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234 Fle : The idea of perfection in Christian theology : an historical study of the Christian ideal for the present life / by R. Newton Flew     
      The idea of perfection in Christian theology : an historical study of the Christian ideal for the present life / by R. Newton Flew W'PONDS  Book 1968
234 Gal/Cch : The cosmic Christ     
      The cosmic Christ W'PONDS  Book 1951
234 Gil/Qof : A question of final belief : John Hick's pluralistic theory of salvation / Chester Gillis     
      A question of final belief : John Hick's pluralistic theory of salvation / Chester Gillis W'PONDS  Book 1989
234 Has/Fsa : "Full salvation" as seen in Bunyan's Pilgrim's progress / by W. Haslam     
      "Full salvation" as seen in Bunyan's Pilgrim's progress / by W. Haslam WATERFT ADPML  Book 1884
234 Law/Sti : Bible. New Testament. English. Authorized.     
      The salvation testament : indexed and marked by the best methods of Bible marking on all subjects connected with the theme of salvation / marked by J.G. Lawson W'PONDS  Book 1999?
234 Rei/Sas : Sin and salvation / edited by Duncan Reid and Mark Worthing     
      Sin and salvation / edited by Duncan Reid and Mark Worthing W'PONDS  Book 2003
234 Sac : Sacrifice / edited by M.F.C. Bourdillon, Meyer Fortes     
      Sacrifice / edited by M.F.C. Bourdillon, Meyer Fortes W'PONDS  Book 1980
234 Wal/Pot : Philosophy of the plan of salvation : a book for the times / by James B. Walker     
      Philosophy of the plan of salvation : a book for the times / by James B. Walker W'PONDS  Book 1885
234 Wat : Paul, Judaism, and the gentiles : a sociological approach / Francis Watson     
      Paul, Judaism, and the gentiles : a sociological approach / Francis Watson W'PONDS  Book 1986
234 Yan/Wsa : What's so amazing about grace? / Philip Yancey     
      What's so amazing about grace? / Philip Yancey W'PONDS  Book 2000
234.1 Bur/Cgr : A Child's grace / photographs by Harold Burdekin ; preface & verses by Ernest Claxton     
      A Child's grace / photographs by Harold Burdekin ; preface & verses by Ernest Claxton WATERFT ADPML  Book 1947
234.13 Cha/Coa : Chronicles of a spiritual traveller / Stephen Chainey     
      Chronicles of a spiritual traveller / Stephen Chainey W'PONDS  Book 2001
234.13 Cso/Ssa : The sacred self : a cultural phenomenology of charismatic healing / Thomas J. Csordas     
      The sacred self : a cultural phenomenology of charismatic healing / Thomas J. Csordas W'PONDS  Book 1994
234.13 Low/Oth : Opening the heart of compassion : transform suffering through Buddhist psychology and practice / by Martin Lowenthal and Lar Short ; illustrated by Eli Goodwin     
      Opening the heart of compassion : transform suffering through Buddhist psychology and practice / by Martin Lowenthal and Lar Short ; illustrated by Eli Goodwin W'PONDS  Book 1993
234.13 Mon/Sah : The Spirit and his gifts : the Biblical background of Spirit-baptism, tongue-speaking, and prophecy / by George T. Montague     
      The Spirit and his gifts : the Biblical background of Spirit-baptism, tongue-speaking, and prophecy / by George T. Montague W'PONDS  Book 1974
234.13 Scr/Bot : The baptism of the spirit : what is it? ; Speaking with tongues : what saith the scriptures? / W. Graham Scroggie     
      The baptism of the spirit : what is it? ; Speaking with tongues : what saith the scriptures? / W. Graham Scroggie W'PONDS  Book 1956?
