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266.41 Lan/Wio : The world is our field : a missionary survey / by F.J. Lankenau     
      The world is our field : a missionary survey / by F.J. Lankenau W'PONDS  Book 1928
266.41 Sch/Sfl : Send forth labourers     
      Send forth labourers WATERFT ADPML  Book 1954
266.41 Sch/Vof : Venture of faith : an epic in Australian missionary history / by P.A. Scherer     
      Venture of faith : an epic in Australian missionary history / by P.A. Scherer W'PONDS  Book 1964
266.41092 Albrec Hen/Som : A straight-out man : F.W. Albrecht and Central Australian Aborigines / Barbara Henson     
      A straight-out man : F.W. Albrecht and Central Australian Aborigines / Barbara Henson W'BOOL  Book 1994
266.4109429 Sch/Hch : The Hermannsburg chronicle, 1877-1933 / translated and edited by P.A. Scherer     
      The Hermannsburg chronicle, 1877-1933 / translated and edited by P.A. Scherer WATERFT ADPML  Book 1995
266.410953 Fli/Fyi [1931] : Forty-five years in New Guinea : memoirs of the senior missionary Rev. John Flierl, D.D. / translated by M. Wiederaenders     
      Forty-five years in New Guinea : memoirs of the senior missionary Rev. John Flierl, D.D. / translated by M. Wiederaenders WATERFT ADPML  Book 1931
266.4109942 Pro/Shf : A scattered homeless flock : mission among the Dieri / [E.H. Proeve]     
      A scattered homeless flock : mission among the Dieri / [E.H. Proeve] WATERFT ADPML  Book 1945
266.41099423 Wie/Kjb : Koonibba Jubilee booklet 1901-1926 / [A.C. Wiebusch]     
      Koonibba Jubilee booklet 1901-1926 / [A.C. Wiebusch] WATERFT ADPML  Book 1926
266.4109953 Jer/Sah : Seedtime and harvest in New Guinea / by E.A. Jericho     
      Seedtime and harvest in New Guinea / by E.A. Jericho WATERFT ADPML  Book 1961
266.4109953 Maa/Oew : Our eyes were opened / Arnold M. Maahs     
      Our eyes were opened / Arnold M. Maahs WATERFT ADPML  Book 1946
266.4109953 Sch/Pim : Personal impressions / by A. Schubert     
      Personal impressions / by A. Schubert WATERFT ADPML  Book 1950?
266.419291 Alb/Jba : The journey broken at Horseshoe Bend : an examination of the events surrounding Carl Strehlow's death from the documents / Paul G.E. Albrecht     
      The journey broken at Horseshoe Bend : an examination of the events surrounding Carl Strehlow's death from the documents / Paul G.E. Albrecht W'PONDS  Book 2006
266.419420924 Sch : I'd rather dig potatoes : Clamor Schurmann and the aborigines of South Australia 1838-1853 / Edwin A. Schurmann     
      I'd rather dig potatoes : Clamor Schurmann and the aborigines of South Australia 1838-1853 / Edwin A. Schurmann W'PONDS  Book 1987
266.419423 Har/Skj : Second Koonibba jubilee booklet, 1901-1951 / joint editors: E. Harms and C. Hoff     
      Second Koonibba jubilee booklet, 1901-1951 / joint editors: E. Harms and C. Hoff WATERFT ADPML  Book 1951?
