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Book Cover
Author Watts, Catherine.

Title Jumpstart! French and German : engaging activities for ages 7-12 / Catherine Watts, Hilary Phillips
Published Hoboken : Taylor and Francis, 2014


Description 1 online resource (232 pages)
Series Jumpstart!
Contents Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Dedication; Table of Contents; Vocabulary Topics; List of Figures; Acknowledgements; Introduction; 1 Setting the Scene; Adding Language to Existing Classroom Routines; How to Turn your School into a Bilingual Area; Language Work Displays; Cultural Interest Displays; Using Other People around You; Playground Clapping Games; Exploring the School Grounds; Yourself; 2 Using Flashcards; Flashcard Games; Memory Games; More Complicated Games; 3 Quick Starts; Standing Up Games; Sitting Down Games; 4 On Your Feet; Moving around the Room Games
Beginners' GamesNumber Games; More Simple Counting Games; Team Games; Thinking Games; Grammar Games; 5 Being Creative; Make an Aquarium; Making a Mobile; Using Stick Drawings; Rubber Glove People; Language Quizzes; You Are What You Wear!; Bon appétit! Guten Appetit!; Make a Wall Frieze; Word Games; Word Spinners; Bingo or Lotto; Word Wheels; Word Searches; Chinese Whispers; Word Fans; What Are You?; 6 Using Songs; Authentic Songs; Purpose-made Commercial CDs; Home-made Songs; Themed Songs; Action Rhymes; 7 Exploring Stories; Choosing a Text; Introducing the Story; Phonics; Recommendations
Moving OnSuitable Texts; Telling Stories; Further Ideas and Games to use with a Text; Reading Poems; Key Word Identification; Cultural Information; Dealing with Non-fiction Texts; 8 Showing the World; Survey your School Community; Involving Parents; Taking Home a Language Story; Mini-events; Assemblies; 9 Starting to Write; Labels and Captions; Making Lists; Designing Menus; Favourite Likes and Dislikes; My Shopping; Who Am I?; Speech Bubbles; Mini-diary; More Complex Writing: Simile Descriptions; Communicating; Simple Poems; In the Magic Mirror; Simple Stories; 10 At the End of the Day
Quick GamesThe Memory Tray; Hangman; Traffic Lights; Weather Mime Game; Simon Says ... ; Animal Charades; Tongue Twisters; Finger Rhymes; Mystery Object; The Box of Surprises; Language Whispers; Guess the Word; Unscramble the Word; Jumbled Words; Pass the Object; Closing the Class and Saying Goodbye; A Farewell Song; Appendix 1: French and German Alphabets; Appendix 2: Useful Classroom Language; Appendix 3: Praise, Encouragement and Being Polite; Bibliography
Summary Jumpstart! French and German presents a collection of simple to use, multi-sensory games and activities that will jumpstart students' understanding of modern languages in action. If you are one of the thousands of teachers looking for a range of practical and fun ideas to teach languages engagingly, then this is the perfect book for you. The book opens with a range of innovative ideas to help you set the scene in your language classroom. These are followed by a feast of short and simple activities designed to help you make quick starts with your students and hold their atten
Notes Print version record
Subject Language and languages -- Study and teaching (Secondary)
French language -- Study and teaching (Secondary)
German language -- Study and teaching (Secondary)
Interdisciplinary approach in education.
EDUCATION -- Elementary.
French language -- Study and teaching (Secondary)
German language -- Study and teaching (Secondary)
Interdisciplinary approach in education
Language and languages -- Study and teaching (Secondary)
Form Electronic book
Author Phillips, Hilary.
ISBN 9781317805670