294.3438 Wij : Place and emotion in northern Thai ritual behaviour / Gehan Wijeyewardene
Place and emotion in northern Thai ritual behaviour / Gehan Wijeyewardene
294.344 Bat/Ftd : The faith to doubt : glimpses of Buddhist uncertainty / Stephen Batchelor
The faith to doubt : glimpses of Buddhist uncertainty / Stephen Batchelor
294.344 Cha/Tof : A taste of freedom : selected Dhamma talks / by Ajahn Chah
A taste of freedom : selected Dhamma talks / by Ajahn Chah
294.344 Gue/Cvt : The creative vision : the symbolic recreation of the world according to the Tibetan Buddhist tradition of Tantric visualization otherwise known as the developing phase / [translated by] Herbert Guenther
The creative vision : the symbolic recreation of the world according to the Tibetan Buddhist tradition of Tantric visualization otherwise known as the developing phase / [translated by] Herbert Guenthe
294.344 Gue/Ess : Ecstatic spontaneity : Saraha's three cycles of dohā / Herbert Guenther
Ecstatic spontaneity : Saraha's three cycles of dohā / Herbert Guenther
294.344 Par : Buddhist faith and sudden enlightenment / Sung Bae Park
Buddhist faith and sudden enlightenment / Sung Bae Park
294.344 Ref : Reflections of mind : Western psychology meets Tibetan Buddhism / Tarthang Tulku, editor
Reflections of mind : Western psychology meets Tibetan Buddhism / Tarthang Tulku, editor
294.344 Sch/Aft : Advice from the lotus-born : a collection of Padmasambhava's advice to the Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal and other close disciples from the Terma treasure revelations of Nyang Ral Nyima Özer, Guru Chöwang, Pema Ledrel Tsal, Sangye Lingpa, Rigdzin Gódem, & Chokgyur Lingpa / introductory teaching by H.E. Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche ; translated from the Tibetan by Erik Pema Kunsang ; edited by Maria Binder Schmidt
Advice from the lotus-born : a collection of Padmasambhava's advice to the Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal and other close disciples from the Terma treasure revelations of Nyang Ral Nyima Özer, Guru Ch
294.344 Ten/Roa : Reflections on a mountain lake : a Western nun talks on practical Buddhism / Tenzin Palmo
Reflections on a mountain lake : a Western nun talks on practical Buddhism / Tenzin Palmo
294.3442 Hop : Meditation on emptiness / Jeffrey Hopkins ; assistant editor : Elizabeth Napper
Meditation on emptiness / Jeffrey Hopkins ; assistant editor : Elizabeth Napper
294.3442 Van/Atg : Approaching the great perfection : simultaneous and gradual approaches to Dzogchen practice in Jigme Lingpa's Longchen Nyingtig / Sam van Schaik
Approaching the great perfection : simultaneous and gradual approaches to Dzogchen practice in Jigme Lingpa's Longchen Nyingtig / Sam van Schaik
294.3443 Bar/Pta : Piercing the autumn sky : a guide to dsicovering the natural freedom of mind / Peter F. Barth
Piercing the autumn sky : a guide to dsicovering the natural freedom of mind / Peter F. Barth
294.3443 Bie/Dmo : Dōgen's manuals of Zen meditation / Carl Bielefeldt
Dōgen's manuals of Zen meditation / Carl Bielefeldt
294.3443 Bst/Dyi : Deity yoga : in action and performance tantra / H.H. the Dalai Lama, Tsong-ka-pa, and Jeffrey Hopkins ; translated and edited by Jeffrey Hopkins ; associate editors for Tsong-ka-pa's text, Lati Rinbochay and Denma Locho Rinbochay ; assistant editor, Elizabeth Napper
Deity yoga : in action and performance tantra / H.H. the Dalai Lama, Tsong-ka-pa, and Jeffrey Hopkins ; translated and edited by Jeffrey Hopkins ; associate editors for Tsong-ka-pa's text, Lati Rinboch
294.3443 Buc : The twilight language : explorations in Buddhist meditation and symbolism / R.S. Buckness and Martin Stuart-Fox
The twilight language : explorations in Buddhist meditation and symbolism / R.S. Buckness and Martin Stuart-Fox
294.3443 Gol : The experience of insight : a simple and direct guide to Buddhist meditation / Joseph Goldstein ; introduction by Ram Dass ; preface by Robert Hall
The experience of insight : a simple and direct guide to Buddhist meditation / Joseph Goldstein ; introduction by Ram Dass ; preface by Robert Hall
294.3443 Gol/Sth : Seeking the heart of wisdom : the path of insight meditation / Joseph Goldstein & Jack Kornfield ; [forewords by the Dalai Lama & Robert K. Hall]
Seeking the heart of wisdom : the path of insight meditation / Joseph Goldstein & Jack Kornfield ; [forewords by the Dalai Lama & Robert K. Hall]
294.3443 Gov : Creative meditation and multi-dimensional consciousness / by Lama Anagarika Govinda
Creative meditation and multi-dimensional consciousness / by Lama Anagarika Govinda
294.3443 Gue/Mdp : Meditation differently, phenomenological-psychological aspects of Tibetan Buddhist (Mahāmudrā and Snying-thig) practices from original Tibetan sources / Herbert Guenther
Meditation differently, phenomenological-psychological aspects of Tibetan Buddhist (Mahāmudrā and Snying-thig) practices from original Tibetan sources / Herbert Guenther