266.4194237 Ste/Wmd : White man's dreaming : Killalpaninna Mission 1866-1915 / Christine Stevens     
      White man's dreaming : Killalpaninna Mission 1866-1915 / Christine Stevens W'PONDS  Book 1994
266.4194291 Her : Hermannsburg : a vision and a mission / contributing authors: M. Lohe, F.W. Albrecht and L.H. Leske ; edited by Everard Leske     
      Hermannsburg : a vision and a mission / contributing authors: M. Lohe, F.W. Albrecht and L.H. Leske ; edited by Everard Leske W'PONDS  Book 1977
266.4194291 Str : Journey to Horseshoe Bend / T.G.H. Strehlow     
      Journey to Horseshoe Bend / T.G.H. Strehlow W'PONDS  Book 1978
266.4194291 Str/Jth : Journey to Horseshoe Bend / T.G.H. Strehlow     
      Journey to Horseshoe Bend / T.G.H. Strehlow WATERFT ADPML  Book 1969
266.41953 Fli/Cin : Christ in New Guinea : former cannibals become evangelists by the marvellous grace of God :a short history of mission work done by the native helpers and teachers in the Lutheran Mission, New Guinea / by Joh. Flierl     
      Christ in New Guinea : former cannibals become evangelists by the marvellous grace of God :a short history of mission work done by the native helpers and teachers in the Lutheran Mission, New Guinea / WATERFT ADPML  Book 1932
266.41953 Fli/Eoa : E-Emasang, or, A marvellous movement of sanctification in our Lutheran Mission-Church, New Guinea : a convincing evidence that lowly natives may become sincere Christians and our example / by Joh. Flierl     
      E-Emasang, or, A marvellous movement of sanctification in our Lutheran Mission-Church, New Guinea : a convincing evidence that lowly natives may become sincere Christians and our example / by Joh. Flie WATERFT ADPML  Book 1939?
266.469458 Fel/Hot    
      A history of the Ebenezer Mission / M.H. Fels W'PONDS, WATERFT ADPML   Book 1998
      A history of the Ebenezer Mission / M.H. Fels W'PONDS, WATERFT ADPML   Book 1998
266.469458 Rob/Bsp : The bell sounds pleasantly : Ebenezer Mission Station / Susan Robertson     
      The bell sounds pleasantly : Ebenezer Mission Station / Susan Robertson WATERFT ADPML  Book 1992
266.5 Fra/Mvf : Midst volcanic fires : an account of missionary tours among the volcanic islands of the New Hebrides / by Maurice Frater     
      Midst volcanic fires : an account of missionary tours among the volcanic islands of the New Hebrides / by Maurice Frater WATERFT ADPML  Book 1922
266.5 Lov/Ern : Ernabella     
      Ernabella WATERFT ADPML  Book 1937
266.5 Pat/Fpo : Fred Paton of Malekula : the story of Rev. F.J. Paton, of Malekula, New Hebrides / by W.F. Paton     
      Fred Paton of Malekula : the story of Rev. F.J. Paton, of Malekula, New Hebrides / by W.F. Paton WATERFT ADPML  Book 1945
266.5 Pre/Hft : Handbook for the information of missionaries and candidates : issued by Foreign Missions Committee of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria     
      Handbook for the information of missionaries and candidates : issued by Foreign Missions Committee of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria WATERFT ADPML  Book 1912
266.5 Pre/Rts      
      The record : the sabbath school and missionary magazine of the Presbyterian Church of Australia WATERFT ADPML  Journal 1964
266.50924 Flynn Mcp/Jfa : John Flynn : apostle to the inland / W. Scott McPheat     
      John Flynn : apostle to the inland / W. Scott McPheat W'PONDS  Book 1963
266.50934 Rob/Etm : Erromanga, the martyr isle / by H.A. Robertson ; edited by John Fraser     
      Erromanga, the martyr isle / by H.A. Robertson ; edited by John Fraser WATERFT ADPML  Book 1902
266.50951 Gib/Mpa 1902 : Mission problems and mission methods in South China : lectures on evangelistic theology     
      Mission problems and mission methods in South China : lectures on evangelistic theology WATERFT ADPML  Book 1902