234.13 Smi/Cdi : Charismatic distinctives in the light of Scripture : Biblical perspectives on baptism in the Holy Spirit and extra-Biblical revelation, or is Scripture sufficient? / by Ken Smith     
      Charismatic distinctives in the light of Scripture : Biblical perspectives on baptism in the Holy Spirit and extra-Biblical revelation, or is Scripture sufficient? / by Ken Smith W'PONDS  Book 2002
234.13 Woo/Ist : Ideal suggestion through mental photography : a restorative system for home and private use : preceded by a study of the laws of mental healing / by Henry Wood     
      Ideal suggestion through mental photography : a restorative system for home and private use : preceded by a study of the laws of mental healing / by Henry Wood WATERFT ADPML  Book 1899
234.131 Dix/Egp : Encountering God : practical theology and the mission to heal / edited by Robert Dixon & Mary Eastham     
      Encountering God : practical theology and the mission to heal / edited by Robert Dixon & Mary Eastham MELB  Book 2023
234.131 Gri/Sha : Self-healing : a practical way of life / by Elsie H. Griffith     
      Self-healing : a practical way of life / by Elsie H. Griffith WATERFT ADPML  Book 1947
234.131 Wat/Fhe : Faith healing / by John Watsford     
      Faith healing / by John Watsford WATERFT ADPML  Book 1900
234.1310992 Lin/Hgi : The healing gift / by Eleanor Penman Lindsay ; with a preface by Keith Rayner and an introduction by Geoff Cheong ; edited by Harris Smart     
      The healing gift / by Eleanor Penman Lindsay ; with a preface by Keith Rayner and an introduction by Geoff Cheong ; edited by Harris Smart W'PONDS  Book 1997
234.132 Kel/Tsa : Tongue speaking : an experiment in spiritual experience / Morton T. Kelsey ; foreword by Upton Sinclair     
      Tongue speaking : an experiment in spiritual experience / Morton T. Kelsey ; foreword by Upton Sinclair W'PONDS  Book 1964
234.16 Bap : Baptism, eucharist and ministry / [Commission on Faith and Order]     
      Baptism, eucharist and ministry / [Commission on Faith and Order] W'PONDS  Book 1982
234.16 Coo/Csa : Christian sacraments and Christian personality / Bernard J. Cooke     
      Christian sacraments and Christian personality / Bernard J. Cooke W'PONDS  Book 1965
234.16 Mar : Doors to the sacred : a historical introduction to sacraments in the Catholic Church / Joseph Martos     
      Doors to the sacred : a historical introduction to sacraments in the Catholic Church / Joseph Martos W'PONDS  Book 1982
234.16 Mot/Cot 1934 : The manual of the confraternity of the blessed sacrament of the body and blood of Christ with the objects and rules and the laws as revised in 1934     
      The manual of the confraternity of the blessed sacrament of the body and blood of Christ with the objects and rules and the laws as revised in 1934 WATERFT ADPML  Book 1934
234.16 Wyl : Christian ordinances : their meaning and purpose / J.B. Wylie     
      Christian ordinances : their meaning and purpose / J.B. Wylie WATERFT ADPML  Book 1907
234.163 Bar/Tim : This is my body: a call to Eucharistic revival / Bishop Robert Barron     
      This is my body: a call to Eucharistic revival / Bishop Robert Barron MELB  Book 2023
234.163 Bur/Rtb : Respecting the body and blood of the Lord : when Holy Communion should be denied / Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke with commentary by Thomas McKenna     
      Respecting the body and blood of the Lord : when Holy Communion should be denied / Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke with commentary by Thomas McKenna MELB  Book 2023
234.163 Cer/Pla [1928?] : Papal Legate's address / Cardinal Cerretti. Address of welcome / Archbishop Kelly     
      Papal Legate's address / Cardinal Cerretti. Address of welcome / Archbishop Kelly WATERFT ADPML  Spoken recording 1928?
