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296.7 Kus/Hgd 1997 : How good do we have to be? : a new understanding of guilt and forgiveness / Harold S. Kushner     
      How good do we have to be? : a new understanding of guilt and forgiveness / Harold S. Kushner MELB  Book 1996
296.709438 Hes/Eit : The earth is the Lord's : the inner world of the Jew in East Europe / Abraham Joshua Heschel ; with wood engravings by Ilya Schor     
      The earth is the Lord's : the inner world of the Jew in East Europe / Abraham Joshua Heschel ; with wood engravings by Ilya Schor W'PONDS  Book 1986
296.71 AVI-R : Return to Judaism : religious renewal in Israel / Janet Aviad     
      Return to Judaism : religious renewal in Israel / Janet Aviad MELB  Book 1983
296.71 BLO-G : The golem; legends of the ghetto of Prague / by Chayim Bloch. Translated from the German by Harry Schneiderman. With prefatory note by Hans Ludwig Held     
      The golem; legends of the ghetto of Prague / by Chayim Bloch. Translated from the German by Harry Schneiderman. With prefatory note by Hans Ludwig Held MELB  Book 1972
296.71 KUK-C : Choosing Judaism / Lydia Kukoff     
      Choosing Judaism / Lydia Kukoff MELB  Book 1981
296.71 ROS-C : Conversion to Judaism : from the Biblical period to the present / Joseph R. Rosenbloom     
      Conversion to Judaism : from the Biblical period to the present / Joseph R. Rosenbloom MELB  Book 1978
296.712 Nig/Mma : Magic, mysticism, and Hasidism : the supernatural in Jewish thought / Gedalyah Nigal ; translated by Edward Levin     
      Magic, mysticism, and Hasidism : the supernatural in Jewish thought / Gedalyah Nigal ; translated by Edward Levin W'PONDS  Book 1994
296.72 Abr : Abrahams's interlineary tephilloth, or, Daily form of prayers, with the English translation under each word of the Hebrew, according to the order of the German and Polish Jews : adopted for the improvement of youths in Jewish schools and families, to render instruction easy to teacher and pupil / by H. Abrahams     
      Abrahams's interlineary tephilloth, or, Daily form of prayers, with the English translation under each word of the Hebrew, according to the order of the German and Polish Jews : adopted for the improve WATERFT ADPML  Book 1853
296.72 AUT-S : Seder tefilot kol ha-shanah. English     
      The authorised daily prayer book of the United Hebrew congregations of the British Commonwealth of Nations / with a new translation by S. Singer MELB  Book 1962
296.72 Rem/Mgb : My grandfather's blessings : stories of strength, refuge, and belonging / by Rachel Naomi Remen     
      My grandfather's blessings : stories of strength, refuge, and belonging / by Rachel Naomi Remen W'PONDS  Book 2000
296.73 Ble/Kfp 2008 : Kosher food production / by Zushe Yosef Blech     
      Kosher food production / by Zushe Yosef Blech MELB  Book 2008
296.73074 Mfa/Coj : The moveable feast : a celebration of Jewish food : an exhibition at the Jewish Museum of Australia, March-July 1996     
      The moveable feast : a celebration of Jewish food : an exhibition at the Jewish Museum of Australia, March-July 1996 W'PONDS  Book 1996
296.74 DON-T : To raise a Jewish child : a guide for parents / Hayim Halevy Donin     
      To raise a Jewish child : a guide for parents / Hayim Halevy Donin MELB  Book 1977
296.74 Mar : Beyond survival : reflections on the future of Judaism / Dow Marmur     
      Beyond survival : reflections on the future of Judaism / Dow Marmur W'PONDS  Book 1982
296.8 Ory/Aoc : An analysis of Christian origins. / Translated into English by C.Bradlaugh Bonner     
      An analysis of Christian origins. / Translated into English by C.Bradlaugh Bonner W'PONDS  Book 1961
296.81 Cog : Samaritans and Jews : the origins of Samaritanism reconsidered / R. J. Coggins     
      Samaritans and Jews : the origins of Samaritanism reconsidered / R. J. Coggins W'PONDS  Book 1975
