of the air : the advent of the air age, 1922-1929 / by Viscount Templewood (Sir Samuel Hoare)     
      Empire of the air : the advent of the air age, 1922-1929 / by Viscount Templewood (Sir Samuel Hoare) W'PONDS  Book 1957
358.400941 Til : Air power and the Royal Navy, 1914-1945 : a historical survey / Geoffrey Till     
      Air power and the Royal Navy, 1914-1945 : a historical survey / Geoffrey Till W'PONDS  Book 1979
358.400943 Luf : Luftwaffe : an analysis by former Luftwaffe generals / edited by Harold Faber     
      Luftwaffe : an analysis by former Luftwaffe generals / edited by Harold Faber W'PONDS  Book 1979
358.400943 Mur : Luftwaffe / Williamson Murray     
      Luftwaffe / Williamson Murray W'PONDS  Book 1985
358.400943 Ris : The Rise and fall of the German Air Force 1933-1945 / with a new introduction by H.A. Probert     
      The Rise and fall of the German Air Force 1933-1945 / with a new introduction by H.A. Probert W'PONDS  Book 1983
358.400951 All/Caf : China's air force enters the 21st century / Kenneth W. Allen, Glenn Krumel, Jonathan D. Pollack     
      China's air force enters the 21st century / Kenneth W. Allen, Glenn Krumel, Jonathan D. Pollack W'PONDS  Book 1995
358.400951 Whe/Ftt : The Flying Tigers : the story of the American volunteer group / by Russell Whelan     
      The Flying Tigers : the story of the American volunteer group / by Russell Whelan WATERFT ADPML  Book 1942
358.4009591 Sel/Baf : The Burma Air Force / Andrew Selth     
      The Burma Air Force / Andrew Selth W'PONDS  Book 1997
358.400973 She/Roa : The rise of American air power : the creation of Armageddon / Michael S. Sherry     
      The rise of American air power : the creation of Armageddon / Michael S. Sherry W'PONDS  Book 1987
358.400994 Aus : The golden years : Royal Australian Air Force, 1921-1971     
      The golden years : Royal Australian Air Force, 1921-1971 W'PONDS  Book 1971
358.400994 Aus/Iia : Inquiry into Australian Defence Force regional air superiority / Defence Sub-Committee, Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade     
      Inquiry into Australian Defence Force regional air superiority / Defence Sub-Committee, Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade ONLINE, W'PONDS   E-book 2007
358.400994 Aus/Raa    
      The Royal Australian Air Force W'PONDS  Book 1989
      The Royal Australian Air Force / [published for Department of Defence] W'PONDS  Book 1992
      Royal Australian Air Force W'PONDS  Book 2000-
358.400994 Aus/Uot    
      Units of the Royal Australian Air Force : a concise history : chiefs of the air staff, aircraft, bibliography / compiled by the RAAF Historical Section W'PONDS  Book 1995
      Units of the Royal Australian Air Force : a concise history : chiefs of the air staff, aircraft, bibliography / compiled by the RAAF Historical Section W'PONDS  Book 1995
      Units of the Royal Australian Air Force : a concise history : chiefs of the air staff, aircraft, bibliography / compiled by the RAAF Historical Section W'PONDS  Book 1995
      Units of the Royal Australian Air Force : a concise history : chiefs of the air staff, aircraft, bibliography / compiled by the RAAF Historical Section W'PONDS  Book 1995
6 additional entries    
358.400994 Aus/Wfw : Wings for warriors : a photographic history of the Australian Flying Corps and the Royal Australian Air Force / compiled by the RAAF Public Relations Section     
      Wings for warriors : a photographic history of the Australian Flying Corps and the Royal Australian Air Force / compiled by the RAAF Public Relations Section W'PONDS  Book 1995
358.400994 Bal/Apg : Air power : global developments and Australian perspectives / edited by Desmond Ball     
      Air power : global developments and Australian perspectives / edited by Desmond Ball W'PONDS  Book 1988
358.400994 Bal/Apt : Air power, the defence of Australia and regional security / by Desmond Ball     
      Air power, the defence of Australia and regional security / by Desmond Ball W'PONDS  Book 1991
358.400994 Bre/Moa : Masters of air power : the proceedings of the 2005 RAAF History Conference held in Canberra on 12 August 2005 / edited by Keith Brent     
      Masters of air power : the proceedings of the 2005 RAAF History Conference held in Canberra on 12 August 2005 / edited by Keith Brent MELB  Book 2005
358.400994 Cou/Ftg : From the ground up : the training of RAAF technical ground staff, 1948-1993 / C.D. Coulthard-Clark     
      From the ground up : the training of RAAF technical ground staff, 1948-1993 / C.D. Coulthard-Clark W'PONDS  Book 1997
358.400994 New/Coe : Clash of eagles / Dennis Newton     
      Clash of eagles / Dennis Newton W'PONDS  Book 1996
358.400994 Odg : The Royal Australian Air Force : an illustrated history / by George Odgers     
      The Royal Australian Air Force : an illustrated history / by George Odgers W'PONDS  Book 1965
358.400994 Par : Australian Air Force since 1911 / by N.M. Parnell and C.A. Lynch     
      Australian Air Force since 1911 / by N.M. Parnell and C.A. Lynch W'PONDS  Book 1976
358.400994 Ste/Gst : Going solo : the Royal Australian Air Force, 1946-1971 / Alan Stephens     
      Going solo : the Royal Australian Air Force, 1946-1971 / Alan Stephens W'PONDS  Book 1995
358.400994 Ste/Wit : The war in the air, 1914-1994 : the proceedings of a conference held by the Royal Australian Air Force in Canberra, March 1994 / edited by Alan Stephens     
      The war in the air, 1914-1994 : the proceedings of a conference held by the Royal Australian Air Force in Canberra, March 1994 / edited by Alan Stephens W'PONDS  Book 1994
358.400994 The : They wrote it themselves : a book of the W.A.A.A.F     
      They wrote it themselves : a book of the W.A.A.A.F W'PONDS  Book 1946
358.400994 Tur/Raw : The RAAF at war : World War II, Korea, Malaya & Vietnam / edited, written & illustrated by Jim Turner     
      The RAAF at war : World War II, Korea, Malaya & Vietnam / edited, written & illustrated by Jim Turner W'PONDS  Book 1999
358.400994 Vid/Atc : Air Training Corps : the first fifty years / Barry J. Videon     
      Air Training Corps : the first fifty years / Barry J. Videon W'PONDS  Book 1991
358.400994 Vin/Rhs : The RAAF Hudson story / by David Vincent     
      The RAAF Hudson story / by David Vincent W'PONDS  Book 2010
358.400994 Wat/Rap : RAAF air power doctrine : a collection of contemporary essays / Gary Waters editor     
      RAAF air power doctrine : a collection of contemporary essays / Gary Waters editor W'PONDS  Book 1990
358.400994 Wil/Boa    
      The brotherhood of airmen : the men and women of the RAAF in action, 1914- today / David Wilson W'PONDS  Book 2005
      The brotherhood of airmen : the men and women of the RAAF in action, 1914- today / David Wilson W'PONDS  Book 2005
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