266.509934 Rob : Erromanga, the martyr isle / by the Rev. H.A. Robertson ... edited by John Fraser ... .     
      Erromanga, the martyr isle / by the Rev. H.A. Robertson ... edited by John Fraser ... . WATERFT ADPML  Book 1903
266.5099595 New/Aro      
      Annual report of the voyages of the mission ship "Dayspring" among the New Hebrides and Loyalty Islands WATERFT ADPML  Journal 1864-
266.5151136 Kes/Jms : The Jiangyin Mission Station : an american missionary community in China, 1895-1951 / by Lawrence D. Kessler     
      The Jiangyin Mission Station : an american missionary community in China, 1895-1951 / by Lawrence D. Kessler W'PONDS  Book 1996
266.5209941 Mck/Rtm : The road to Mowanjum / Maisie MacKenzie     
      The road to Mowanjum / Maisie MacKenzie MELB  Book 1969
266.5209942 Owe/Vde    
      A visitor's diary : Ernabella patrol 1943 / by the Rev. J. Eric Owen W'PONDS, WATERFT ADPML   Book 1943
      A visitor's diary : Ernabella patrol 1943 / by the Rev. J. Eric Owen W'PONDS, WATERFT ADPML   Book 1943
266.52099595 Pat/Las 1894    
      Letters and sketches from the New Hebrides / by Maggie Whitecross Paton WATERFT ADPML  Book 1894
      Letters and sketches from the New Hebrides / by Maggie Whitecross Paton ; edited by Jas. Paton WATERFT ADPML  Book 1894
266.52934 Mic/Jgp : John Gibson Paton, D.D. : the missionary hero of the New Hebrides / by Charles D. Michael     
      John Gibson Paton, D.D. : the missionary hero of the New Hebrides / by Charles D. Michael WATERFT ADPML  Book 1911
266.52934 Mil    
      Live : a history of church planting in the New Hebrides, to 1880 / J. Graham Miller W'PONDS  Book 1990
      Live : a history of church planting in the New Hebrides, to 1880 / J. Graham Miller W'PONDS  Book 1990
      Live : a history of church planting in the New Hebrides, to 1880 / J. Graham Miller W'PONDS  Book 1990
      Live : a history of church planting in the New Hebrides, to 1880 / J. Graham Miller W'PONDS  Book 1990
2 additional entries    
266.5294 Bon/Bff : Beyond the furthest fences : for Christ and the continent : the Inland Mission of the Presbyterian Church of Australia / by Stuart Bonnington ; edited and prepared for publication by Lillian Kennedy and Joan Pigram     
      Beyond the furthest fences : for Christ and the continent : the Inland Mission of the Presbyterian Church of Australia / by Stuart Bonnington ; edited and prepared for publication by Lillian Kennedy an W'PONDS  Book 2001
266.5294 Gra : Camel train & aeroplane : the story of Skipper Partridge / Arch Grant     
      Camel train & aeroplane : the story of Skipper Partridge / Arch Grant W'PONDS  Book 1981
266.5294 Gra/Dan : Days and nights in the bush / by William Gray     
      Days and nights in the bush / by William Gray WATERFT ADPML  Book 1935
266.5294 Gri/Ait : Angels in the outback : the Australian Inland Mission : a century of service to the outback / Max Griffiths     
      Angels in the outback : the Australian Inland Mission : a century of service to the outback / Max Griffiths MELB  Book 2012
266.5294 Gri/Hhe : The hungry heart / Max Griffiths     
      The hungry heart / Max Griffiths W'PONDS  Book 1992
266.5294 Hey/Bho : A brief history of the Presbyterian Church's mission enterprise among the Australian Aborigines / by J.N. Hey     
      A brief history of the Presbyterian Church's mission enterprise among the Australian Aborigines / by J.N. Hey WATERFT ADPML  Book 1931
266.5294 Mca/Isa : The inland saga : a sketch of the Australian Inland Mission through 60 years / Harry McAndrew     
      The inland saga : a sketch of the Australian Inland Mission through 60 years / Harry McAndrew WATERFT ADPML  Book 1972
266.5294 Pre/Tms : Two million square miles / Australian Inland Mission     
      Two million square miles / Australian Inland Mission WATERFT ADPML  Book 1969?
266.5294092 Flynn Rud/Jfo : John Flynn ; of flying doctors and frontier faith / Ivan Rudolph     
      John Flynn ; of flying doctors and frontier faith / Ivan Rudolph W'PONDS  Book 1996
266.52943 For : End of a beginning / Margaret Ford ; with a foreword by Fred Mckay     
      End of a beginning / Margaret Ford ; with a foreword by Fred Mckay W'PONDS  Book 1963
266.5519 Tay/Pom : Presbyteries of Mortlake and Western Plains : Korean mission report / W.M. Taylor and Mrs. Taylor     
      Presbyteries of Mortlake and Western Plains : Korean mission report / W.M. Taylor and Mrs. Taylor W'BOOL  Book 1924
266.58 Gil : Gems from the Coral Islands, or, Incidents of contrast between savage and Christian life of the South Sea islanders / by William Gill     
      Gems from the Coral Islands, or, Incidents of contrast between savage and Christian life of the South Sea islanders / by William Gill WATERFT ADPML  Book 1856
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