294.3443 Gya/Cad : Cultivating a daily meditation : selections from a discourse on Buddhist view, meditation, and action / by Tenzin Gyatso, His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Cultivating a daily meditation : selections from a discourse on Buddhist view, meditation, and action / by Tenzin Gyatso, His Holiness the Dalai Lama
294.3443 Kam/Mtb : Meditation : the Buddhist way of tranquillity and insight / Kamalashila
Meditation : the Buddhist way of tranquillity and insight / Kamalashila
294.3443 Kel : Clear light of bliss : Mahamudra in Vajrayana Buddhism / Geshe Kelsang Gyatso ; translated by Tenzin Norbu ; edited by Jonathan Landaw with Chris Kolb
Clear light of bliss : Mahamudra in Vajrayana Buddhism / Geshe Kelsang Gyatso ; translated by Tenzin Norbu ; edited by Jonathan Landaw with Chris Kolb
294.3443 Kha : Calm and insight : a Buddhist manual for meditators / Bhikkhu Khantipalo
Calm and insight : a Buddhist manual for meditators / Bhikkhu Khantipalo
294.3443 Kin : Theravāda meditation : the Buddhist transformation of yoga / Winston L. King
Theravāda meditation : the Buddhist transformation of yoga / Winston L. King
294.3443 Mac/Wbw : Why Buddhism? : Westerners in search of wisdom / Vicki Mackenzie
Why Buddhism? : Westerners in search of wisdom / Vicki Mackenzie
294.3443 Mah : Mahāyāna Buddhist meditation : theory and practice / edited by Minoru Kiyota, assisted by Elvin W. Jones
Mahāyāna Buddhist meditation : theory and practice / edited by Minoru Kiyota, assisted by Elvin W. Jones
294.3443 Med : Meditative states in Tibetan Buddhism : the concentrations and formless absorptions / edited and annotated by Leah Zahler
Meditative states in Tibetan Buddhism : the concentrations and formless absorptions / edited and annotated by Leah Zahler
294.3443 Nha/Pmw : Present moment, wonderful moment : mindfulness verses for daily living / Thich Nhat Hanh ; drawings by Mayumi Oda ; [translated from the Vietnamese by Annabel Laity]
Present moment, wonderful moment : mindfulness verses for daily living / Thich Nhat Hanh ; drawings by Mayumi Oda ; [translated from the Vietnamese by Annabel Laity]
294.3443 Pan/Bdf : Buddha Dharma for you = Phuttham samlap thān - yō̜t muk Lāo / Ajarn Chanhphy Panyano Manivong
Buddha Dharma for you = Phuttham samlap thān - yō̜t muk Lāo / Ajarn Chanhphy Panyano Manivong
294.3443 Pan/Imv : Vipatsanā thāng sāiklāng phūm 6 / Phra ʻĀčhān Čhanphī Panyānō Manīvong = Wipatsanā thāng sāiklāng phūm 6 / Phra ʻĀčhan Čhanphī Panyānō Manīwong = Insight meditation vipassana - the middle way meditation of the six states of consciousness (Bhumi 6) / by Ajarn Chanhphy Panyano Manivong
294.3443 Par/Cym : Change your mind : an practical guide to Buddhist meditation / Paramananda
Change your mind : an practical guide to Buddhist meditation / Paramananda
294.3443 Seu/wwi : The whole world is a single flower : 365 kong-ans for everyday life, with questions and commentary / by Seung Sahn,and a foreword by Stephen Mitchell ; edited by Jane McLaughlin and Paul Muenzen
The whole world is a single flower : 365 kong-ans for everyday life, with questions and commentary / by Seung Sahn,and a foreword by Stephen Mitchell ; edited by Jane McLaughlin and Paul Muenzen
294.3443 Spa/Dcm : Dzog-chen meditation : Rdor sems thugs kyi sgrub paʼi khrid yig rab gsal snang ba / explained in Tibetan by Khamtul Rinpoche ; presented in English and briefly annotated by Gareth Sparham
Dzog-chen meditation : Rdor sems thugs kyi sgrub paʼi khrid yig rab gsal snang ba / explained in Tibetan by Khamtul Rinpoche ; presented in English and briefly annotated by Gareth Sparham
294.3443 Thu/Tpo : The tantric path of purification : the yoga method of Heruka Vajrasattva : including complete retreat instructions / Lama Thubten Yeshe ; foreword by Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche ; compiled, edited, and annotated by Nicholas Ribush
The tantric path of purification : the yoga method of Heruka Vajrasattva : including complete retreat instructions / Lama Thubten Yeshe ; foreword by Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche ; compiled, edited, and
294.3443 Tso : The yoga of Tibet : the great exposition of secret Mantra 2 and 3 / Tsong-ka-pa ; translated and edited by Jeffrey Hopkins ; associate editors for Tsong-ka-pa's text, Lati Rinbochay and Denma Lochö Rinbochay ; assistant editor, Elizabeth Napper ; introduced by His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso, the fourteenth Dalai Lama
The yoga of Tibet : the great exposition of secret Mantra 2 and 3 / Tsong-ka-pa ; translated and edited by Jeffrey Hopkins ; associate editors for Tsong-ka-pa's text, Lati Rinbochay and Denma Loch
294.3443 Vet/Iam : The ideas and meditative practices of early Buddhism / by Tilmann Vetter
The ideas and meditative practices of early Buddhism / by Tilmann Vetter