234.163 Fee/Ltt : The Lord's table : the meaning of food in early Judaism and Christianity / Gillian Feeley-Harnik     
      The Lord's table : the meaning of food in early Judaism and Christianity / Gillian Feeley-Harnik W'PONDS  Book 1994
234.163 Kel/Efa : The Eucharist : faith and worship / Gerard Kelly, Richard Lennan, Gerard Moore, Neil Ormerod ; ed. Margaret Press     
      The Eucharist : faith and worship / Gerard Kelly, Richard Lennan, Gerard Moore, Neil Ormerod ; ed. Margaret Press W'PONDS  Book 2001
234.163 Olo/Edw : The Eucharist : doing what Jesus did / Frank T. O'Loughlin     
      The Eucharist : doing what Jesus did / Frank T. O'Loughlin W'PONDS  Book 1997
234.163 Pit/Edt    
      Eucharist : discovering the Mass in the Old and New Testaments / an Augustine Institute production, by Dr. Brant Pitre ; produced and directed by Justin Leddick WATERFT  DVD video 2015
      Eucharist : discovering the Mass in the Old and New Testaments / an Augustine Institute production, by Dr. Brant Pitre ; produced and directed by Justin Leddick WATERFT  DVD video 2015
      Eucharist : discovering the Mass in the Old and New Testaments / an Augustine Institute production, by Dr. Brant Pitre ; produced and directed by Justin Leddick WATERFT  DVD video 2015
      Eucharist : discovering the Mass in the Old and New Testaments / an Augustine Institute production, by Dr. Brant Pitre ; produced and directed by Justin Leddick WATERFT  DVD video 2015
      Eucharist : discovering the Mass in the Old and New Testaments / an Augustine Institute production, by Dr. Brant Pitre ; produced and directed by Justin Leddick WATERFT  DVD video 2015
234.163 Sul/Wob : Way of beauty : rekindling Eucharistic amazement through visio divina / Jem Sullivan, Ph.D     
      Way of beauty : rekindling Eucharistic amazement through visio divina / Jem Sullivan, Ph.D MELB  Book 2023
234.16309 Spi/Dti : Do this in remembrance of me : the Eucharist from the early church to the present day / Bryan D. Spinks     
      Do this in remembrance of me : the Eucharist from the early church to the present day / Bryan D. Spinks W'PONDS  Book 2013
234.165 Bin/Pmm : The profound mystery : marriage love, divine and human / Geoffrey C. Bingham     
      The profound mystery : marriage love, divine and human / Geoffrey C. Bingham W'PONDS  Book 1995
234.166 Den/Dte : Dens' theology : extracts from Peter Dens, on the nature of confession, and the obligation of the seal     
      Dens' theology : extracts from Peter Dens, on the nature of confession, and the obligation of the seal WATERFT ADPML  Book 1839?
234.166 Jor/Rwa : Reconciling women : a feminist perspective on the confession of sin in Roman Catholic tradition / Elizabeth Jordan     
      Reconciling women : a feminist perspective on the confession of sin in Roman Catholic tradition / Elizabeth Jordan W'PONDS  Book 2000
234.2 Ddo/Ktl : Dies Domini, on keeping the Lord's Day holy : Ad Tuendam Fidem, on protecting the faith / [John Paul II]     
      Dies Domini, on keeping the Lord's Day holy : Ad Tuendam Fidem, on protecting the faith / [John Paul II] W'PONDS  Book 1998
234.2 Hin/Fte : Faith : the essence of true religion / Gordon B. Hinckley     
      Faith : the essence of true religion / Gordon B. Hinckley W'PONDS  Book 1989
234.2 Kel/Tot : Touching on the infinite : explorations in Christian hope / Tony Kelly     
      Touching on the infinite : explorations in Christian hope / Tony Kelly W'PONDS  Book 1991
234.2 Lyn    
      Images of faith : an exploration of the ironic imagination / William F. Lynch W'PONDS  Book 1973
      Images of hope : imagination as healer of the hopeless / William F. Lynch W'PONDS  Book 1974
234.2 Pen : Problems of religious knowledge / Terence Penelhum     
      Problems of religious knowledge / Terence Penelhum W'PONDS  Book 1971
234.2 Seg : Faith and ideologies / Juan Luis Segundo ; translated by John Drury     
      Faith and ideologies / Juan Luis Segundo ; translated by John Drury W'PONDS  Book 1984
234.2 She : The nature and function of faith in the theology of John Calvin / by Victor A. Shepherd     
      The nature and function of faith in the theology of John Calvin / by Victor A. Shepherd W'PONDS  Book 1983
234.2 Smi/Fab : Faith and belief / Wilfred Cantwell Smith     
      Faith and belief / Wilfred Cantwell Smith MELB  Book 1979
234.2 Sur : Faith, its nature and meaning : papers of the Maynooth Union Summer School, 1970 / edited by Paul Surlis     
      Faith, its nature and meaning : papers of the Maynooth Union Summer School, 1970 / edited by Paul Surlis W'PONDS  Book 1972
234.2 Tra/Nts : Nurturing the spirit : faith education within Australian Catholicism / Michael Trainor ; foreword by Thomas H. Groome     
      Nurturing the spirit : faith education within Australian Catholicism / Michael Trainor ; foreword by Thomas H. Groome W'PONDS  Book 1991
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