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Title The Palgrave handbook of Romani language and linguistics / Yaron Matras, Anton Tenser, editors
Published Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2020


Description 1 online resource (599 pages)
Contents Intro -- Contents -- Notes on Contributors -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- 1 Introduction -- References -- Part I History -- 2 The Historical Origins of Romani -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 Ethnonymy -- 2.3 Proto-Romani -- 2.4 The Classification of Romani Within Indo-Aryan -- 2.4.1 Romani and Central Indo-Aryan -- 2.4.2 Romani and Northwestern Indo-Aryan -- 2.4.3 Departure -- 2.5 An Outline of the Indo-Aryan Legacy -- 2.5.1 Phonology -- 2.5.2 Nominal Morphosyntax -- 2.5.3 Pronominal Forms -- 2.5.4 Verbal Morphosyntax -- 2.6 Conclusion -- References
3 Historical Sources on the Romani Language -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 The First Romani Language Samples -- 3.2.1 Johannes ex Grafing -- 3.2.2 Borde -- 3.2.3 Johan van Ewsum -- 3.2.4 Vulcanius -- 3.2.5 The Oldest Documents: An Assessment -- 3.3 Romani on Stage: The Aucto del Finamiento de Jacob and the Signorina Zingaretta -- 3.3.1 Aucto del Finamiento de Jacob -- 3.3.2 Signorina Zingaretta -- 3.4 The 'Winchester Confessions' (1616) and the Possible Emergence of Anglo-Romani -- 3.5 Other Seventeenth-Century Documents -- 3.5.1 Evliya Çelebi's 'Book of Travels'
3.5.2 Ludolf's Commentary to His 'History of Ethiopia' (1691) -- 3.6 The First Half of the Eighteenth Century -- 3.6.1 'Bocskor Kódex' -- 3.6.2 The Waldheim Report -- 3.6.3 Björckman's Dissertation on Gypsies (1730) -- 3.6.4 Monsieur La Croze, Collectio Vocum e Lingua Cinganorum (1741) -- 3.7 The Second Half of the Eighteenth Century: Vocabularies -- 3.7.1 Beytrag zur Rottwellischen (1755) -- 3.7.2 Iberian Romani ca. 1750: Sentmenat's and López de Oliver's Vocabularies -- 3.7.3 Finnish Romani: Ganander (1780) -- 3.8 The Second Half of the Eighteenth Century: The Comparative Study of Romani
3.8.1 The Beginning of the 'Indian Approach' -- 3.8.2 Johann Christian Christoph Rüdiger -- 3.8.3 The British Branch of the Indian Approach: William Marsden and Jacob Bryant -- 3.9 After Rüdiger -- References -- Part II Structure -- 4 Romani Lexicon -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 The Romani Lexicon and Understanding Its Coherence -- 4.2.1 Romani Lexicography: A Short Overview -- 4.2.2 The Romani Lexicon as an Archive -- 4.3 Lexical Layers Shared by All Romani Varieties -- 4.3.1 The Indo-Aryan Layer -- 4.3.2 The Iranian Layer -- 4.3.3 The Armenian Layer
4.4 Between Common Legacy and Dialect-Specific Innovation: The Greek Layer -- 4.5 Additional Lexical Layers in Romani: A Case Study -- 4.6 Internal Strategies of New Lexicon Production -- 4.7 Cultural and Structural Dimensions of the Romani Lexicon -- 4.8 The Romani Lexicon from the Dialect Perspective: Lexical Isoglosses -- 4.9 Research on the Romani Lexicon: Some Desiderata and Future Perspectives -- References -- 5 Romani Phonology -- 5.1 Introduction -- 5.2 The Sound System -- 5.2.1 Vowels -- 5.2.2 Additional Vowels -- 5.2.3 Consonants -- 5.2.4 Additional Consonants
Summary Romani is the first language, and family and community language, of upwards of 3-4 million people and possibly many more in Europe, the Americas, and Australia. Documentation and research on the language draws on a tradition of more than two centuries, yet it remains relatively unknown and often engulfed by myths. In recent decades there has been an upsurge of interest in the language including language maintenance and educational projects, the creation of digital resources, language policy initiatives, and a flourishing community of online users of the language. This Handbook presents state of the art research on Romani language and linguistics. Bringing together key established scholars in the field of linguistics and neighbouring disciplines, it introduces the reader to the structures of Romani and its dialect divisions, and to the history of research on the language. It then goes on to explore major external influences on the language through contact with other key languages, aspects of language acquisition, and interventions in support of the language through public policy provisions, activism, translation, religious and literary initiatives, and social media. This comprehensive and groundbreaking account of Romani will appeal to students and scholars from across language and linguistics
Notes 5.3 Processes Affecting Vowels
Includes indexes
Print version record
Subject Romani language.
Romani language
Romaní (Llengua)
Lingüística històrica.
Minories lingüístiques.
Política lingüística.
Genre/Form handbooks.
Handbooks and manuals.
Guides et manuels.
Llibres electrònics.
Form Electronic book
Author Matras, Yaron, 1963-
Tenser, Anton.
ISBN 9783030281052