296.81 Ewi/Pot 1994 : The prophet of the Dead Sea scrolls : the Essenes and the Early Christians, one and the same holy people : their seven devout practices / Upton Clary Ewing     
      The prophet of the Dead Sea scrolls : the Essenes and the Early Christians, one and the same holy people : their seven devout practices / Upton Clary Ewing W'PONDS  Book 1994
296.81 GAS-S    
      Studies and texts in folklore, magic, mediaeval romance, Hebrew Apocrypha, and Samaritan archaeology. / Collected and reprinted by Moses Gaster. Prolegomenon by Theodor Gaster MELB  Book 1971
      Studies and texts in folklore, magic, mediaeval romance, Hebrew Apocrypha, and Samaritan archaeology. / Collected and reprinted by Moses Gaster. Prolegomenon by Theodor Gaster MELB  Book 1971
      Studies and texts in folklore, magic, mediaeval romance, Hebrew Apocrypha, and Samaritan archaeology. / Collected and reprinted by Moses Gaster. Prolegomenon by Theodor Gaster MELB  Book 1971
296.81 MAN-T : Texts and studies in Jewish history and literature. / Introd. by Gerson D. Cohen     
      Texts and studies in Jewish history and literature. / Introd. by Gerson D. Cohen MELB  Book 1972
296.81 Ver : The Dead Sea scrolls in English / G. Vermes     
      The Dead Sea scrolls in English / G. Vermes W'PONDS  Book 1962
296.83 Rud/Mjr : Modern Jewish religious movements : a history of emancipation and adjustment / by David Rudavsky     
      Modern Jewish religious movements : a history of emancipation and adjustment / by David Rudavsky W'PONDS  Book 1979
296.83 Sch/Fbt : From Berlin to Jerusalem : memories of my youth / Gershom Scholem ; translated from the German by Harry Zohn     
      From Berlin to Jerusalem : memories of my youth / Gershom Scholem ; translated from the German by Harry Zohn W'PONDS  Book 1988
296.83092 Montef Wol/Smm : Sir Moses Montefiore. A centennial biography with extracts from letters and journals / by Lucien Wolf     
      Sir Moses Montefiore. A centennial biography with extracts from letters and journals / by Lucien Wolf WATERFT ADPML  Book 1884
296.83099 Ros/Lbw : Look back with pride : the St. Kilda Hebrew Congregation's first century / Newman Rosenthal     
      Look back with pride : the St. Kilda Hebrew Congregation's first century / Newman Rosenthal W'PONDS  Book 1971
296.83099451 Aro/Ert : The enduring remnant : the first 150 years of the Melbourne Hebrew Congregation 1841-1991 / Joseph Aron and Judy Arndt     
      The enduring remnant : the first 150 years of the Melbourne Hebrew Congregation 1841-1991 / Joseph Aron and Judy Arndt W'PONDS  Book 1992
296.832 DIM-B : Dimensions of Orthodox Judaism / edited with introduction by Reuven P. Bulka     
      Dimensions of Orthodox Judaism / edited with introduction by Reuven P. Bulka MELB  Book 1983
296.832 Neu/Aoo : The Alteration of orthodoxy / edited with introduction by Jacob Neusner     
      The Alteration of orthodoxy / edited with introduction by Jacob Neusner W'PONDS  Book 1993
296.832 Sac/Opt : One people? : tradition, modernity, and Jewish unity / Jonathan Sacks     
      One people? : tradition, modernity, and Jewish unity / Jonathan Sacks W'PONDS  Book 1993
296.832092 Gamedz Seg/Bjf : The black Jew from royal Swaziland     
      The black Jew from royal Swaziland W'PONDS  DVD video 2008
296.8320943 Mit/Bka : Between Kant and Kabbalah : an introduction to Isaac Breuer's philosophy of Judaism / Alan L. Mittleman     
      Between Kant and Kabbalah : an introduction to Isaac Breuer's philosophy of Judaism / Alan L. Mittleman W'PONDS  Book 1990
296.833 BUB-T : Tales of the Hasidim : the later masters / Martin Buber ; [translated by Olga Marx]     
      Tales of the Hasidim : the later masters / Martin Buber ; [translated by Olga Marx] MELB  Book 1948
296.833 SAF-F : Safed spirituality : rules of mystical piety, the beginning of wisdom / translation and introduction by Lawrence Fine ; preface by Louis Jacobs     
      Safed spirituality : rules of mystical piety, the beginning of wisdom / translation and introduction by Lawrence Fine ; preface by Louis Jacobs MELB  Book 1984
296.833 Sch/Mti    
      Major trends in Jewish mysticism / Gershom G. Sholem MELB  Book 1961
      Major trends in Jewish mysticism MELB  Book 1955
296.8332 Rab/Gth : A guide to Hassidism / by H. Rabinowicz     
      A guide to Hassidism / by H. Rabinowicz W'PONDS  Book 1960
296.833209033 Sch/Hma : The Hasidic Movement and the Gaon of Vilna / Elijah Judah Schochet     
      The Hasidic Movement and the Gaon of Vilna / Elijah Judah Schochet W'PONDS  Book 1994
296.8332209 Loe/Cti : Communicating the infinite : the emergence of the Habad school / Naftali Loewenthal     
      Communicating the infinite : the emergence of the Habad school / Naftali Loewenthal W'PONDS  Book 1990
296.8346 BIA-L : Liberal Judaism at home : the practices of modern reform Judaism     
      Liberal Judaism at home : the practices of modern reform Judaism MELB  Book 1971
296.8346 Neu/Ror : The Reformation of Reform Judaism / edited with introduction by Jacob Neusner     
      The Reformation of Reform Judaism / edited with introduction by Jacob Neusner W'PONDS  Book 1993
296.834609 Mey/Rtm 1995 : Response to modernity : a history of the Reform Movement in Judaism / Michael A. Meyer     
      Response to modernity : a history of the Reform Movement in Judaism / Michael A. Meyer W'PONDS  Book 1995
296.8346092 Montef Kes/Ejt : An English Jew : the life and writings of Claude Montefiore / selected, edited and introduced by Edward Kessler     
      An English Jew : the life and writings of Claude Montefiore / selected, edited and introduced by Edward Kessler W'PONDS  Book 1989
297 Abd/Iif : Islam in focus / Hammudah Abdalati     
      Islam in focus / Hammudah Abdalati MELB  Book 1975
297 Abd/Iif 1998    
      Islam in focus / Hammudah Abdulati ; revised and edited by Shaykh Salih al Husayin, Mustapha Abu Sway MELB  Book 1998
      Islam in focus / Hammudah Abdulati ; revised and edited by Shaykh Salih al Husayin, Mustapha Abu Sway MELB  Book 1998
297 Add/Cat : The Christian approach to the Moslem : a historical study     
      The Christian approach to the Moslem : a historical study W'PONDS  Book 1942
297 Ahm : Three questions by a Christian answered / Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad ; translated by Muhammad Aslam     
      Three questions by a Christian answered / Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad ; translated by Muhammad Aslam W'PONDS  Book 1972
297 AHM-D : Discovering Islam : making sense of Muslim history and society / Akbar S. Ahmed     
      Discovering Islam : making sense of Muslim history and society / Akbar S. Ahmed MELB  Book 1989
297 Ald/Fvo 88/3 : The French view of the Pacific : a critique of geopolitical analysis / Robert Aldrich     
      The French view of the Pacific : a critique of geopolitical analysis / Robert Aldrich W'PONDS  Book 1988
297 All : The sayings of Muhammad / by Allama sir Abdullah al-Mamun al-Suhrawardy ; with a foreword by Mahatma Gandhi     
      The sayings of Muhammad / by Allama sir Abdullah al-Mamun al-Suhrawardy ; with a foreword by Mahatma Gandhi W'PONDS  Book 1941
297 All 1992 : The sayings of Muhammad / by Allama Sir Abdullah Al-Mamun al-Suhrawardy ; with a foreword by Mahatma Gandhi     
      The sayings of Muhammad / by Allama Sir Abdullah Al-Mamun al-Suhrawardy ; with a foreword by Mahatma Gandhi W'PONDS  Book 1992
297 Als/Mtm    
      Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah : may God exalt his mention / written by Abdurrahman Al-Sheha ; translated by Abdurrahman Murad MELB  Book 2006
      Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah : may Allah exalt his mention / by Abdurrahman Al-Sheha MELB  Book 2005
297 Arf/Hyd 2007 : Have you discovered its real beauty? / Naji Ibrahim Arfaj     
      Have you discovered its real beauty? / Naji Ibrahim Arfaj W'PONDS  Book 2007
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